Monday, March 30, 2009

The Doves

See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land.
Song of Solomon 3:11-12
“The cooing of doves is heard in our land…” I have always enjoyed having pets in our home. Our dear Shetland Sheepdog, Maggie, died three years ago, and while I have been glad to not have a dog, cat, bird, turtle, snake, guinea pig, or chicken (all of which we have had at one time or another), I was beginning to miss having a bit of God’s animal kingdom to take care of. In what may prove to be a lapse in good judgment, I bought a bonded pair of white doves on Monday. They are so sweet and peaceful, and whenever I take the female out to train her a bit, he calls for her. There is no doubt in his little mind (or in mine) that she belongs with him. I do not know how they identify each other, but somehow they do. I love that the “cooing of doves is heard in our land.”
One of my favorite verses in the Bible is this one:
He has brought me to his banquet hall, and his banner over me is love. Song of Solomon 2:4
You might remember that the word “banner” or “standard” is used frequently in the book of Numbers; the various tribes had a distinguishing mark that identified them as belonging to a certain household. The Shulammite woman in the Song of Solomon was easily identified as she was brought into the banqueting hall – the banner, the distinguishing mark, over her was his love.
Are we so easily identified? Do we have a distinguishing mark over us? Do the people we meet see the love of God over us and know that we belong to Him?
As we prepare for Easter, many songs go through my mind. Chris Tomlin’s “I Will Rise” has so spoken to my heart, and part of that song seems to have come from the Song of Solomon, for look at the rest of the passage I began earlier:
See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come, the cooing of doves is heard in our land. The fig tree forms its early fruit; the blossoming vines spread their fragrance. Arise, come, my darling; my beautiful one, come with me.”
The greatest mark, the one that will beyond a shadow of a doubt identify us as being under the banner of His love is when He calls us up from the grave. We will hear His voice calling us, we will rise as His Bride, and we will be with Him forever. Just as with our beautiful doves, there will be no doubt that we belong with Him. Let’s ponder that as we approach Resurrection Sunday…
Dear Lord, In the midst of all that is going on today, let me be listening for Your call to my heart to be with You – in Your word, in prayer, and in Your presence. Help me to know that Your banner over me is love, your banner over my husband is love, and your banner over my little ones is love. Show me how to demonstrate Your love for them. Thank You that You love me so much, Lord.

Listen for the Lord calling you today. Then take a few minutes and be with Him. Ask Him to show you one simple way to demonstrate His love for your husband and children today.
Julie Bailey 2009

Monday, March 23, 2009

Walking in His Will

See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Ephesians 5:15-16
Webster's 1828 dictionary defines circumspectly as "Cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise or danger." What are we to be watchful of? What are we to pay attention to in order to guard against surprise or danger, and why? What is all this about redeeming the time? Redeeming from what or whom?
Beginning in verse one of Ephesians chapter five, the Apostle Paul takes great care to lay out step by step the answers to these questions.
Walk in Love - verses 1-7:
Above all, we are to imitate Christ, walking in love as He did. We are to keep our conversation pure, our hearts free from jealousy and uncleanness, and our ears from listening to those who try and tell us we can do all that other stuff just mentioned and not suffer for it. This is an especially difficult area for women. It is not uncommon for us to struggle with our tongues in gossip and criticalness while also dealing with being jealous of a friend's house, wardrobe, marriage, etc. And how easy it is to be "encouraged" by a friend who assures us that all those feelings are normal and we need to cut ourselves some slack!
Walk in Light - verses 8-14:
It is vital to remember that we are no longer children of darkness! After we come to faith, we are not only in the light we are light of Christ. We are to walk so closely with Jesus that His light shines through us and onto the darkness, revealing what is hidden and changing our hearts and activities if needed. We are not to take part in dark things, but rather expose them for what they are - the direct opposite of the goodness and righteousness of Christ. Do not sleep walk through life, ignoring that which slinks in and seems "not so bad." Wake up and let Christ's light shine on all that you participate in. When He reveals darkness, run away from it!
Walk in Wisdom - verses 15-21:
Finally, we are to walk carefully and wisely, redeeming the time. We are to spend our time being thankful to the Lord in all things as well as encouraging one another to do all that is shared in this chapter. Walking in love and in light will help us to understand the will of the Lord (wisdom). And what is the will of the Lord? Walking in love, light, and wisdom! What a connection! If you walk in one, you walk in the other.
How our hearts respond in situations - from diapers to bills -will last for all time. Do not let the enemy have it. Guard your time on earth and use every bit of it for the purposes of God - not just the physical time spent doing things, but the spiritual, emotional, and mental time poured into daily life as well.
The beautiful key to walking in the Spirit is contained in this chapter. If we walk through it daily, step by step, we will be walking in the will of the Father because we are walking in the steps of the Son. Our time will be redeemed. I can think of no better way to spend my days and make every minute count for eternity!
Father, You called me to righteousness and told me to redeem the time. Thank you for giving me a plan to accomplish this mission. Please help me when it seems too difficult. Remind me of Jesus' beautiful, sweet smelling offering of Himself. Thank You, Jesus, for being the ultimate example. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for always being there to help me walk in love, light, and wisdom. Amen.
Read Ephesians 5:1-20 each day this week. Purpose to walk in love, light, and wisdom. When you are unsure how to do that, run straight back to the master plan and read it again! Pray for God's wisdom and guidance as you do this, as well as His protection. Be mindful that the enemy will do anything to discourage you in this area and make you feel like a failure. If you mess up, and you will, get up and start over again!
For more on redeeming the time, see

Monday, March 16, 2009

The Grand Secret

The Grand Secret

"This is the true measure of love,
when we believe that we alone can
love, that no one could ever have
loved so before us, and that no one
will ever love in the same way
after us."
This little quote is what my husband and I call our "Grand Secret." To other people, we look like ordinary mortals. People close to us know that we have a fantastic marriage and incredible children. But it is obvious to us that they do not know that the above quote refers to us. (never mind that it is like, 200 years old.)
Day to day, we may not think about our Grand Secret. But, from time to time, we do, and it's funny, we are always together when it happens. Perhaps we are at a gathering of family or friends. All of a sudden, my husband will catch my eye across the room, and we smile. Yep, no one here knows our Grand Secret. Or we're at home. He is playing guitar, and I'm across the room quilting. He looks up at the same time I do, and, again, Are You Thinking What I'm Thinking? No one knows our Secret.
Before you start gagging, there's a point here.
Maybe you are going through one of those dry places in your marriage. Or a really rough spot. Or, your marriage never looked like the Grand Secret. Or maybe you're alone today.
You know the scriptures that compare marriage to the relationship Christ has with His bride. "Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the Church, and gave himself for her."
But we did not invent the Grand Secret. In fact, neither did Goethe. Our Heavenly Father started the thing, before the foundations of the earth. Sometimes it is called The Greatest Story Ever Told. John 3:16--For God So Loved the World that He GAVE... Think about the word "so." So much, So fully, So freely. And then, of course, is "gave." He held nothing back, even though it cost Him everything. He thought we were worth it. He gave His Son--the only one who could do it for us. And why? Because relationship with us was *that* important to him.
My husband and I treasure our relationship, because at one time we almost lost it entirely. If pressed, I will tell you that, yes, I desire to give myself to him that much. Because my relationship with my husband is *that* important to me. But, I will readily admit that when things are going well, status quo-like, I maybe don't work so hard on it, on a day-to-day basis. I forget, I neglect it.
We all know that we neglect the Lord. But He NEVER neglects us. That is why we can always come to him and Begin Again. He is the perfect One, always forgiving and restoring.
When He looks at us across a crowded room, He also says, It's our Grand Secret. But He wants to have the Secret with everyone in the room. Can we tell them, too?
Father, I thank you that you have shared YOUR "grand secret" with us--that no one has ever loved us like You have. Help me to be one through whom you can share your secret with one who desperately needs you. And help me to show that love to my husband, as well, this week.
Read the quote from Goethe every day this week. If this is not what your marriage looks like, find something to do to show your husband that you believe it can be true. Also, (or if you aren't married) let the quote bring to your mind the fact that "you are loved with an everlasting love" by our heavenly Father. Allow yourself to believe it, fully!
Barbara Kellogg 2006

Monday, March 9, 2009

Encourage One Another...

This past Monday I received a rather unusual phone call. My phone rang while I was at the store, and a small, but very excited, voice shouted from my cell phone, “Nonny! I went in the potty!” What else is a grandmother to do while walking down the aisle of the store while other folks are within earshot but shout back into the phone, “You DID? That’s GREAT, Isaac! You are a big boy now – you went in the potty!” (Of course, I had to then take a detour to the toy aisle to bring home a celebratory trinket in honor of the occasion.)
Two days later, I received yet another phone call from the potty trainee, telling me about his latest feat. Now this was really big news, as there had been an accident or two in this category. Again, I was within earshot of people, but I praised him and told him to call Saba (my husband) to tell him the news, too. It was great to rejoice with Isaac, as well as with his mother and father, for these are momentous occasions in the life of a two year-old.
You might be thinking this is a funny topic for a devotional, but I have had all week to think about those conversations. It has been insightful to see my little grandson work hard at getting where he needs to be at just the right moment and to see him be successful at something he is attempting. His mother and father have asked him to do something that is challenging, out of his routine, and probably a little frightening. Yet he trusts and loves them enough to do what they are asking him to do.
Isn’t that the same with the Lord? He sometimes asks us to do challenging, different, and even scary things sometimes. Yet He is right there with us every step of the way, cheering us on. And not only that, He has given us the Body of Christ to encourage us when we need it and to rejoice with us when we see progress. I am very grateful for the people the Lord has put into my life who cheer me on.
You may be dealing with a toddler who is going through what Isaac is going through; you may be dealing with a teenager who is facing some huge challenges. Either way, let your children know that the Lord and you are cheering them on and let them see you rejoicing at the smallest step of progress. And who knows – you might get a shouting cell phone call soon, too!
Father God, thank You for always giving encouragement to go along with the assignments You give us. Everything You place in our lives is for our good and Your glory. I want to remember Your perfect parenting in this area and walk it out with my own children. Please help me to encourage them and love them as they grow. Amen.
This week, look for the good things that your little ones, or big ones, are accomplishing. When they make even the smallest progress in an area you are working on with them, be sure to acknowledge it. It is so easy to focus on and point out when they slip up. Turn that around this week!
Julie Bailey 2009
Scripture photo:

Monday, March 2, 2009

The Buffet

…[she] will not dwell unduly on the days of [her] life, because God keeps [her] busy with the joy of [her] heart. Ecclesiastes 5:20
Sometimes we all suffer from what is commonly referred to as “too much on our plate.” Church functions, support group meetings, dance, sports, co ops, parties, music lessons, field trips, meetings, organizations, and ministries are just waiting to fill our time and minds. It's important for us to remember that each outside activity we take on pulls us from our first calling as wives and mothers. After our relationship with the Lord and our husbands we are called to be keepers at home. Is this possible while we are running to appointments, meetings, or recreational events?
Before you think I'm telling you to chain yourself to the kitchen stove and never leave your home or go on outings with the kids, let me make a confession: I'm a people person. I love to go to meetings; they're fun for me; I love parties, especially if there's a restaurant involved! However, I must use discretion and moderation when choosing these activities. Even more so, I need to ask my husband for his counsel before committing to activities outside the home.
As wives and mothers we set the tone of the home. Be it peaceful or chaotic, the atmosphere is directly tied to us. If we are rushed, stirred up, over committed, and heavy laden we bring a sense of unsettledness, even anxiety to our homes. Proverbs tells us that a foolish woman tears down her house with her own hands. I believe that sometimes this is done with a day planner and the best of intentions.
It is okay to say “no” to requests for your time and energy outside of your home. This season of your life is already filled with something that has eternal value. If it builds up your home and your husband gives his blessing, then go ahead and say “yes”. Be sure, however, to listen with an open heart to his counsel and be gracious when he says “no” to something you are convinced is the best opportunity ever to come your way. The Lord will reward you greatly for planting yourself in your home and ministering to your family.
Father, thank you that you have given me a family to care for and to love. Please help me to bring all things before you in prayer before jumping in to a commitment. Remind me to trust Your wisdom in my husband and to follow his leadership cheerfully in this area. Help me to guard my heart against resentment and boredom during this time in my life.
Make it a point this week to calculate how much time you spend outside of your home, keeping track of the atmosphere in your home and your own heart attitudes. Ask your husband to evaluate your schedule and commitments, pray about them, and then talk with you about what needs to change. Commit to following his leadership cheerfully, being thankful that you have his covering over you. When you are on the receiving end of a busy mom's “no”, please remember to be gracious and realize just how difficult that "no" might be for her.
Jen 2006
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