Monday, September 21, 2009

Wait on the Lord

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Have you ever noticed how much of your life consists of waiting? Waiting to turn 16, waiting to get married, waiting to get your driver's license, waiting for your child to walk and take that first step. Waiting for the bank to give you the mortgage. Waiting for your turn to talk to the person on the other end of the hold. Waiting in the doctor's office. Waiting for your husband to change. Waiting for you to change. Waiting to lose weight. Waiting for your child to learn to read. Waiting for God to answer your prayer. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.
God calls us to wait and specifically to wait on Him. I have learned over the years that waiting develops something in me. I learn to trust Him - His sovereignty, His foreknowledge, His goodness. Can you imagine what would happen if He just gave us what we thought we needed every time? We would be in such a mess. We also would never experience the joy of seeing what He can do in His timing. He knows what is best for us and He knows when it is best to give it.
But the most important part of all is waiting FOR HIM. Not what He can do, but for His presence in our lives. Do you realize what He is telling us to do? The Creator of the universe is telling us, His creation, to wait for Him. He wants relationship with us. As we wait and continue to cry out to Him for strength, we get to know Him in ways we never would learn if He answered immediately.
So my exhortation to you is to wait on Him. Don’t grow weary in waiting, get excited because He is there drawing you to Himself and will show up in the perfect time and you’ll never be the same again.
This weeks challenge; Every time you are tempted to be impatient and to step out on your own to make things happen, stop and thank God that He has a better plan. Can you remember times when you did have to wait and how God revealed Himself to you as waited? Write it down and then share it with someone who is struggling in their waiting,
Remember He is faithful and does not command us to do anything that is impossible when we rely on Him.
Father, thank You for teaching me as I wait. I am not too good at it yet, Lord, but I want to be. I know that getting to know You and having You reveal Yourself to me is worth all the waiting I will ever be asked to do. Amen.
Every time you are tempted to be impatient and to step out on your own to make things happen, stop and thank God that He has a better plan. Can you remember times when you did have to wait and how God revealed Himself to you as waited? Write it down and then share it with someone who is struggling in their waiting. Remember, He is faithful and does not command us to do anything that is impossible when we rely on Him.
Sherry Sanders 2009 View from the Parsonage

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Sister. This was so beautifully said!! I needed to hear this for sure as I'm waiting for our little boy's arrival.

Amen for experiencing the Lord as we wait.


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