Monday, November 9, 2009

The Perfect Sin-o-Meter

This past year has been the most wonderfully difficult time I can remember in my adult years. You might think the words ‘wonderfully’ and ‘difficult’ do not belong in the same sentence, but I can tell you that they certainly do! The Lord has been taking me through the deepest, darkest parts of my heart exposing and rooting out selfishness, unforgiveness, resentment, pride, harshness, anger – the list is long and ugly. I was unaware that most of these things where even in there. Thankfully, the Lord has a handy attribute called Omniscience and He is not afraid to use it.
In His goodness, the Lord has allowed me to see, read, and hear my own ugliness. This year long process came to a head this past month when He directed me to Psalm 19, having me read over and over again how His Word is the perfect sin-o-meter.
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression. Psalm 19:12,13
When I see justification for an offence taken, the Word sees an excuse to set up walls to keep others out. (Proverbs 18:19) When I see a reason to withhold forgiveness, it sees a woman who is willing to receive the precious forgiveness of Jesus but is unwilling to extend that same forgiveness to a peer. (Matt. 18:23-35) When I see a situation that is ripe for sarcasm and anger, He sees a heart that is refusing to live at peace with all men. (Romans 12:18)
I encourage you not to stuff and ignore those nagging feelings that pop up. Trust me on this - I tried to ignore the conviction and it only extended the process, creating more issues along the way. Recognize the niggling for what it is: a warning to be heeded (Psalm 19:11), and the reward for paying attention and taking action is great and worth the pain of facing and dealing with your sin.
When we allow the Lord to work freely in our hearts, the process is usually very uncomfortable. The great thing is that with that pain there is the gain of having a clean heart before Him. The secret faults, the presumptuous sins – none can be hidden from the lamp of God’s Word. When those secret sins are exposed and dealt with the effects are long reaching to our homes, churches, friendships, and workplaces, making the result of the difficult process truly wonderful!
Father, thank You for exposing my sin. Thank You for doing it little by little, bringing me to a place of repentance. Help me to walk in Your ways in every area of my life, never resisting Your good and perfect plan for me.
Read Psalm 19 in its entirety each day this week, focusing especially on verses 7 through 14. Make special note of what the Word of God is. Be careful not to fall into presumptuous sins - things that tend to be given a stamp of approval because, well, we are human after all. Some of those might include your tone of voice with your kids (They made me mad!), your critical spirit over the worship at church (It is just not my style. Why can't we sing more [insert favorite style here]?), your resistance to do something your husband has asked (He knows I hate fish! Why should I have to cook it?). Those justified sins can be the most dangerous and quickly gain dominion over you (Psalm 19:13).
Jen Gorton 2009

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