Monday, June 8, 2009


Our family home schools in a relaxed way. That simply means that we do not use rigid lesson plans or a lot of textbooks; narration, copy work, Bible study, and a lot of reading aloud are used instead. Recently a friend made a comment implying that we did not know what we were doing. I laughed it off, knowing that she probably did not mean it at all the way it sounded. Of course, maybe she did, but I’m not going there…
As I thought about her words I began to question if we really DID know what we were doing. Were our kids going to be academically stunted because we used a method that did not attach a grade to a child? Would they turn out socially inept because we sheltered them more than the average children? I did not actually freak out, but I was teetering on the edge. The Lord was gracious and stepped in to stop my impending crash.
The Lord reminded me that we were on the exact path He put us on fifteen years ago when we had our first child. We knew from the beginning that we wanted our children to have a clear view of Who the Lord is, what Jesus did for us, and how to walk in a way that brought honor and glory to Him. As time went on and we matured in our own walks with the Lord the plan only became more firm. Home schooling has been a great vehicle for this, but even if we had placed our children in a brick and mortar school the call would have remained the same.
Our days might not be filled with typical academic courses or tests, but they are filled with tons of discovery, character training, and Biblical world-view training. We filter everything we learn, from botany to math, through God-glasses. Our desire is that our children know that everything in life has a connection to the Lord and His Word; nothing falls outside of His scope.
Being a mom is hard, home schooling or not. There are always questions in our minds: Do I spend enough time with my kids? Did I potty train too late? How did I get a selfish kid when all I do is serve them, it seems? Did they catch that cold because I was not cautious enough? Am I a good enough teacher in my home school? WHERE did that child learn to pick their nose? I encourage you to stop asking these questions. Instead, ask ones that have bearing on your child’s spiritual life. Am I teaching my children to love God’s Word? Am I truly living what I teach them? Do I need to step up the character training? Is my child learning to discern between good and evil according to the Word?
The response to my friend’s statement is this – Yes! We know what we are doing! We are training the next generation of church leaders, community servers, wise counselors, godly parents, loyal friends, and integrity filled employees and bosses. Our grandchildren will have parents who have been taught to love instruction and to take firm hold of wisdom. Oh yes, we know what we are doing.
My child, if your heart is wise, my own heart will rejoice!Everything in me will celebrate when you speak what is right. Proverbs 23:15, 16
Father, please help me to listen to You and to filter all other opinions through the Scripture. Thank You for giving my husband and me clear direction in Your Word regarding the raising of our children. Our desire is to stay the course and stick to the path. Guide us daily. Amen.
If you have been facing feelings of inadequacy in your parenting or home schooling stop and examine the source. Are the feelings promptings from the Holy Spirit or unwarranted criticism from those who walk differently? If you and your husband discern that they are from the Holy Spirit hop to it and start searching His Word and His direction on what and how to change. Consider drafting a Family Vision Statement to help you stay the course. If you would like to read our family statement, send me an email.
Jen Gorton 2009

1 comment:

Marnie said...

Excellent! Just caught up on reading here....very encouraging!

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