Monday, March 9, 2009

Encourage One Another...

This past Monday I received a rather unusual phone call. My phone rang while I was at the store, and a small, but very excited, voice shouted from my cell phone, “Nonny! I went in the potty!” What else is a grandmother to do while walking down the aisle of the store while other folks are within earshot but shout back into the phone, “You DID? That’s GREAT, Isaac! You are a big boy now – you went in the potty!” (Of course, I had to then take a detour to the toy aisle to bring home a celebratory trinket in honor of the occasion.)
Two days later, I received yet another phone call from the potty trainee, telling me about his latest feat. Now this was really big news, as there had been an accident or two in this category. Again, I was within earshot of people, but I praised him and told him to call Saba (my husband) to tell him the news, too. It was great to rejoice with Isaac, as well as with his mother and father, for these are momentous occasions in the life of a two year-old.
You might be thinking this is a funny topic for a devotional, but I have had all week to think about those conversations. It has been insightful to see my little grandson work hard at getting where he needs to be at just the right moment and to see him be successful at something he is attempting. His mother and father have asked him to do something that is challenging, out of his routine, and probably a little frightening. Yet he trusts and loves them enough to do what they are asking him to do.
Isn’t that the same with the Lord? He sometimes asks us to do challenging, different, and even scary things sometimes. Yet He is right there with us every step of the way, cheering us on. And not only that, He has given us the Body of Christ to encourage us when we need it and to rejoice with us when we see progress. I am very grateful for the people the Lord has put into my life who cheer me on.
You may be dealing with a toddler who is going through what Isaac is going through; you may be dealing with a teenager who is facing some huge challenges. Either way, let your children know that the Lord and you are cheering them on and let them see you rejoicing at the smallest step of progress. And who knows – you might get a shouting cell phone call soon, too!
Father God, thank You for always giving encouragement to go along with the assignments You give us. Everything You place in our lives is for our good and Your glory. I want to remember Your perfect parenting in this area and walk it out with my own children. Please help me to encourage them and love them as they grow. Amen.
This week, look for the good things that your little ones, or big ones, are accomplishing. When they make even the smallest progress in an area you are working on with them, be sure to acknowledge it. It is so easy to focus on and point out when they slip up. Turn that around this week!
Julie Bailey 2009
Scripture photo:

1 comment:

G.L.H. said...

I love your comparison with us as the little ones whom God is encouraging! I have always maintained that the Lord allows us to participate in the creation process to show *us* our relationship with Him, as His children!

Thank you so much for sharing this. I'll be sending the link to a few young mommies who are in the throes of potty training, and who God is "training," as well!

Check each Monday for a new devotional. Please share the site with your friends!!