Monday, August 17, 2009

Beautiful Routine

“For God is not the author of confusion but of peace…” 1 Co. 14:33
Some people completely freak out at the very word routine, but it is not something to see as stifling and lacking in freedom. On the contrary! Routine brings freedom.
According to the dictionary, routine is simply “a series of regular or usual activities.” While we are defining things, let’s look at the word schedule. (Are you free spirits hyperventilating yet?) The definition of a schedule is “to plan or appoint for a certain time.” That’s not so bad now, is it?
If the dictionary does not soothe your fears of the possibility of being bound up in rigidity just remember that the Lord Himself uses routine and scheduling. Creation was worked through using a schedule. Can you imagine if the fish came before the water; or the people before the form and non-voidness? Our bodies perform routines each day while pumping blood, digesting food, and much more. Routine was created by God for us! Ecclesiastes 3 testifies to this.
Areas of your life that might need a routine revamp could be wake/bed times, meal times, cleaning/laundry, quiet time, ministry, hobbies, and even time with your husband. Having a routine in these areas does not mean that things have to be dull and boring. Instead, think of it as time to prepare to make these daily and weekly events special and more efficient. Most importantly, when family members, including you, know what to expect and when to expect it then your home environment will be more peaceful and calm.
Our gracious heavenly Father designed us as well as our roles as wives and mothers. He gives us exactly what we need in order to accomplish the myriad of things that come as part of the homemaker package. I encourage you not to lose joy in your homemaking because you are overwhelmed. Take the wonderful gift of routine and use it to its fullest!
Father of Lights, who gives every good and perfect gift from above, thank You that you have given me a way to enjoy the work I have been called to do. Please forgive me for letting things go and not maintaining order in my home. Help me to use the gifts of routine and scheduling to provide a peaceful and joyful home for my family. Amen
This week identify one area that could use a routine overhaul. Brainstorm with your husband or a friend on ways to settle into a routine in this area. If you need ideas, please email me at and I will happily send you the outline of this complete teaching, which contains many tips.

1 comment:

G.L.H. said...

I also like to think about the routine of Creation in the fact that things come in their season: spring before summer, fall, then the resting time of winter. Our lives follow this pattern, as well.

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