Monday, August 9, 2010

Living in a Glass House

I am a stay at home wife and homeschooling mother of five children. The only time I am not being observed or possibly eavesdropped on is when I am sleeping at night or in the shower. And even then I wonder… The option of dealing with my sin issues and bad habits in private is pretty much nonexistent. Whatever I am struggling with, there are five people who are tuned in for the show; no matter how hard I try to hide it and deal with it alone it never seems to work. My children can read me like a book and that is downright frustrating! Sometimes a gal just wants to be snarky without being called on the carpet by a six year old.

Instead of being frustrated, I must choose to be thankful for this glass house in which I live. So many people lack accountability and struggle in their sin without anyone intervening or pointing them in the right direction. How blessed I am to have loved ones daily turning me towards holiness. Of course, sometimes one of my children becomes wise in their own eyes and corrects me in arrogance. I then have the opportunity to teach them the proper way to confront another believer and set them on the path to godliness. It’s a win/win situation!

My transparency with my children teaches them four things: avoiding sin, choosing sin, repentance and forgiveness. At times I do a great job of avoiding sin, but there are many, many times when I choose to do the wrong thing and have to follow up with repentance and seeking forgiveness. No matter what, my children are learning valuable lessons: the joy of victory over sin or the hurt that sin brings and the freedom that repentance and forgiveness brings.

I will no longer look at my glass house as a frustration. Instead I will see it as a blessing that allows me to teach my children the ways of God.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6

Father, thank You for my glass house. Thank You for daily opportunities to live for You in front of my children. Please help me to choose the holy path and avoid the pitfalls of sin. Let my children always feel comfortable to come to me in love when they see that I am struggling. Help me to receive their words and turn the situation into a life lesson that points them and me to You. Amen.

Do you feel as if you are always ‘on’, being watched and evaluated by your children or husband? Instead of feeling like that is unfair, embrace the opportunity to be more watchful of your sin areas. Become more aware of your example as a believer living with young believers or non-believers. Be thankful for the light shining in the dark corners of your life.

Jen 2010

1 comment:

Thia said...

Thank you for bringing out the positive to what seems to be a very frustrating thing. Also, to be remembered, is that if we were able to deal with such things in private, it's possible we wouldn't have to deal with them. For instance, if we aren't around that child that tests our patience, would we deal with it? Probably not.

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