Monday, February 21, 2011

Being Set Free

by Zinnada H. 2011

For the past month or so, I've been blessed by a bible study by Beth Moore called Breaking Free. When I started the study, the Lord made it clear what He wanted to set me from and that was from the bondage of turning to sweets as an idol.
Whenever I was stressed, discouraged, or whatever, I would turn to sweets to release. I would literally rush the kids to bed or nap time just so that I could eat come ice cream or whatever was in the house at that time. But, after doing that study and seeing how much I was allowing sweets to take the place of yielding to God and His Spirit, I was convicted to change. So, since giving up sweets, I've been able to loose 10 pounds and that ALL due to the glory of God!
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8:34
But, the journey has just begun because I've got so much to learn as it relates to eating healthier foods since I didn't grow up eating healthy. But, it's been a good journey. I'm thankful for how the Lord helps me to rise early to exercise, drink water, and study His word. Seeing all of these things happening, is such an encouragement to my spiritual walk because it reminds me that I'm denying myself of my old pleasures of sweets in order to be faithful in my calling as His disciple.
Dear Lord, Thank You for how You have changed my desire of sweets by showing me how much You and Your word is so much sweeter. Please help me to continue to enjoy being with You and Your word, In Jesus name, Amen.
What about you? Are there things in your life that you seem to turn to when you find yourself stressed, discouraged, or something else? Seek the Lord on the matter and then repent from turning to other idol(s).
by Zinnada H. 2011


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the reminder that He is all I need. My prayer this year has been to let go of the things that pull my heart away from Him. I would appreciate your prayers. (And I am rejoicing with you over your "loss," which is a good thing in this case!)

Anonymous said...

Praise God, Sister. I would suggest that you write down those things that God has been specifically dealing with you on and then find scripture verses that speaks on those issues. Then also share your struggles with some other women who'll commit to praying for you about those matters. You can find me on Facebook if you'd like to share more. Take care.

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