Monday, April 6, 2009

My Ugly Pet

I have a pet. This pet demands my attention and sucks the energy right out of me; it pains my heart and causes me much shame and guilt as I constantly have to clean up after it. In spite of this, I sort of love this pet. It must be love considering the manner in which I treat it. I snuggle with it and feed it and hide it from exposure. When it is threatened with death I do just about everything in my power to keep it with me. I pray for it to die quietly with no pain so I do not have to make the decision to put it out of its misery. Sometimes I even hope we can go on living together always, avoiding the pain of giving up something I have grown comfortable with in spite of its irritation to me.
The name of this hideous, ugly, time consuming pet is…SIN. Sin certainly becomes a pet. Worry, overeating, gossip, discontentedness, resistance to authority, anger, criticalness, holding offences and a myriad of other things demand our time and energy each day. The Scriptures are clear that these things are against God’s plan for us and yet we hang on tight to them many times. We do so because it is comfortable. Let’s be totally honest. We would not be continuing in these patterns of unchecked sin if we did not get some feeling that we liked from them. Sometimes sin is fun, but in the end it pays poorly. Proverbs 14:12
If you are not certain what your personal ugly pet is – and I promise you that EVERYONE has at least one – call out to the Lord as David did in Psalm 139:23 and 24. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” The Lord will show you your sin because He wants you to be holy as He is holy. He wants you to live a life of freedom and peace. Without His holiness we cannot be effective in our witness to our families and the world around us.

Once we identify our not-so-cute Kujo, how do we go about killing it? God’s Word tells us that, “Those who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 We must first confess that we have these closely held critters and then we must turn from them. We have a choice and making the right choice has a wonderful outcome – mercy, freedom and righteous living. Romans 6:16 We do not need to be in bondage to our sin. If we belong to Christ His life giving Spirit has freed us from the power of sin! Romans 8:2 His Word promises that “…letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” Romans 8:6 So…go slay that snarling pet sin and live in freedom!



Father, please show me the ugly pet sins in my spiritual life. Give me the strength and determination I need to put them out of my heart and life. Thank You for the conviction of the Holy Spirit and Your patient love. Amen.



Ask a friend or your husband to help you identify ugly pet sins. Ask them to hold you accountable and then be open to their observations.


Jen Gorton 2007

1 comment:

G.L.H. said...

I was doing okay until you said, "ask a friend or your husband to identify your pet sins." Somehow we think that nobody else knows, but they DO. Kinda like this pet we seek to conceal has left cat hair on our sweater that we think doesn't show.

A great reminder.

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