Monday, April 19, 2010

He's in the Back

My youngest daughter came to me with one of her sister's dresses she likes to dress up in, she wanted help. So I was helping and it got tangled in the back. My daughter got frustrated because she couldn't see any progress being made. Her idea of progress is arms going into sleeves...the stuff in front, ya know. But I told her to wait because I was working in the back.

It struck me how frustrated and angry and impatient I've been the last few weeks, not seeing results or anything coming out of this last terrible year.

"Wait," He said, "I'm working in the back."

used with persmission from Harvest of Pearls

When I read the above blog post this past week, it gave me pause. I sat there for a few minutes realizing that I had read something pretty profound. I am sure I have heard the concept hundreds of times before in my Christian walk, but this time it really grabbed me. I began to think of all the times in Scripture when God was working in the back.

Joseph was a young man who knew that he had been called to do great things. How must he have felt when his brothers literally sold him off to traders? What about the dreams and promises? How on earth did a cold dungeon and a grabby woman figure in the plans? Yet Joseph did not give up in despair. He held on to the promises of God and when his brothers cowered before him at the end of the story, Joseph assured them that what they had intended for evil, God had intended for good.

Esther was a young woman thrown into an unimaginable situation. She was being groomed to marry an old king. And not just any old king, but one who was known to kick testy wives out of the castle and demand that people, even the queen, make an appointment before visiting him. The story of Esther does not mention her kicking against the plan, but instead reveals her willingness to listen to the instruction of an older cousin in spite of possible death. In the end, Esther was proven to have been born for “such a time as this.”

Jesus, of course, knew every detail of His story. His disciples did not, however. Although Jesus shared with them over and over again what the plan was they still seemed pretty clueless. They simply could not wrap their minds around why all of this needed to happen. If Jesus was the Christ, surely He would not be killed! But He was, and there were three days of hard waiting for the men and women who loved and followed Him. When Jesus did rise and come to His friends, they began to understand that this was all part of the plan and that in the end all would be as it should be.

Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need. Hebrews 4:16

Have you been wondering what God could possibly be doing in your life? Maybe you have been experiencing difficult and painful circumstances that seem to have no end or purpose. It could be something as ‘small’ as a colicky baby or as huge as a split marriage or devastating illness. You came to the Lord asking for help, but like the little girl in the story above, you have not seen progress or answers. Be assured that regardless of what we see or feel, the Lord is faithful to hear and answer our pleas for help and wisdom. He is there. He is simply working in the back. Take heart and trust Him in His perfect timing.

Father, thank You for your perfect timing and perfect love. Please help me to be patient and not to grow weary. I have cried out to You and I know You are answering. Amen

Stay in the Word each day. When we are in difficult circumstances and they seem to be dragging on and on, it is very easy to become discouraged and think ‘What’s the point?” in reading the Bible and praying. Staying in the Word and conversation with the Lord is the WHOLE point! Being closed off to His heart makes matters worse and harder to bear.

Jen 2010

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