Monday, January 4, 2010


Proverbs 2: 10-11
When wisdom enters your heart, And knowledge is pleasant to your soul, Discretion will preserve you; Understanding will keep you...

This 2004 picture was taken because I wanted to remember what my daughter looked like right before I gave her away. I think the look on her face speaks volumes, so I will skip the details of the hours leading up to the photo shoot. Suffice it to say, I felt completely helpless and out of control. I ended up putting Liddy in her crib, shutting the door, and walking away from her furious screams. I think a video camera was involved at one point to document our suffering for my husband.
As a mother of five children, six to fifteen years old, there is not a day that goes by that I do not feel clueless in some area of parenting. From questions about God to quarrels between siblings, there is a laundry list of things brought to my mommy lap, with the expectation of wisdom from my lips being dispensed. It scares me. Really, it does. After all of these years I think I should always have the answers immediately. And yet, I do not.
Proverbs 2:3-5
Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, If you seek her as silver, And search for her as for hidden treasures; Then you will understand the fear of the LORD, And find the knowledge of God.

The book of Proverbs is my life line as a mom. To date, there has not been one situation that has arisen in our home that has not been addressed in this 31 chapter book. Even if King Solomon and the other wise contributors did not mention messy bedrooms, they did address laziness. They might not have talked about the latest top rated TV show, but they did speak on guarding one’s eyes. Proverbs targets the heart issues behind the behavior issues. It also directs us to search the commands and precepts of God’s entire Word to gain understanding.
I am so thankful for God’s Word, an eternal source of wisdom. Daily I run to my Bible for guidance on a certain subject or area of parenting. Daily I am given the wisdom needed to handle the circumstances and questions before me. Do you feel clueless in your parenting, marriage, relationships? Cry out for wisdom and discernment as you open your Bible and search for the treasures God has for you there.
Father, thank You for Your perfect wisdom. When I feel unqualified and incapable of making wise decisions remind me to call out to You. You are faithful to answer and give me the wisdom needed for each moment. Amen.

Read the chapter in Proverbs that corresponds with each day. There are 31 chapters in all, enough to take you through an entire month. Watch how the Lord will give you circumstances to use the wisdom your have gained by reading His Word.
I also highly recommend the book For Instructions in Righteousness from Doorposts. This topical guide is invaluable in every area of life from marriage to toddlers.
Jen 2010


Marnie said...

Thank you, Jen. This was very timely for me. I think I will open my Bible to Proverbs this morning and dig out
my copy of For Instructions in Righteousness. It is on my book shelf somewhere gathering dust, when it probably should be on my nightstand. I can't imagine raising children without knowing their Maker.

Shawntele said...

I like your challenge Jen and will take you up on it, starting today

Happy new year!!

G.L.H. said...

Wonderful! Proverbs is our "instruction in righteousness" manual, isn't it?

Check each Monday for a new devotional. Please share the site with your friends!!