Monday, January 12, 2009

Following the Leader

Plans are exciting to make and even more fun to anticipate. The same excitement that comes from planning and anticipation can also bring much frustration when things are left hanging due to sick children, the weather, or finances. Unfortunately, I can think of more than one time when my plans were changed and I reacted in a way that was not at all godly. As if being grumpy with my kids and nasty to my husband somehow was justified because I did not get to go to a mom's night out.
Have you ever wondered why people tack on "Lord willing" after saying they would see you at church or a meeting? Sometimes it might be habit; many times it shows they are aware of the hand of the Lord in every area of their lives and therefore they acknowledge it verbally. We can make all the plans we like, but the Lord is the One who ultimately decides our steps.
A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9
If Jesus is forever at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us and His prayers are always perfect, then what comes into our lives is always the perfect plan of God.* That is hard to argue with. What relief it brings to understand that when our plans fall through, it is because the Lord's plans are succeeding! Acknowledging His mighty hand in our lives brings freedom and joy because we are saying, "Lord, have Your way in me! Use me to further your good and perfect plan."
Jesus, thank You that You are always lifting me up before the Father. Thank You, Father God, for always bringing what is needed into my life. Everything that comes my way was first filtered through You. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for guilding me through my changed plans and into the perfect plan of God. Help me each day to willingly walk in Your will.
This week, begin each morning with a simple prayer. "Father, order my steps today and give me the grace to walk in them cheerfully." Then, as each change of your plans comes, choose to joyfully walk in the perfect plan of God. If you can, journal or blog about what the Lord directed you in this week that was different from your plans.
Jen Gorton 2009
*Norm Wakefield


Lisa said...

Thanks for the encouragment and the reminder that God IS in control.

G.L.H. said...

A good word for me this week, Jen!

By the way, *somehow* I missed your email of two (three?) weeks ago, asking me to contribute. I'll see what I can come up with, love!


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