Monday, December 28, 2009

Fresh Starts

Several years ago I had an interesting conversation with two friends regarding the topic of fresh starts and New Year’s Resolutions. I was sharing how I preferred to start new things or start things over on Mondays; if math went wrong on Wednesday we would start over on Monday. If I realized on Monday night that I needed to start waking up earlier I would plan to start on Monday of the next week. If I was rushed and neglected my time with the Lord on Thursday I would fix it on, you guessed it, Monday. New Year’s Day rarely starts on a Monday, so surely they could see that resolutions were really pointless for me.
My friends quickly pointed out that my ‘logic’ was completely illogical and totally unbiblical to boot. They shared Lamentations 3:23: “They (the Lord’s mercies) are new every morning; Great is Your faithfulness.”
Although this verse does not speak of starting over with school, waking, or quiet times it speaks volumes about the Lord’s faithfulness and the fact that He does not wait. Can you imagine if He waited until Monday to forgive me for screaming at my kids on Friday? Talk about living with guilt! What if I had accepted Christ in June and He didn’t count it until January 1st and I died in August?!!
The irrationality of my fresh start idea was becoming very clear to me. If I am supposed to be like Jesus in all things, then I needed to fix my ideas on new beginnings! Thankfully, I did and I now start over many times a day.
It is ironic that many years after that conversation I am now hosting a devotional site called Fresh Start Mondays. It just shows my desire to be orderly, I guess, and begin each week with a plan and goal. Please be assured that each devotional and challenge will work no matter what day of the week it is read. It is never the wrong time for a fresh start.
Father, thank You for fresh starts. Thank You for forgiving us at the point of repentance, for aligning provision before the need, for speaking at just the right time. Your example of new mercies speaks to me daily and I desire to emulate You in my life. Amen.
If you struggle with putting off what you need to do – physically or spiritually – be encouraged to start fresh right now. If you need to exercise, don’t wait until January 1. If you need to have a daily quiet time, be sure to have one before bed tonight. Celebrate each fresh start by stopping and thanking the Lord for the opportunity to begin again – again!
Jen 2009

Monday, December 21, 2009

Jesus, Perfect Love

The theme of this final week of Advent is love. I admit that I found it much easier to write about hope, peace, and joy. Writing about love seems a bit dangerous. What if I write about the wrong kind of love as it relates to Jesus? Agape or philia? Oh my!
The Lord brought to mind Romans 5:8:
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
The angel visits, the unplanned pregnancies of Mary and Elizabeth, the inconvenient traveling, the government involvement of a census - all of these were tools to bring history to the point of true, unconditional, ever-reaching love - God manifested in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16).
The hope, the peace, and the joy we have talked about over the last month all hinge on this one word: love. Without that love, there would be no Christmas. As you enter this final week of Advent, I encourage you to find a time to sit and read about the different types of Biblical love, knowing that Jesus fulfilled them all when He came into our sin filled world to give us life abundantly.
Father God, thank You for manifesting Yourself in the flesh to be an example of true love. There is no great love than a Man laying down His life for another, especially one so undeserving as I. Because of Your great love I can have eternal life, forever in Your presence. Amen.
Find a time to meditate on these passages: 1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 2:4,5, Ephesians 5:2, John 15. Check out BibleGateway to find more Scriptures to encourage you in love.
Advent - Week Four:
Theme: Angels (Love)
Sun. Is. 7:10-14, Mon. Luke 1:26-35, Tue. Is. 9:2-7, Wed. Mt. 1:18-25, Thu. Luke 2:1-20, Fri. Mt. 2:1-2, Sat. Luke 2:21-35 Advent concludes on Christmas Eve with the lighting of a fifth white candle that represents the purity of Jesus.
Thank you for praying for our van. It was a $90 fuel pump fuse and the pump is still working. They did tell us that it could go at anytime, as a blown fuse was usually a warning. We are now walking in faith with much uttering of prayers and petitions each time we drive the vehicle!
Jen 2009

Monday, December 14, 2009

Jesus, Our Joy

This year, the Lord has faithfully been giving me the opportunity to walk out each of the Advent points, making the season so much more meaningful. The first week, I was reminded to place all of my hope in Jesus regardless of how I felt. Last week I was welcomed to accept the peace of Christ even while paying the bills. This week I get to choose to celebrate the joy of Jesus while the family van sits in the shop with a possible bad fuel pump.
I am not the first woman to have a choice to make in the area of joy. When Gabriel approached Mary and announced the grand plan to use her to bring the Savior of all mankind into the world, Mary had to make a choice. She was initially troubled by Gabriel’s odd greeting. (Luke 1:28) She then questioned the logistics of the whole thing. Mary obviously understood what it took to conceive a baby and was well aware that she did not at all meet the requirements. Once again, Gabriel (who was quickly proving himself the most astute, sensitive male to walk the planet other than Jesus) reassured her. (Luke 1:35) He not only explained things thoroughly, he also let her know she was not alone in the “Surprise! You’re having an impossible pregnancy,” department. (Luke 1:36)
Mary could have completely wigged out; she chose the high road instead, answering, “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” Luke 1:38
In the face of possible rejection by her family, betrothed, and community, Mary chose to react with joy. She looked at the potentially overwhelming and embarrassing situation with the eyes of one who knew her God intimately. Her knowledge of Him is evident in her famous Magnificat. (Luke 1:46-55) She told of the Lord’s love for her – He watched and regarded her before choosing her as His Son’s mother. She knew He had her very best interest at heart. She declared that He was mighty and full of the strength she needed to walk out His plan. That knowledge enabled Mary to have the joy she did when faced with such an amazing life altering situation.
I am pretty sure that if a young teenage virgin can choose the joy of the Lord for an unplanned pregnancy in a culture that stoned women in those situations, then I am capable of choosing joy when our vehicle breaks down right before Christmas. Just typing that sentence makes me feel small and peevish for even considering anything other than a joyful reaction.
What situations are you facing that give an opportunity to choose joy or discontentment? Choose the joy that comes from a close relationship with the Savior of the world. His joy makes all things possible to bear.
Father, I am happy to know that my joy does not need to be dependant on my circumstances. It is dependent on You, the Giver of true joy. Thank You for sending Jesus, the Joy of man’s desire. Amen.
Read Luke 1:5-25 and compare Zechariah’s reaction to similar impossible news to Mary’s response. As situations arise in your life that require a choice of joy or aggravation or fear, think back to these Biblical persons and use their examples as a guide. On a personal note, would you please pray for the Lord’s provision to repair our van if He chooses not to ‘heal’ it?
Advent – Week Three:
Theme: Shepherds (Joy)
Scriptures: Sun. Luke 1:5-13, Mon. Luke 1:14-17, Tue. Luke 1:18-25, Wed. Luke 1:39-45, Thu. Luke 1:46-56, Fri. Luke 1:57-66, Sat. Luke 1:67-80
Jen 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Jesus, Our Peace

Tonight we did the bills. As always, I started to get a little freaked out and panicky over those needs and desires that we had to subtract from our checkbook. What if the Lord did not meet every need? What if He wanted to teach us to deny ourselves fun stuff like the zoo and fried chicken? He would understand if we held that tithe check an extra week, wouldn’t He? After all, we did make it out first. Does it really matter if we actually put it in the plate right away? What if we need it!!! Can you hear the pitch of my voice going higher and higher?
That, my friends, is the sound of a lack of peace that comes from a lack of trust in Almighty God.
One of the purposes of Jesus’ life was to bring us peace; Isaiah 9:6 refers to Him as the Prince of Peace. The Old Testament prophecies that foretold of His coming referred over and over again to the gift of peace He would bring to the world. Jesus was coming to spread good news of the peace that only He could bring between God the Father and the people of the earth. (Isaiah 52:7) And Jesus did not just bring peace; He is peace according to Micah 5:5.
I am reminded of a beautiful thing Jesus said in John 14:27 as He was preparing His disciples for a potentially unnerving time – His physical departure from their midst.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
What comforting words. Not only does this promise apply to me, but I am shamelessly thrilled to know that the original fathers of the Christian faith were also easily stressed out and needed reminders of the attributes and goodness of the One they worshipped.
As for the bills: ever faithful, the Lord graciously provided for every need that we had, even throwing in a little extra to cover some simple desires that were not necessary for our daily life. Like the zoo and fried chicken.
Thank You, Jesus, for Your gift of peace to me. Please help me to remember that it is there! When I begin to rely on my own logic and reasoning, giving in to fear, draw me back to rest in You. Amen.
During this second week of Advent, I encourage you to be watchful of areas that you easily fall into peace-less-ness. When those times arise, whether in your parenting or even your trips to the grocery store, stop and remind yourself that Jesus came to bring peace and that He actually IS peace.
Advent – Week Two:
Theme: Bethlehem (Peace)
Scriptures: Sun. Is. 11:1-10, Mon. Zech. 6:12-13, Tue. Mic. 5:2-4, Wed. Mal. 3:1-6, Thu. John 1:1-8, Fri. John 1:9-18, Sat. Mark 1:1-3 (You can limit your readings to one day if you that works better for your family.)
Jen 2009

Monday, November 30, 2009

Jesus, Our Hope

The Muppet Christmas Carol is a huge part of our family’s Christmas preparation each year. Instead of beautiful carols in the background while we trim the tree, we hear Rizzo yelling, “Light the lamp! Not the rat! Light the lamp! Not the rat!” For some that might not bring warm and fuzzy feelings, but for us it does.
Another part of our Christmas tradition is celebrating Advent. Each year the children delight in arguing over who gets to light the candle of the week, while my husband and I strive to keep the main focus on the Light of the World. Some years we go all out and other years is it a simple weekly event. This year, I truly feel that it will be much more meaningful, at least for me personally.
I began preparing my heart for Advent in November. During that time I studied all the characters of the beautiful story, as well as the Old Testament prophecies. As I read through them, I was blessed to be reminded again and again of the fulfillment of each foretelling. Here are just three of those pre Messiah messages that we are all familiar with:
He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:13-14) Fulfilled: Luke 1:26-28
He would be of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) Fulfilled: Luke 3:33
He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) Fulfilled: Luke 2:4-7
There are many, many more that cover not only Jesus’ birth, but his ministry, torture, death, and resurrection. I encourage you to look them up along with their corresponding New Testament fulfillments. The thing that is so exciting to me, especially as I focus on those prophecies during Advent’s first week, is the hope that those ancient words give me as a believer in Christ Jesus. Each and every word about the Messiah’s life proved true. That gives me great assurance that all the prophecies regarding His second coming and my eternal life with Him in Heaven are 100% trustworthy as well.
As you enter this new Christmas season, take the time to enjoy the beautiful decorations and fun traditions, but take even more time to relish the beautiful, eternal Hope that is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, our Hope Thank You that although we do not know the exact day of His miraculous birth we can still set aside a time each year to rejoice in the gift that He is to all mankind. Amen
Celebrate Advent with your family in some form. Learn more about it here. Our family is using an iron looking decorator tree with five tea light holders for our Advent ‘wreath’. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and fit the tradition to your family. A great book to use over the Christmas season is The ADVENTure of Christmas by Lisa Whelchel.
Advent – Week One:
Theme: Prophecy (Hope)
Scriptures: Sun. Is. 40:1-5, Mon. Is. 52:7-10, Tue. Is. 40:9-11, Wed. Gen. 3:8-15, Thu. Gen. 15:1-6, Fri. Deut. 18:15-19, Sat. Ps. 89:1-4 (You can limit your readings to one day if you that works better for your family.)
Jen 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

In Everything

One of the most quoted verses on giving thanks is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Many times this little verse is used incorrectly, replacing the word ‘in’ with the word ‘for’. Oh, it might not actually be spoken ‘for everything give thanks’ but in our minds it is sometimes translated that way. When that happens we get all squirrelly and question how in the world we are to be thankful for everything. No one could be thankful for a child who has turned from the love and protection of their parents or for the lack of transportation due to a broken car. How about a family home in foreclosure or the death of a beloved spouse?
When hard things come and you feel the added burden of guilt for your lack of appreciation, remember that the Lord does not ask us to be thankful for bad things. He tells us to be thankful in the midst of that bad thing. Regardless of what hardship comes our way, the truth of who God is still stands. When a child gets cancer, God is still Healer. When a job is lost, God is still Provider. When a marriage is rocky, God is still Restorer. God is altogether lovely and perfect and holy. Sin has created an atmosphere of death and loss and pain, but even there God is holy and worthy of thanksgiving.
Cultivating a heart that searches out and proclaims the goodness of God even in dark times will help you to walk strong through difficulties. That walk will in turn bring glory to the Father and be a witness to those who have no hope.
Father God, thank You that regardless of what is happening in my life, who You are is a constant Truth. You are holy, righteous, all knowing, all powerful, merciful, and good. Nothing can separate me from you. Help me to always give You thanks IN everything. Amen
This week, when a hard thing comes your way, stop and thank the Lord for who He is in the midst of that circumstance. If you have been lied to, thank the Lord that He is Truth and what He says stands forever. If your marriage is in shambles, stop and thank Him that He can make a way for your heart to be drawn closer to Him as you work through trouble. Don’t try to feel thankful for awful things, simply thank the Lord for His goodness in spite of those awful things.
Jen 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lazy Excuses

As a little girl growing up in Dothan, Alabama, I attended a church concert at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church. The vocalist was about eleven years old and had the best enunciation I had ever heard and the biggest red hair I had every seen. Other than those two incredibly useless facts, I only remember two other things about the evening. It was hot, and the girl sang a cover song called Excuses. Part of the chorus went, “Excuses, excuses, you hear them every day! Well, the devil, he’ll supply them, if from the church you’ll stay away!” Add a great twang and you have the gist of the evening. Excuses, however, are not just used for skipping regular fellowship with other believers. Just about anything can conjure up an excuse.
Excuse (noun)
1. A false reason that enables somebody to do something he or she wants to do or avoid something he or she does not want to do

I firmly believe that many times my excuses are basically a cover for plain old laziness. A lack of self control over my temper is really a sign that I am too lazy to do the hard thing and use that particular fruit of the spirit. Making excuses for missed devotional time is simply a lazy streak in the faithfulness department. The overflowing ironing basket is a result of my lazy choice to sit and read instead of finishing my work.
The good news is that I do not have to continue making excuses! I can diligently seek to be a good manager of my home, a woman characterized by a gentle manner and wisdom that comes from consistent time in the Word. There is no excuse for any form of sin in my life because the Lord has faithfully made a way for me to avoid it. If you are an excuse maker, there is hope for you as well in the perfect and complete Word of God!
The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. Proverbs 13:4
Father, thank You that I do not have to live a life filled with excuses. I can rest on the promise that the soul of the diligent shall be made rich with the treasure of You! Amen.
Examine your life closely this week and see if you have fallen into the habit of making excuses, whether it is missing church because you need to catch up on yard work or leaving the grocery cart parked aimlessly in the middle of the store parking lot. Ask the Lord to show you how your excuses are affecting your testimony and His image. Look at the Word to see what sin your excuse is making room for in your life.
Jen 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Perfect Sin-o-Meter

This past year has been the most wonderfully difficult time I can remember in my adult years. You might think the words ‘wonderfully’ and ‘difficult’ do not belong in the same sentence, but I can tell you that they certainly do! The Lord has been taking me through the deepest, darkest parts of my heart exposing and rooting out selfishness, unforgiveness, resentment, pride, harshness, anger – the list is long and ugly. I was unaware that most of these things where even in there. Thankfully, the Lord has a handy attribute called Omniscience and He is not afraid to use it.
In His goodness, the Lord has allowed me to see, read, and hear my own ugliness. This year long process came to a head this past month when He directed me to Psalm 19, having me read over and over again how His Word is the perfect sin-o-meter.
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression. Psalm 19:12,13
When I see justification for an offence taken, the Word sees an excuse to set up walls to keep others out. (Proverbs 18:19) When I see a reason to withhold forgiveness, it sees a woman who is willing to receive the precious forgiveness of Jesus but is unwilling to extend that same forgiveness to a peer. (Matt. 18:23-35) When I see a situation that is ripe for sarcasm and anger, He sees a heart that is refusing to live at peace with all men. (Romans 12:18)
I encourage you not to stuff and ignore those nagging feelings that pop up. Trust me on this - I tried to ignore the conviction and it only extended the process, creating more issues along the way. Recognize the niggling for what it is: a warning to be heeded (Psalm 19:11), and the reward for paying attention and taking action is great and worth the pain of facing and dealing with your sin.
When we allow the Lord to work freely in our hearts, the process is usually very uncomfortable. The great thing is that with that pain there is the gain of having a clean heart before Him. The secret faults, the presumptuous sins – none can be hidden from the lamp of God’s Word. When those secret sins are exposed and dealt with the effects are long reaching to our homes, churches, friendships, and workplaces, making the result of the difficult process truly wonderful!
Father, thank You for exposing my sin. Thank You for doing it little by little, bringing me to a place of repentance. Help me to walk in Your ways in every area of my life, never resisting Your good and perfect plan for me.
Read Psalm 19 in its entirety each day this week, focusing especially on verses 7 through 14. Make special note of what the Word of God is. Be careful not to fall into presumptuous sins - things that tend to be given a stamp of approval because, well, we are human after all. Some of those might include your tone of voice with your kids (They made me mad!), your critical spirit over the worship at church (It is just not my style. Why can't we sing more [insert favorite style here]?), your resistance to do something your husband has asked (He knows I hate fish! Why should I have to cook it?). Those justified sins can be the most dangerous and quickly gain dominion over you (Psalm 19:13).
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Altering Our Biographies

2 Cor. 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
A blogging friend of mine recently had an entry that told about someone’s distant ancestor who was a horse thief in Montana, who also robbed trains, was chased down by the famous Pinkerton Detectives, and who eventually hanged for his troubles back in 1889.
I suppose someone in his family tree didn’t want to be associated with such a “fellow lacking in character,” and he decided to alter his great-great uncle’s biography…uh…just a smidge:
“[He] was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1885, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, [he] passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."
After getting a good giggle out of the story, the Lord put the thought into my head: “That is exactly what I did for you. I altered your biography when I shed My blood on the cross.”
Before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, at the age of 23, I was a BAD, misguided, utterly foul person. But once Christ came into my life – once HE forgave me of my sins – I became a brand new person! HE completely altered my biography and has written HIS version into the Lamb’s Book of Life! All of the old crud has been erased and each page has been replaced with HIS loving grace.
The Author of Life has a personal interest in MY story! He is helping me to write new chapters of love, devotion, prayer, ministry and out-reach that is read by everyone who comes into my sphere of influence. That can be a heavy load to carry, but He has assured me that His burden is light and that He will be with me all the way. I may fail and drop a few bricks from my load from time-to-time, but He is always there to forgive me and help me start all over.
I’m so grateful that the Lord is in the business of altering our biographies. With His help, I’m hoping that my life will be a story worth reading by my descendants.
Father God, thank You for your willingness to forgive me and make me new. Thank You, Jesus, for Your ultimate sacrifice that has altered my biography for all eternity. I am known as Yours because of Your great love for me. Please help me to carry my heritage with grace and boldness, taking Your name to those whose stories have yet to be rewritten. Amen.
This week be sure to share your testimony with someone - your child, a relative, a friend, or a complete stranger. No matter how 'boring' you think your story might be, it is still a dramatic story of someone being saved from an eternity separated from God.

Friday, October 30, 2009

A Fresh Look!

This past week I decided that Fresh Starts needed a fresh look, so I contacted Jackie from Memories by Design. Jackie has been a joy to work with and really captured the feel I was looking for - cool, peaceful, fresh, and new. If you have any blog make over needs, I encourage you to contact Memories by Design!

Many of you read Fresh Starts via email. Would you please make a stop by the site to take a peek at the new design?
Until Monday!

Monday, October 26, 2009

The Link Between Training and Honor

I am happy to share another devotional written by my grandmother. Granny Witt is a wise woman who has a deep and abiding love for the Lord. She is an incredible witness for Christ and example to women of all ages. I pray that you are stirred by her words for you this Monday morning.
Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6
Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you. Exodus 20:12
I believe God’s wisdom in Proverbs and His fifth commandment in Exodus are directly connected in guiding us and teaching our children by our behavior, actions, and example. God is asking us to show honor, love, and respect for others from birth to old age. Recently a situation has developed in a close relative’s family that has caused me to look at these Scriptures from a different perspective and also to recognize the consequences of not following God’s guidance. In this instance, a negative pattern was given throughout the life of the child, and the elderly parent is now reaping what was sown; feelings have been hurt, relationships strained. This sad situation could have been avoided if God's loving guidance was followed.
As your children see you forgiving and praying for them and others, patiently telling them one more time the right thing to do, don’t give up or despair at what seems to be repetitive. The future payoff will be tremendous, when they step into your shoes and become parents themselves. Then you as a grandparent will reap the benefits of the honor, love, and respect of your children and their children. This is repetition all can gladly live with. It goes on and on from one generation to the next, praise the Lord!
Dear Heavenly Father, I am always amazed at how Your Word is as fresh and new and applicable for us today as when it was first written. I thank You, Father, that You have allowed me to be a link in the chain that will bind my children to You forever. Amen.
I challenge you to look at your relationships with the following important people through your children’s eyes: your spouse, parents, siblings, in-laws, neighbors, pastor, church family, and anyone in authority over you. Rate yourself as they would on a one to ten positive or negative scale. Ask God to show you ways to improve those areas that fall short of honor, love, and respect.
Granny Witt 2009

Monday, October 19, 2009

Autumn's Harvest

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


Like many other people, autumn is my favorite season. What's not to love? The sights, the sounds, the smells. Looking forward to coming inside for a little hibernation. Just reading the first chapter of Little House in the Big Woods gets me in the mood.
This week, I am loving the fallen leaves--the satisfying crunch while walking anywhere, the softened colors of the drying leaves, the musty smell everywhere outside.
I love watching the earth preparing itself for rest. The softened colors everywhere--the grays, browns, and beiges that happen in November *after* the gorgeous display of color in October. The look of bare trees against the sky, mixed in with the evergreens. It's all good, as Martha says.
I have six children “out of the nest,” and only two teenagers left--and their time is flying by too quickly. The "autumn" of my life is arriving. At 54, though I'm not too concerned about my age, I have to admit that 35 is long past. Most of my child raising years are behind me.
I have a blog friend who had this to say about that transition: “To everything there is a season. I'm so thankful that autumn is the very season to follow after summer, in God's creation as well as in my life. What a blessed mystery, that something equally/possibly even more special and beautiful, can and will, softly and quietly move into the place of something else long held especially dear, special and beautiful. God is so very good. So kind. So good.”
That's a wonderful thought. Why shouldn't the "autumn" of my life, just like the autumn of the year, be my very favorite? Sure, my skin is a little dried up just like the leaves (hopefully, I'm not smellin' too musty just yet...) and my hair color is a tad faded-looking. But this is the time of my harvest--looking at the children we raised becoming wonderful adults, the promise of the seedlings we planted coming to fruition. Fulfilling the purposes God planned for them, and, getting me some grandchildren into the bargain!
Another thing that's apparent at this time of my life is the Wisdom my mother told me I'd get. It's magic! You just keep getting up in the morning, then, one day, all of a sudden you know a few things. A lot of the angst of youth disappears, and you stop sweatin' (at least *some*) of the Small Stuff. I can see as each year passes, Life getting more and more clear. Now, I still worry 'way too much. I thought I'd have it more "together" by this time. I guess I thought I would have conquered all that stuff I don't like about myself. But at least I know that God doesn't hold it against me. He loves me "just the way I am." Really. He DOES.
So now, for this season, I am going to try to look at my life, as well as what's going on outside, with fresh eyes.
Dear Father, You have made me for this season, for this time. Help me to see that every season is important in Your eyes. Help me to see with those eyes, what you are doing in my life right now, and treasure each moment.
If you are one to fret about the passing of summer, or your age, or the swiftness with which your children are growing up, look outside this week with new eyes—those which see the New thing happening. Think about the harvest which *you* are producing for the Lord.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Chewing the Cud

When a cow chews her cud, she is actually chewing regurgitated food. Of course, if God created a cow to chew cud there must be a purpose, regardless of the gross out factor. After a bit of research I learned exactly why cows chew their cud, and it turns out there is good reason. A cow chews cud up to eight hours a day, producing saliva that contains antacids that line her first stomach, creating a better digestive process and in turn a happier cow that produces more milk. Who would’a thunk it?
This week I had the opportunity to chew some spiritual cud. I admit that I was less than pleased. Back in April the Lord brought me to a place of surrender regarding a relationship. Since that time I have been plugging along happily, enjoying the freedom of having forgiven another. Lately there have been some unpleasant feelings popping up in my heart again in regards to that forgiven offence. I pushed the feelings down, reminding myself that I was past all of that.
On Thursday I did not push them down. In fact, I sort of lit a match and let 'er rip. Someone had told me of a way the Lord had used this person and I was angry beyond measure that the He would presume to use them in a good way. The nerve. Well, I had a better plan, a better idea, a better way of getting this person in line and something ‘good’ was not part of it. In the midst of my furry and questions of WHY I kept having to deal with this issue in my heart, my mom said that the Lord obviously had a purpose. Gee, that really helped my frustration. It did get me on my knees, however, and had me storming the gates of heaven to find out why this thing kept rearing its head. James 1:5-8
The Lord is so gracious to allow me to be grieved by various trials of recurring anger and bitterness in this situation. I say that He is gracious because He is not willing to let me be blinded to left over sin and bitterness in my heart. The Lord will guide me through times of pain and seeking forgiveness and restoration only to have me revisit the area again. Sometimes what is rooted in my heart is simply too much for me to bear in one weeding and He needs to take me back later to deal with it further (1 Cor. 10:13). That is what has been happening with this heart issue I thought I had dealt with. There was simply more in there that needed to be taken care of at a later time.
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4
I will find joy in this chewing of the cud. Rehashing what I thought was already eaten and dealt with will actually produce a woman who is content and a better producer of the things of God. There is a purpose, regardless of whether I like the way it feels or not. The most important thing it that my faith is proven genuine and pleasing to the Lord, that I reflect Him in every area of my life. Even in my cud.
In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. 1 Peter 1:6-8
Father God, You know me so well. You know just the right way to bring to my notice sin issues that I think are not there. Thank You for Your perfect timing in my life. May I be a woman who has a genuine faith that grows daily, bring glory to You. Amen
Do you have a recurring issue that keeps popping up in your life? Maybe you look at it as a simple inconvenience, or maybe you use it as a platform to justify a wrong you feel has been done against you. Take the time to examine your heart and the issue at hand. Ask the Lord to show you what He wants to do in your life. He is faithful to reveal it to you. James 1:5-8

Jen 2009

Monday, October 5, 2009

He Prays for Me

There are times in my homeschool mommy life that I seriously wonder if I will make it to the end. Honestly, there are also times when I wonder if my children will make it to the end. There are many days when seemingly unanswerable questions from my children overwhelm me (I mean, really, how am I supposed to know if that man in the picture in the geography book knows Jesus?), attitudes arise that I feel ill equipped to handle, frustrations with my husband creep to the surface, laundry threatens to consume me, the school year seems two years long, and the eternally misplaced math book almost sends me over the edge. It is during those times that I revisit Jesus's prayer for me in John 17.
In the hours before His arrest, Jesus gathered His disciples together in a quiet place and told them of His coming death and resurrection. He sensed their confusion and answered their unspoken questions; they responded with faith, finally believing that He truly was God. (John 16:29, 30) He told them that He shared the coming events to assure them that even when things looked bleak, to remember that “in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." Afterwards, He began to pray for these men who had faithfully walked with Him, even when they were not completely convinced that He was who He said He was.
I encourage you to read Jesus' entire prayer in John 17:1-19. What beautiful words the Lord spoke over His men. He prayed protection, unity, sanctification, thanksgiving, and blessing. As beautiful as that portion of Scripture is, the verses that follow are even better. In fact, they are among my absolute favorite verses in God’s Word.
"My prayer is not for them alone. I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me. I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one: I in them and you in me. May they be brought to complete unity to let the world know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me. Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world. Righteous Father, though the world does not know you, I know you, and they know that you have sent me. I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known in order that the love you have for me may be in them and that I myself may be in them." John 17:20-26
It is a great comfort to me that before He went to the cross, Jesus prayed for me. As a matter of fact, if you are a Christ follower, then He was praying for you as well! Jesus prayed that we would be in unity with other believers - including my children and husband - as a testimony to the fact that He was sent by the Father. He prayed that we would know that God the Father loves us just as much as He loves His own Son. His desire was that we would be with Him in heaven to experience His glory.
This is not the only mention of Jesus praying for His family. We are assured in Hebrews 7:25 that as an unchangeable priest He lives to make intercession for us. Romans 8:33-35 tells us that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father, interceding for us. The Roman’s passage goes on to ask, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword?” (I always add, "Shall bickering siblings or ringing phones in the middle of a history lesson or burnt macaroni and cheese?") Regardless of what words I insert, the answer is always the same: Nothing!
No matter what it is that threatens to overwhelm me, I can rest on the fact that Jesus Himself is interceding for me, and has been since that day with His disciples. He sees the beginning from the end and knows what is being worked out in me as I live through troubled times. I am so thankful for His heart for this mom.
Jesus, thank You for constantly interceding for me. Thank You for remembering your future brothers and sisters in prayer even as You prayed for Your disciples. Knowing that the Lord of the universe is praying God’s perfect will for me word for word brings incredible peace. Amen.
Read over Jesus’ prayer for His disciples and for future believers every day this week. As you soak in the beautiful, passionate words that express His heart for His people pray your gratitude back to Him. Each time you are faced with what seems an insurmountable problem, sin, or feeling remember that at that very moment, Jesus Himself is praying for you!
Jen 2009

Monday, September 28, 2009

The Forgotten Woman

I’m often amazed that whenever I read or hear messages about various women in the Bible, there is a special woman who isn’t mentioned. If you want to learn from a woman on prayer, you can look to Hannah. If you want to look to a woman on bravery and courage, you can look to Esther. If you want to look to a woman on leadership, you can look to Deborah. But, what if you wanted to look to a woman on sexuality? Who comes to mind? Does anyone? What about the Shulamite woman found in the Song of Solomon?
Whenever I read this wonderful love story, I close my Bible excited and encouraged to strive to apply her lifestyle to my life and marriage. I think she’s the best example as to how to be a woman of purity and a woman of passion. I’d like for us to look at her character, to seek to desire some of it in our own lives, and to possibly teach it to our daughters and other young ladies. Let’s take a look:
In the first three chapters, she displays a great example of how a woman/girl is to wait to be married to her husband. Throughout their courtship, she displayed much purity in her conduct (1:7-8) and praise towards Solomon (1:2-4). Then in the last chapters, she displays another great example of how a woman is to be wildly passionate towards her husband. Throughout the rest of the book, you can see how she expresses her attraction to Solomon and how she was ready and willing to give herself fully to him passionately and sexually in every way. As you read the entire chapter, you’ll see that the Shulamite woman was:
A woman of compliments towards Solomon (1:2-4, 13-16): Remember how you were when you realized how much you were in love with your husband? Remember how you would talk about him a lot to your friends and family? When was the last time you took the time and looked at all of your husband’s features? Try it and see what happens.
A woman of confidence in her beauty and her relationship to Solomon (1:5; 2:4, 6; 7:10): How often do you allow your flaws to keep you from being reminded of how the Lord has wonderfully made you? Even to the point where it can hinder you availing yourself to your husband? What have you allowed to prevent you from availing yourself to your spouse freely?
A woman of chastity (1:7-8; 2:7; 3:5; 8:10): There was a certain appearance prostitutes had whenever they wore veils. She was determined not to wear her veil in such a way that would give anyone the impression that she was one of them. This was a character that the other women noticed. Even as an older woman, are you still aware of what and how you dress? Do you demonstrate a life of chastity in the eyes of other females?
A woman of expressions (1:13-14; 2:3; 3:1): She was very expressive about her passions, desires, and love for Solomon. How often do you openly express how you feel to or about your spouse?

A woman of excitement (2:8): Whenever she saw or heard Solomon’s voice or knew of his coming, she was excited to see him. What are you like whenever you know your husband is coming home or when he arrives home?
A woman of recreation (4:16; 7:9 – 8:4, 12): She was ready and willing to avail herself sexually to Solomon and she did it with such excitement and passion towards him. How often do you avail yourself sexually towards yours husband in such a way?
A woman of reconciliation (5:2 – 6:3): It is said that somewhere in those two chapters, the couple had their first argument. As you read it, you can see how she still had kind thoughts and words towards him. What are you like during and after an argument with your spouse?
I love the example that this woman displays throughout this book. God uses her so much to convict me to be just as compassionate towards my own husband. Whenever I find myself “not in the mood,” God uses her example to get me “in the mood” to love on my dear and sweet hubby. At times, I’m quick to follow her example…and then there are other times when I’m not too quick! I pray that after reading about her, we’ll all come to see that she should no longer be a forgotten woman.
Dear Lord, thank You for including the Song of Solomon in Your Word. I’m so thankful for how You have allowed this couple to display such a beautiful example of what godly and romantic love looks like – that it’s something to be adored, admired, and adapted in our own lives. Please help us as wives to be like her. In Your name, Amen.
Go through each of those examples of the Shulamite’s character and try to apply one of them a day. I’m convinced as you avail yourself to the Spirit’s control, you’ll become a newly (or more) passionate woman. Regardless of where your marriage might be, purpose in your heart before the Lord (and accountability partner if need be), that you’re going to strive to be a passionate and expressive wife to your husband.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Wait on the Lord

“Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.” Psalm 27:14
“They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings as eagles, they shall run and not grow weary, they shall walk and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Have you ever noticed how much of your life consists of waiting? Waiting to turn 16, waiting to get married, waiting to get your driver's license, waiting for your child to walk and take that first step. Waiting for the bank to give you the mortgage. Waiting for your turn to talk to the person on the other end of the hold. Waiting in the doctor's office. Waiting for your husband to change. Waiting for you to change. Waiting to lose weight. Waiting for your child to learn to read. Waiting for God to answer your prayer. I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.
God calls us to wait and specifically to wait on Him. I have learned over the years that waiting develops something in me. I learn to trust Him - His sovereignty, His foreknowledge, His goodness. Can you imagine what would happen if He just gave us what we thought we needed every time? We would be in such a mess. We also would never experience the joy of seeing what He can do in His timing. He knows what is best for us and He knows when it is best to give it.
But the most important part of all is waiting FOR HIM. Not what He can do, but for His presence in our lives. Do you realize what He is telling us to do? The Creator of the universe is telling us, His creation, to wait for Him. He wants relationship with us. As we wait and continue to cry out to Him for strength, we get to know Him in ways we never would learn if He answered immediately.
So my exhortation to you is to wait on Him. Don’t grow weary in waiting, get excited because He is there drawing you to Himself and will show up in the perfect time and you’ll never be the same again.
This weeks challenge; Every time you are tempted to be impatient and to step out on your own to make things happen, stop and thank God that He has a better plan. Can you remember times when you did have to wait and how God revealed Himself to you as waited? Write it down and then share it with someone who is struggling in their waiting,
Remember He is faithful and does not command us to do anything that is impossible when we rely on Him.
Father, thank You for teaching me as I wait. I am not too good at it yet, Lord, but I want to be. I know that getting to know You and having You reveal Yourself to me is worth all the waiting I will ever be asked to do. Amen.
Every time you are tempted to be impatient and to step out on your own to make things happen, stop and thank God that He has a better plan. Can you remember times when you did have to wait and how God revealed Himself to you as waited? Write it down and then share it with someone who is struggling in their waiting. Remember, He is faithful and does not command us to do anything that is impossible when we rely on Him.
Sherry Sanders 2009 View from the Parsonage

Monday, September 14, 2009

I Forgot I Was Naked

Countless times in my married life I have caught a glimpse of myself in that bathroom mirror after a shower, each time lamenting my size and shape. The distress I experienced didn’t last long, however. After that post-shower shock I usually headed into a day of eating what ever tempted my taste buds. Each trip to the fridge or pantry could have been drastically changed if only I had not forgotten what I looked like naked.
Many times I have experienced something very similar spiritually. I spend time in the Word and am convicted by the Holy Spirit about some sin issue in my life. Afterwards I stumble right into the same sin pattern, completely forgetting what the Lord showed me. I have heard the Word of the Lord, yet I walk away failing to do (obey) what He said.
But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. James 1:22-24
In the first part of the passage the man observed himself and then walked away deceived. He was deceived because he thought he had done all that was required of him by simply hearing the Word. Think of telling your child to clean up his room and then finding that he did not. When you approach him he assures you that it is okay. After all, he heard you, isn’t that enough? Obviously that is beyond ridiculous, but I do the same thing in my walk with the Lord. As always, when the Lord points out a common problem in the Christian walk He also gives the solution.
But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. James 1:25
The key is to “continue” in the Word. I obviously can not tote a Bible around with me all day long ignoring those around me so I can stay in the Word, but I can study and hide that Word in my heart. When I hear God’s Word through reading or listening it is imperative that I do more than just hear it. I must DO it. I must walk out what He has graciously shown me. If I do not then I am deceiving myself into thinking that simply hearing it is okay. Hearing combined with doing is what will bring blessing to my life. I must look into His perfect law of freedom and walk it out. I must continue to hear and examine and do what He tells me. His way brings blessing and freedom. My way leaves me walking around naked. And who wants to do that?
Father, thank You that Your Word exposes sin in my life. Please help me to be obedient when You reveal something to me. I desire to walk in Your perfect law of freedom each day. Amen
This week do more than glance at yourself in the mirror of the Word. Look deeply into it, taking note of specific areas where you need to obey the Lord. If you have a hard time remembering those areas make a sign and post it on your refrigerator or wall. For example: “Arguing with my husband is a sign of pride in my life. God’s Word says where there is self-seeking that evil and confusion abound. (James 3:16) ”
Jen 2009

Monday, September 7, 2009

Disciplining With A Humble Hand

Fresh Starts is pleased to bring a devotional from a new contributor. Zinnada shares what the Lord is doing in her life at her lovely blog, Three Princesses and a Prince.
Yesterday was a hard day. The morning began without any electricity due to a storm that past through our area during the night. We were left without any electricity until later that morning. So, I must admit, I was a bit discouraged about that. Not having electricity revealed how much I rely on electricity to get me through the day rather than trusting in the Lord.
When the electricity finally came on, I was able to turn on the computer. Since we’re taking a school break, I allow the kids to watch their DVD’s and their cartoons. We don’t have cable, but they are still able to view the Disney & Nick, Jr. cartoons through the internet. So, I was trying to turn on one of their favorite Disney cartoons and wanted them to sit quietly as I proceeded to turn it on. Well, as you may know, that was an unrealistic request.
Just as they were sitting there, one of my dear daughters decided to SLUG her sister! “What?” were my thoughts. When I asked her why, she said that she was playing with her. My husband and I have been telling them NOT to play fight. So, since I was already frustrated with the computer not allowing me to pull up a Disney cartoon, having to deal with that act wasn’t any better.
So, I asked the dear child to give me her hand. Well, this particular one DOESN’T make her “loving” easy for us. So, having to deal with the matter became harder than it needed to be. After it was over, I felt so tired and discouraged. It affected me throughout the rest of the day. I kept thinking and wondering, “Why does it have to be so HARD?” I kept bringing that before the Lord and had planned to talk about it with my hubby later that night.
Well, we both had a busy night and weren’t able to talk until the following morning. He suggested that for now since I’m pregnant, it’s best to let him deal with the “loving” when he gets home. I confess, a sense of PRIDE came over me. It’s a little hard to think that I have to wait for a particular child to be “loved” on. But, it’s just for this time.
During my time in the word, I felt the Spirit lead me to Proverb 13:24. That passage of scripture challenged me to really think of my MOTIVES for “loving”. Am I doing it because MY “law” has been broken? Am I doing it because of my pride? Basically, I need to stop and question…WHY?
I have to admit, stopping to examine my motives is VERY humbling. Ephesians 6:4 really caused me to REALLY desire to be careful with what and how I’m “loving” the kids. I’ve always looked at that verse being basically for the fathers and it does, but it’s also used for parents in general, which can include Mommy too.
As I was reading my notes (I use the John MacArthur’s Study Bible), I was humbled by what I read. I began to question if whenever I’m “loving” the kids, is my desire and purpose is to draw them to the Father or to simply obey ME and to NEVER disobey ME again.
Basically am I setting myself up as the “god” to obey or am I ushering them towards obedience to the God of the bible? I was reminded that based on John 1:13, it’s the Lord who gives the right to become children of God, not Mommy’s “loving”.
So, what am I saying? I’m not in ANY way saying not to “love” on our kids. Scripture CLEARLY exhorts us to do that. What I am saying is that whenever your child needs some “loving”. Hold that “loving tool” in your hand and recognize your need for His help to be self-controlled and gospel centered at that time and then SWIFTLY be ready for reconciliation. Knowing that your child is not going to change his or her behavior based on your actions, but only by the grace of God through His choosing to save their souls. Let us “love” on our children with a humble hand praying that through our obedience in dealing with the situation that God would one day choose our child to be in the kingdom.
Dear Lord, thank You for showing me my sin of pride whenever I’m “loving” our children. Please continue to humble me at that very moment in order for that child to see his or her sin and need to trust in You for salvation one day. In Jesus name, Amen.
When you are faced with disciplining your child this week be sure to stop and consider what was shared this week. Ask yourself the question, "Am I upset because my child caused me to be inconvenienced or am I upset because my child's heart is not in line with the Lord?" Then be sure to stop and pray, relying 100% on the Lord's grace and wisdom to get you through the time of "loving".
Other references:
Titus 3:5; Hebrews 12:5-11; John 1:13; Ephesians 6:4

Monday, August 31, 2009

Do You Shed?

I asked my husband what I should write about this week as I was feeling quite dull. He got a very thoughtful look on his face and then told me that I should write about dogs and how they shed fur. I thought the same thing you are mostly likely thinking right now. What on earth does a dog shedding have to do with a bunch of moms?
At the beginning of each autumn our dogs, especially the goldendoodle, begin to grow extra fur for the coming winter months. This comes in quite handy in our cold and snowy northeast Ohio climate. Come spring I am not as intrigued by this God designed winter coat as it all falls on my wood floors. However aggravating the shedding might be, it is a good thing. Can you imagine wearing your winter coat all summer in the heat? The dog's shedding allows for them to sleep better, play better, move around better - it's a good thing.
The same is true for moms who shed their busy coats. Unlike my dogs, my shedding time comes in September of each year. After a fun, full summer I need to look at my calendar and begin to slow down. I home school my five children and I simply can not keep the same activity list as I do in the warm and carefree months. If I did, my home would be in a constant state of disarray and my children would be uneducated ruffians. It is much easier and more enjoyable to teach my children when I am not trying to fulfill a myriad of obligations outside of my home. My family needs to be my priority. When I am walking purposefully in my current season of life (summer, holidays, schooling, etc.) I find that the walk is more enjoyable and successful. I encourage you to begin to shed your fur for this coming season and enjoy the time at home.
Let your eyes look straight ahead and your eyelids look right before you.
Ponder the path of your feet, and let all your ways be established.
Proverbs 4:25,26
Father, thank you for this coming school year. What an honor to be home with my children, teaching them and training them in the ways You desire. Please help me to be focused on this season and what you would have me be involved in. Amen.
If you have not yet looked at scaling back for this school year do so this week. Make sure that you leave time for date nights and fun stuff, but determine to have tunnel vision in regards to your home school. It is easy to get off track simply anticipating a coming event. Ask your husband to help you make wise choices with your time.
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Times of Fellowship

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him. Colossians 3:16,17
This week I had the opportunity to sit down with a young mom who is just beginning her homeschooling journey. She came to talk and learn more about our support group, curriculum - that sort of thing. We covered all of that, but something even more beneficial came of our time. We spent time in fellowship. Our unity in the faith drew us together until we were no longer talking about methods and learning styles, but rather we began to share what the Lord had done and was doing in our lives.
What does fellowship look like? The dictionary says that fellowship is "the condition or relation of being a fellow." The definition of fellow is "belonging to the same class or group; united by the same occupation, interests, etc.; being in the same condition." My new friend and I are in the same condition; we were once lost but now are found. The commonality between us is that our hearts have been transformed by Christ.
Do you have times of real fellowship with your Christian friends? Are your times filled with encouragement and sharing what the Lord is teaching you or are they focused only on where you shop, what you buy or what classes your kids are taking? This is not to say that you can not talk about other things with friends, but a portion of your visiting time should be dedicated to the Lord. As a matter of fact, as you begin to share what the Lord is doing in your life you will find that more and more of your time will be filled with testifying to His goodness and encouraging one another. You might find yourself hard pressed to talk of anything else!
Encouraging one another in the Lord is addictive. Once you begin to share on that level with your friends you will find that everything else seems a little less exciting without "God talk"!
Father, I want to honor You in my words each day. One way I can do that is by sharing what You are doing in my life and encouraging my friends in our conversations. Help me to always be mindful of opportunities to turn the conversation towards You. Amen.
This week be purposeful in bringing the Lord into your extended conversations with friends. Use each opportunity to share the goodness of God and encourage other women to look for what the Lord is doing in their lives. It might feel odd at first, but I promise, you will sense a greater depth in your times of true fellowship.
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, August 17, 2009

Beautiful Routine

“For God is not the author of confusion but of peace…” 1 Co. 14:33
Some people completely freak out at the very word routine, but it is not something to see as stifling and lacking in freedom. On the contrary! Routine brings freedom.
According to the dictionary, routine is simply “a series of regular or usual activities.” While we are defining things, let’s look at the word schedule. (Are you free spirits hyperventilating yet?) The definition of a schedule is “to plan or appoint for a certain time.” That’s not so bad now, is it?
If the dictionary does not soothe your fears of the possibility of being bound up in rigidity just remember that the Lord Himself uses routine and scheduling. Creation was worked through using a schedule. Can you imagine if the fish came before the water; or the people before the form and non-voidness? Our bodies perform routines each day while pumping blood, digesting food, and much more. Routine was created by God for us! Ecclesiastes 3 testifies to this.
Areas of your life that might need a routine revamp could be wake/bed times, meal times, cleaning/laundry, quiet time, ministry, hobbies, and even time with your husband. Having a routine in these areas does not mean that things have to be dull and boring. Instead, think of it as time to prepare to make these daily and weekly events special and more efficient. Most importantly, when family members, including you, know what to expect and when to expect it then your home environment will be more peaceful and calm.
Our gracious heavenly Father designed us as well as our roles as wives and mothers. He gives us exactly what we need in order to accomplish the myriad of things that come as part of the homemaker package. I encourage you not to lose joy in your homemaking because you are overwhelmed. Take the wonderful gift of routine and use it to its fullest!
Father of Lights, who gives every good and perfect gift from above, thank You that you have given me a way to enjoy the work I have been called to do. Please forgive me for letting things go and not maintaining order in my home. Help me to use the gifts of routine and scheduling to provide a peaceful and joyful home for my family. Amen
This week identify one area that could use a routine overhaul. Brainstorm with your husband or a friend on ways to settle into a routine in this area. If you need ideas, please email me at and I will happily send you the outline of this complete teaching, which contains many tips.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Boundless Mercy

I awoke on Monday with such a ‘blah feeling’. It was not that time of month so no excuses there. I sat on my comfy couch, with coffee in hand, turned on the light and talked to God; “Lord, You MUST show me what my problem is! I want You to tell me so I can fix it.” I began reading my Bible and God gave me an "Aha!" moment.
Matthew 12:7 But you would not have condemned those who are not guilty if you knew the meaning of this Scripture: ‘I want you to be merciful; I don’t want your sacrifices.
You see, the day before I was rattling off to my husband a list of things he did that upset me. Poor man! In addition I had been stewing daily over my children’s behavior and frankly felt like giving up this entire thing called homeschooling! On Monday as I read God’s word I should not have been surprised to get a message straight from the Lord. This is what He spoke to me through Matthew 12:7, "Dawn, you condemned your husband and the kids who are not guilty. No matter how much you ‘do right’ by making meals, loving your spouse, serving your children, homeschooling with this method and that method, keeping a clean house, being a housewife, reading the word, spending time with Me, that is all worthless if you are not merciful. Dawn, I do not want you to focus on those ‘sacrifices’. I love you and will take care of those things. For now I want you to be merciful to your family."
I began to search the Scriptures and found out what God thought of my ‘sacrifices’. I encourage you to read the same verses: 1 Samuel 15:22-23, Psalm 40:6, Isaiah 1:11-17, Jeremiah 7:21-23, Hosea 6:6, Psalm 51:16-17, Proverbs 21:3, Micah 6:6-8, Mark 12:33.
Sacrifice: Anything offered to God. Yep, that’s what I was doing when I was trying to be a good wife, be a good mom, be a good homeschooler, etc, etc. God showed me over and over in His Word that what I was sacrificing was not bad, but MOST importantly I needed to be merciful.
At this point I decided to look up the meanings of the other words the Lord kept speaking to me. Mercy – Forbearance from inflicting harm as punishment, compassionate treatment of an offender. Exercise compassion or forgiveness, willingness to spare or help. When my husband or my children offend me in some way God asks me to show them mercy. I then looked up "offender" in the dictionary because I was not certain it was truly offense that I was dealing with. I’m a slow learner! Offender – To cause to feel hurt or resentful; wound; ANNOY.
ANNOY. That’s it! My children can often annoy me (sad, but true). When they sin or do not do things as I expect them to I get annoyed. God in His faithfulness directed me to another verse. Romans 2:1 says that I am just as bad as those I am annoyed with. I do these very same things according to God. He also showed me that I am blameless and without a single fault when I am before Him. Colossians 1:22. Wow! God shows me mercy and grace every day when I do not deserve it! That is what God wants of me when I am offended by my children, husband or anyone for that matter.
I am silly to believe my children will not sin simply because I have taught them the right way. God says in His word that we are bent toward evil from childhood in Genesis 8:21. God is patient and does not give up on me when I come to Him with a repentant heart again and again. In Nehemiah 9:28-31 God repeatedly shows graciousness and mercy to those who do not even deserve it. What an awesome God we serve!
God confirmed my thoughts after studying Isaiah 1:11-17. He is tired of my sacrifices. I am done sacrificing and ready to show mercy. I still have a long way to go and to be totally honest I do not understand all of God’s ways. To me, it makes more sense to do good for the Lord, sacrificing things for Him, but He says in His word, “I want you to be merciful! I have had enough of your sacrifices.” How can I possibly argue with that?
Thank you Lord and please help me to be merciful.
Eternal, Merciful God, thank You for leading me by Your Word. You speak to me clearly and give me perfect solutions to cure my sin. Please help me to keep Your Word at the front of my mind and heart at all times. Amen
Challenge: Take the time to read each of the verses in this devotional. Each one is linked to Bible Gateway and will allow you to read them in several translations. If you struggle with being merciful to others, do your own in depth study of God's mercy poured out for you. It will change your heart for the better!
Dawn Borris 2009

Monday, August 3, 2009

Psalm of Life

This week I would like to share some very simple thoughts from a journal I keep while having my quiet time. For the record, I do not write in it every day. Occasionally I even forget that I have a journal. So, any ideas that I am some super together chick can be put to rest right now.
The thoughts I would like to share are from Psalm 23. For years I have thought of this passage as the "Death Psalm". Movies use this passage for dying moments; many people repeat it in times of fear and uncertainty. As I read it this past week I saw it in a completely different light.
1 The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.
In King David's time shepherds guarded their flocks fiercely, killing lions and those who would try to steal or inflict harm on the sheep. A shepherd was also responsible for guiding the flock to good grazing areas. They would comb through the fields pulling out poisonous weeds and plants that the sheep might eat and in turn be sickened. This verse shows me that the Lord is my protection and my provision in every area of my life.
2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters.
3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.
The Lord brings me to a place of rest through His Word. He feeds me spiritually and gives me refreshment. Through His Word I am led down paths of righteousness in order to bring glory to His name.
4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil;
For You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.
Sometimes I must have faith in God's perfect character based solely on what He has shown me in previous good times. If I have been faithful in studying His Word and hiding it in my heart then I can rely on those times of refreshment and filling to remind me of His faithfulness and guidance, even when I feel alone and dry in my present spiritual walk.
5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies;
You anoint my head with oil; my cup runs over.
When I am struggling with relationships or persecution He prepares exactly what I need to deal with the situation. The Lord pours His healing on me and gives abundantly what I need for the moment.
6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life;
And I will dwell in the house of the LORD forever.
The goodness and mercy of the Father are with me always. At the end of an earthly life filled with His presence, felt or not by me at times, I will spend eternity with Him. What a beautiful promise! I will no longer think of Psalm 23 as the "Death Psalm". It is a Psalm of Life!
Father, thank You that in these six verses are promises of life, guidance, mercy, goodness, protection, provision, comfort, rest, and eternity with You. You truly are good and merciful! Amen.
Take one verse each day this week and meditate on it. Throughout the day think of how the Lord is working out that verse in your life.
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, July 27, 2009

In the Boat

This past month I received an email from a friend who has been going through a hard trial with one of her children. Although she has been suffering greatly she has been returning to the Word and promises of the Lord. Doing that is what keeps her going while this storm rages around her. I asked her permission to share her words anonymously and she graciously granted it. My prayer is that as you read her exhortation to herself you in turn will be greatly encouraged and strengthened in your walk.
"I am trying to rest in the fact that the Lord is in control, He is omnipresent and omnipotent. I know all of that in my head and have for my whole life. RESTING in it is not always the easiest thing but I think I am getting there. That means, not worrying about things. As a mom, it is hard not to worry. As a woman whose been around the block a few times, it is hard not to worry. As a person who knows that the Lord allows things to happen that I would never allow to happen if I were God, I have to REST in knowing that HE knows better than I do simply because He is GOD. I am merely a human. His ways are certainly not mine very often. He orchestrated things for His glory even when I don't get it, see it, or understand it. My heart is getting there - at least it is much closer than it has been in recent weeks.
You see, we cannot be "in the boat" worrying and fretting over the storms that are raging all around us because He is in the boat with us. I will never leave you nor forsake you. Joshua 1:5 I am trying hard to quit running to the back of the boat and yelling, "Wake up, WAKE UP!! DON'T YOU SEE THIS TERRIBLE STORM!!!!!!!!" He doesn't need me to point it out OR to point out "the solution"!!!! If I trust in Him, I should just let it be, let Him sleep, and sit quietly waiting for it to pass or for Him to say. "Peace Be Still." He knows there is a storm and He knows what to do about it. Oh, I want it to be "Peace Be Still" right now, but that may not be a part of the Master Plan. Some things simply work out better if the storm rages a bit and then calms down."
My friend's closing words struck me. "Some things simply work out better if the storm rages a bit..." As hard as it is, we will do well to keep that in mind as we struggle through difficult times. The Lord promises so many times that what ever we go through will bring good fruit if we are His and we are walking in His ways. These verses come to mind: Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes. James 1:2-4 Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance. Perseverance must finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything. These verses are not always comforting when we are in the midst of suffering, but that does not change the fact that they are true. There is hope! There is a future beyond this difficulty! There will be the fruit of maturity and completeness. God is so good to remind us of these things. He is faithful and He is in the boat.
Father, help me to hold on tightly, remembering Your promises to always be with me and turn my sorrow into joy. Thank You that no suffering is lost. This time in my life will be redeemed and used for Your glory if I keep my eyes on You. Amen.
If you are in a storm right now, take time to read the account in Mark 4 of Jesus and the disciples in the boat. Meditate on Christ's ability to stop the storm as well as His ability to have peaceful sleep during the storm. Copy the verses above and place them where you can be reminded throughout the day of the good that can come from the bad.
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Idol of Self

For where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. James 3:16
When my children were born I knew that being a mother would be hard work. I knew there would be long nights and bad days, a ton of laundry, and changes in what dinner looked like at our house. And yet, when life really did get hard I was completely shocked. Suddenly what I wanted or needed no longer mattered. Who cared if mommy liked lentils and rice? No one else did, so apparently it was a yucky meal. Who cared if mommy liked Pollyanna? No one else did, so it was a banned movie. Who cared if mommy hated the beach? No one else did, so it was a favorite destination. No one else seemed to see the value of a nap, a quiet hour, wiped off counters, or chicken noodle casserole.
The idea that what I wanted really was a mute point was maddening. After all, I am the mommy. And if mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy!
I was bowing to the idol of self. The idol of self is the idea that my needs, wants, and desires are so important that others have no business getting in the way of those things. Getting interrupted during my quiet time brought harsh words and looks of disapproval. Sleeping late was more important than my children getting a good breakfast. My like of certain foods was worth others literally going hungry for the night. Plain and simple, this idol is the sin of selfishness and self seeking.
James tells us that where self seeking exists, confusion and every evil thing are there. It is true! Think of the last time you insisted that your way was the only way. I am certain that peace was not permeating the atmosphere. In my own experience tempers flared and feelings were hurt.
But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy. Now the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by those who make peace. James 3:17,18
Some might worry that dying to self means teaching children that they are the center of the universe. On the contrary! I am in no way saying that we only cook what our children like or never have rules or discipline. I am saying that our response to situations speaks volumes on what we think of Jesus and His example. Jesus came to serve. He did not crab about washing feet, cooking dinner - on the beach no less, fixing broken things (think of Peter and the guy’s ear in the garden), or dying for something He did not do. He was always available to talk and minister, even when He was trying to get away and be alone for a while. Matthew 14:12-14 He had wisdom from above and lived in that wisdom daily.
When I insist on living my life as though I am the most important I teach my children to live as if THEY are the most important. I live an example of self seeking and selfishness that is easily learned by impressionable little people. There is a much better way, however. It is not easy by any means, but the fruit it yields is so much more desirable. I need to ditch the self seeking stuff and grab the wisdom from above!
Father, I desire to be like Jesus, a cheerful servant to all who glorifies You in everything. Please help me to walk in the patience and self control that is mine in Your Holy Spirit. Let my life be an example of Christ likeness to my little ones.
This week be mindful of times when the idol of self demands your attention. When that rises up it is a sure sign that you need to do the opposite of what you feel - not an easy thing, but possible! Remember to walk in selfless-ness cheerfully or it really doesn't count!
I highly recommend the book Age of Opportunity by Paul David Tripp. Although this book is marketed to those with children entering or already in the teen years I believe it is vital reading for all parents, regardless of the age of their children.
Jen Gorton 2009
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