Monday, April 26, 2010

Blessing Others

In First Kings 17 we read the story of the prophet of Elijah in a time of drought. Poor Elijah was exhausted,hungry,and terribly unappreciated by the rulers of the land. In the midst of famine, the Lord directed him to a woman who would supposedly give him food to eat and a place to stay. When Elijah arrived, the woman was gathering wood to build a fire over which she and her son were planning to cook their last meal. She told the prophet that she had only a little oil and flour left, certainly not enough to feed a guest and her small family. Elijah assured her that if she would just prepare what little she had all would be taken care of and she would not be in need. The little lady took him at his word (having more faith that I might have!)and got to work. Sure enough, the flour and oil did not run out and many, many more meals were prepared for Elijah and the family.

And then the woman's son died. She was distraught and cried out asking, "Why did this happen? Did you come to remind me of my sin and kill my son?" Elijah gathered the boy in his arms, laid him on a bed, and cried out to the Lord. And guess what? The boy took a deep breath and came back to life. The woman gave great credit to Elijah and his status as a man of God. I tend to think that it was not just Elijah's godliness and heartfelt prayer that contributed to this boy's life being restored. I believe that the woman's faithfulness to give regardless of her own circumstances played a role.

A generous man will prosper; he who refreshes others will himself be refreshed. Proverbs 11:25

Family friends recently experienced the return of blessings. They are living in a far away state surrounded by a new job, new friends, and a new church. When the mother underwent major surgery this past week, she was incredibly blessed by those new friends who reached out in big ways to care for her home and family. I know that one reason her family is being showered with love is in part due to the huge blessing they have been to so many others in their new state as well as back East.

Obviously, we are to bless others with no expectation of what we can get in return from them. There is, however, the promise of being refreshed when we refresh others. Sometimes that refreshing might come in real time, but it also could be something we must wait to receive in heaven. Either way, we have the promise! Look around and see if you are taking opportunities to bless others in whatever way possible, knowing that you will also receive the blessing of a heart like Jesus'.

Father, help me to see the needs of those around me and act upon them in whatever way I can. Thank you for the promise of refreshment, a heart filled with peace and joy, when I reach out and serve others in Your name. Amen.

There is always someone who simply needs a hug or a note in the mail. Besides the obvious meal making for those recovering from surgery or birth, you could look for unexpected ways to minister to others. Leaving the quarter in the cart at Aldi's, letting the guy behind you take the closest parking spot, or picking up the garbage someone else threw on the sidewalk. Blessings do not have to be huge to be counted!

Jen 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

He's in the Back

My youngest daughter came to me with one of her sister's dresses she likes to dress up in, she wanted help. So I was helping and it got tangled in the back. My daughter got frustrated because she couldn't see any progress being made. Her idea of progress is arms going into sleeves...the stuff in front, ya know. But I told her to wait because I was working in the back.

It struck me how frustrated and angry and impatient I've been the last few weeks, not seeing results or anything coming out of this last terrible year.

"Wait," He said, "I'm working in the back."

used with persmission from Harvest of Pearls

When I read the above blog post this past week, it gave me pause. I sat there for a few minutes realizing that I had read something pretty profound. I am sure I have heard the concept hundreds of times before in my Christian walk, but this time it really grabbed me. I began to think of all the times in Scripture when God was working in the back.

Joseph was a young man who knew that he had been called to do great things. How must he have felt when his brothers literally sold him off to traders? What about the dreams and promises? How on earth did a cold dungeon and a grabby woman figure in the plans? Yet Joseph did not give up in despair. He held on to the promises of God and when his brothers cowered before him at the end of the story, Joseph assured them that what they had intended for evil, God had intended for good.

Esther was a young woman thrown into an unimaginable situation. She was being groomed to marry an old king. And not just any old king, but one who was known to kick testy wives out of the castle and demand that people, even the queen, make an appointment before visiting him. The story of Esther does not mention her kicking against the plan, but instead reveals her willingness to listen to the instruction of an older cousin in spite of possible death. In the end, Esther was proven to have been born for “such a time as this.”

Jesus, of course, knew every detail of His story. His disciples did not, however. Although Jesus shared with them over and over again what the plan was they still seemed pretty clueless. They simply could not wrap their minds around why all of this needed to happen. If Jesus was the Christ, surely He would not be killed! But He was, and there were three days of hard waiting for the men and women who loved and followed Him. When Jesus did rise and come to His friends, they began to understand that this was all part of the plan and that in the end all would be as it should be.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Have you been wondering what God could possibly be doing in your life? Maybe you have been experiencing difficult and painful circumstances that seem to have no end or purpose. It could be something as ‘small’ as a colicky baby or as huge as a split marriage or devastating illness. You came to the Lord asking for help, but like the little girl in the story above, you have not seen progress or answers. Be assured that regardless of what we see or feel, the Lord is faithful to hear and answer our pleas for help and wisdom. He is there. He is simply working in the back. Take heart and trust Him in His perfect timing.

Father, thank You for your perfect timing and perfect love. Please help me to be patient and not to grow weary. I have cried out to You and I know You are answering. Amen

Stay in the Word each day. When we are in difficult circumstances and they seem to be dragging on and on, it is very easy to become discouraged and think ‘What’s the point?” in reading the Bible and praying. Staying in the Word and conversation with the Lord is the WHOLE point! Being closed off to His heart makes matters worse and harder to bear.

Jen 2010

Monday, April 12, 2010

Ugly Pride

Let’s talk about pride.

According to Webster’s 1828 Dictionary, pride is an inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one's own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, accomplishments, rank or elevation in office, which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve, and often in contempt of others.

At times I am a walking definition of this ugly word. Proverbs 13:10 says, “By pride comes nothing but strife, but with the well-advised is wisdom.” There are times when my home is filled with strife. Often that strife originates with me when I become angry when a little person does not follow my instructions. Instead of reacting in anger, I should be grieved in my heart because my child is walking in disobedience that will affect his or her relationship with the Lord. My pride has elevated my inconvenience over the holiness of the Lord. If I am well-advised (spending time in the Word), I will have the wisdom to avoid the pride and in return, the strife.

Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure that war in your members? James 4:1

The Word is crystal clear on the source of all arguments and strife. It all comes from pride. My personal desire for pleasure (what makes my life easier, what makes me comfortable, what makes me look good) causes fights and quarrels. Of course, my family also contributes to this atmosphere. However, I have a responsibility to respond in a godly way. Once again, if I am being well-advised by the Scriptures I will know how to respond and handle the situations that arise with my children and husband. Pride is a personal issue for which I must take responsibility, working towards walking in humility like Jesus.

Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:10

Father, please forgive me for walking in pride, seeking in my own way and comfort. Help me to be aware of my part in strife that arises in my home. I desire to be a woman of peace. Amen

Keep your eyes open for pride in your life this week. Look at the definition above carefully. Make note of all the ways pride manifests itself: lofty airs, distancing oneself, reserve, lofty looks. The next time you have a spat with your husband, stop and examine your motives and reactions. Remember, all fights come from pride. If you die to yourself, there is no way an argument can continue! Be prepared, dying to yourself is painful and frustrating, but the end result is wonderful!

Jen 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010

Not Forgotten

“How long, O LORD? Will You forget me forever? How long will You hide Your face from me? How long shall I take counsel in my soul, Having sorrow in my heart daily? How long will my enemy be exalted over me?” (Psalm 13:1,2)
In the movie Bruce Almighty, the main character is suddenly given God’s powers. Into his hands is placed the enormous responsibility to hear and answer all prayers. This human is completely overwhelmed by the voices in his head and the notes in his ‘divine’ inbox. He simply starts to hit ‘yes’ over and over and over again with no thought of the people in need.
Have you ever felt that the Lord is like Bruce in the movie? Maybe you have felt forgotten and unheard. In your mind, you are thinking, ‘At least Bruce hit ‘yes’! God doesn’t even speak to me anymore.” Sometimes the fear of a financial situation or a health crisis causes me to question the goodness of God. Does He really care about me? Does He really see what is happening? Maybe I am simply a blip on His radar screen and He is too busy helping people with bigger problems. I forget that He has promised me, "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." (Hebrews 13:5b) Jesus also promised that He would be with us to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:20)
It is not always easy to feel the presence or care of the Lord, but we can be assured of those things. Romans 8:38 and 39 says, “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Regardless of how I feel, God’s word is true and faithful. My human heart will fail me, but the Lord never will. His love never fails. I am so thankful that the god of Bruce Almighty is not my God!
Father God, even when my heart and flesh fail, You are the strength of my life. You are all-knowing, all-powerful, and always present, even when I forget. Please help me to remember that You are working in my life, even when I do not see or feel You. My lack of perception does not negate Who You are! Amen

Focus on the “I am with you” Scriptures this week. Print them on index cards, stamp decorated Scripture cards, make a screen saver for your computer. Keep the true and unshakeable Word of the Lord before you always.
Jen 2010
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