This week’s devotional is actually an
email from a dear friend. She sends lovely
ponderings each month that truly cause you to stop and think. Recently, she wrote about expectations and it
was simply too good to keep to myself.
So, with permission from my friend, I give you….Great Expectations. Some revisions have been made for clarity in
this devotional setting.
“People are so quick to become angry or offended when their
expectations aren’t met. It’s hard to first of all know what those
expectations are and secondly, to meet them all.
Why expect so much of people? Why get offended (or
sever a relationship) when an expectation isn’t met? Here are some
expectations followed by thoughts to ponder:
- Do we expect our husbands to read our minds? (How could he possibly know what I was thinking?)
- I should have been told first that they were expecting a baby! (It is not the end of the world if I do not know first. Why steal their joy of sharing the news?)
- She should have apologized for XYZ! (Why should I expect her to apologize if I never told her I was offended?)
- My feelings are hurt because she didn’t speak to me at the store. (She probably did not see me in the store.)
- I heard they don’t like me so I am upset. (I should find out from THEM if they are offended with me and try to make it right...)
- You didn’t invite me for supper and you invited THEM! (I should assume that person or family needed some one on one TLC and be happy for them.)
- They didn’t tell me that they are engaged. I should have been told before anyone else!! (Who made THAT rule? What does it matter?)
- You haven’t called me in a whole week! (Are you counting? Who made a rule that someone needs to call in certain intervals anyway? The phone rings both ways.)
- You haven’t been to see me in ages! (The road runs both ways, too.)
There are many more examples. My advice: don’t have
unreasonable expectations of people. Give lots and lots of grace in all
situations. Never keep score. Never
count. Try never to feel left out. Choose to believe the best in
people. Those are all choices.
Not everyone has bad intentions. Not everyone tries to
leave you out or forget you exist. Not many people conspire behind your
back to make you upset, mad, or hurt your feelings. People are human and make mistakes.
Sometimes the list is too long and you are accidentally left off of it.
Sometimes the human mind is frail and forgets. Sometimes people are
thinking of other things and forget. Maybe you only heard part of the
story. Sometimes they have a good reason (like someone else needing TLC)
as to why you weren’t included. Don’t assume the worst. Does
it really matter in the long run? A year from now will you still remember
(unless you hold grudges which you shouldn’t do anyway)?
Remember: Love suffers long and is kind; love does
not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up; does not behave
rudely, does not seek its own, is not provoked, thinks no evil; does not
rejoice in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth; bears all things, believes all
things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails.
Are you showing true love to others?”
Great peace have those who love Your law,
and nothing causes them to stumble.
Psalm 119:165
Father, thank You for experiences that
allow me to practice giving grace.
Please help me to not place expectations on other people that set me up
as Junior Holy Spirit and Judge. Amen.
Take a good hard
look at your life this week. Do you
place expectations on others that are unreasonable? Oh, of course, we all have expectations of
people who claim Christ acting Christ like, our children being obedient,
services being provided in a timely manner, etc. Those kinds of expectations are good. Focus on areas of your life that you have set
up expectations, if even in your mind, that are unreasonable and unfair to
Gayle B. 2012
Edited and
revised by Jen G. 2012