Monday, October 12, 2009

Chewing the Cud

When a cow chews her cud, she is actually chewing regurgitated food. Of course, if God created a cow to chew cud there must be a purpose, regardless of the gross out factor. After a bit of research I learned exactly why cows chew their cud, and it turns out there is good reason. A cow chews cud up to eight hours a day, producing saliva that contains antacids that line her first stomach, creating a better digestive process and in turn a happier cow that produces more milk. Who would’a thunk it?
This week I had the opportunity to chew some spiritual cud. I admit that I was less than pleased. Back in April the Lord brought me to a place of surrender regarding a relationship. Since that time I have been plugging along happily, enjoying the freedom of having forgiven another. Lately there have been some unpleasant feelings popping up in my heart again in regards to that forgiven offence. I pushed the feelings down, reminding myself that I was past all of that.
On Thursday I did not push them down. In fact, I sort of lit a match and let 'er rip. Someone had told me of a way the Lord had used this person and I was angry beyond measure that the He would presume to use them in a good way. The nerve. Well, I had a better plan, a better idea, a better way of getting this person in line and something ‘good’ was not part of it. In the midst of my furry and questions of WHY I kept having to deal with this issue in my heart, my mom said that the Lord obviously had a purpose. Gee, that really helped my frustration. It did get me on my knees, however, and had me storming the gates of heaven to find out why this thing kept rearing its head. James 1:5-8
The Lord is so gracious to allow me to be grieved by various trials of recurring anger and bitterness in this situation. I say that He is gracious because He is not willing to let me be blinded to left over sin and bitterness in my heart. The Lord will guide me through times of pain and seeking forgiveness and restoration only to have me revisit the area again. Sometimes what is rooted in my heart is simply too much for me to bear in one weeding and He needs to take me back later to deal with it further (1 Cor. 10:13). That is what has been happening with this heart issue I thought I had dealt with. There was simply more in there that needed to be taken care of at a later time.
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4
I will find joy in this chewing of the cud. Rehashing what I thought was already eaten and dealt with will actually produce a woman who is content and a better producer of the things of God. There is a purpose, regardless of whether I like the way it feels or not. The most important thing it that my faith is proven genuine and pleasing to the Lord, that I reflect Him in every area of my life. Even in my cud.
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. 1 Peter 1:6-8
Father God, You know me so well. You know just the right way to bring to my notice sin issues that I think are not there. Thank You for Your perfect timing in my life. May I be a woman who has a genuine faith that grows daily, bring glory to You. Amen
Do you have a recurring issue that keeps popping up in your life? Maybe you look at it as a simple inconvenience, or maybe you use it as a platform to justify a wrong you feel has been done against you. Take the time to examine your heart and the issue at hand. Ask the Lord to show you what He wants to do in your life. He is faithful to reveal it to you. James 1:5-8

Jen 2009


Anonymous said...

Amen, Sister. That is my favorite verse when it comes to seeking the Lord fo wisdom. I'm so thankful for what He is doing in your life.


Lisa said...

Great word, Jen. Thanks for your transparency. I know how painful these times of refining are.

Our God is so faithful and so good. And through your testimony He will not only continue to refine you but He will also touch us.

Iron sharpens iron!

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