Monday, August 20, 2012

To Everything

In December of 2008 I sat down at my shiny new laptop and started building a blog with the handle The very first post was called Fil' er up! and was written by a friend of mine. After a little while I purchased the domain and committed to write (or share a friend's writing) and publish each Monday morning.  A devotion, a prayer, and a challenge to start our week.

To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:
A time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing...
Ecclesiastes 3:1,5

I truly believe that Fresh Starts has run its course for the time being. Thank you for allowing me the privilege to share my thoughts with you.  Thank you to the ladies who have shared their own writings here as well.  Who knows? Maybe the Lord will bring us back to this place again.  


Monday, July 23, 2012

Poking the Outlet

For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives. Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:6, 11
Chastisement, according to Webster’s 1828* dictionary is “correction; punishment; pain inflicted for punishment and correction, either by stripes or otherwise.”  When our children are little bitty and discover the electrical outlet, we warn them not to touch; when they poke the outlet with a plastic teething ring we might warn them again.  If they mess around with that outlet once more a stinging ‘pat’ on the hand and a firm “No!” will usually teach them the lesson.  That lesson equates pain with playing with outlets, potentially saving them from testing those little holes with a metal fork later in life. (Mommies – when that little face screws up and a pitiful wail ensues after the chastisement, just remember that you are potentially saving your child from future electrocution.)
As Christ followers, we have the privilege of receiving chastisement from the Ultimate Parent.  I say privilege because the Scriptures clearly state that the Lord chastens those whom He loves.  If I am suffering uncomfortable consequences due to sin, it is because He loves me enough to allow pain to teach me that wickedness does not bring joy to the believer.  What might that chastisement look like in a Christian’s life?
Gossip can lead to broken relationships and embarrassment.
Pride can lead to demotion, humiliation, loss of friends and family.
Nagging can lead to stressful marriages that spiral downward.
Lack of self control (physically or financially) can lead to broken relationships or shortfalls in a budget.
Refusal to submit to those in authority can lead to chaos in a home, church, or workplace.
The wonderful news is that chastisement has a purpose that will always bring peaceable righteousness IF the chastised person is trained in the midst of the lesson.  To be trained is to be “formed by instruction.”  If we are gossipy and choose to learn from the consequences, we will be formed into one who loves others and understands the power of words; a nagging wife will be formed in a woman who considers her husband’s needs and the huge responsibilities that rest on him as the leader, provider, and protector of the home; a prideful person will become known for her humility and will not pat herself on the back for that reputation, instead she will give glory to God alone. 
Learning from our chastisement affords a great opportunity to give honor to the Lord.  He forgives our sin and does not hold it against us; He uses our brokenness to bring about the peaceable (“free from war, tumult or public commotion”) fruit of righteousness (“purity of heart”) that will draw people’s attention to Christ.  Submitting to God and allowing yourself to be humbled will draw you closer to the One who loves you enough to administer chastisement in order to teach you not to poke the outlet.
Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Lament and mourn and weep! Let your laughter be turned to mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up. James 4:7-10
Prayer: Father, please help me not to waste the training that comes with chastisement.  Let me see Your perfect love for me even as I walk through painful consequences due to my own sinful actions.  Amen.
Challenge: Are you blaming some hard things in your life right now on an ‘attack from the enemy’?  It might certainly be just that, but take time to examine your heart and be sure.  It could be that you are fighting a ‘battle’ that is really a time of training from the Lord.
*all definitions are from Webster's 1828 Dictionary
Jen G. 2012

Monday, July 16, 2012

Just Being

When our children were young, my husband and I dated each other on a regular basis.  I think our parents saw the wild look in our eyes each week and figured to protect their grandchildren they should give us time away for an evening.  Adrian and I would walk on the beach or picnic in a park, see a movie and eat ice cream while watching the sun set over the lake.  As the kids got older we somehow started turning our dates into functional trips; an excursion to the grocery store, a run through Home Depot, a Wal-Mart visit for underwear.  Our dates became about as exciting as staying up all night with a croupy baby.

Last night, my darling and I broke the vicious cycle and headed out for a ramble through the book store followed by a leisurely dinner at Smokey Bones.  We played catch up after a week of art camp and Pioneer School, discussing everything from our walks with the Lord to this year’s school curriculum.  It was so nice to just…be.

Are you taking time just being with your spouse?  Looking into one another’s eyes, encouraging one another and talking about dreams and plans is so important.  It can be incredibly easy to get so caught up in parenting and life that you forget to carve out time for one another.  One day the kids are going to move out.  Will you know one another or will it be like living with a stranger?  If you do not have children, have you worked harder on your career than your marriage?  When retirement comes will you enjoy being together, or like child focused parents, will you be strangers sharing a bed? (This would just be weird on so many levels.)

If your husband is a believer, you can use dates to walk out these passages in Scripture directed at the Church:

 “But exhort one another daily, while it is called “Today,” lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin,” Hebrews 3:13 

And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.”  Hebrews 10:24, 25

If your darling is not yet a Christ follower, focus on these passages:

“Wives, likewise, be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear. 1 Peter 3:1, 2

“Walk in wisdom toward those who are outside, redeeming the time. Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Colossians 4:5, 6

Take the time to cultivate your marriage and practice the very important art of just being.

Father, help me to make the time necessary to build my marriage through time alone with my husband.  Please give us the motivation to continue, or to restart, this important part of marriage.  Amen.

Do an online search for great date night ideas in or out of the house.  Make a point to plan at least one date a month, working up to one a week. A date can be a big out on the town to-do or it can be as simple as a Freschetta Pizza and a RedBox movie (one of our favorite date nights!).  The point is making one another the main focus.

Jen G. 2012

Monday, July 9, 2012

Stayed for Dessert

Last month I posted that I was 'out to lunch' until July 2 due to our state's homeschool convention and our role in helping.  Well, after lunch I stayed for dessert - our daughter's graduation party, Pioneer School, Art Camp.  I will be back - soon!

I would like to leave you with words from 1 Timothy 1:14-17:

And the grace of our Lord was exceedingly abundant, with faith and love which are in Christ Jesus.  This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.  However, for this reason I obtained mercy, that in me first Jesus Christ might show all longsuffering, as a pattern to those who are going to believe on Him for everlasting life. Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, to God who alone is wise, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen.

I have been very mindful of this verse of late.  I was given mercy so that Jesus might show His extreme patience with my sinful self, thereby using me as a pattern for others to see the way to everlasting life through Him.  How awesome is that?  I am a pattern!  (This is pretty ironic for someone who can not sew a stitch.)

If you are Christ Follower, you are a pattern as well.  Ask the Lord to show you specific circumstances this week in which you are being that pattern to others.

Back to my dessert!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Out to Lunch

To be more accurate - Out to Convention.  Fresh Starts will return by July 2.  Thanks in advance for your prayers as my family and I head into a very busy, and fun, week.

Monday, June 11, 2012

Running Our Race in Faith

Many thanks to Mrs. B for her insightful and encouraging words.

And without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of those who seek Him.  Hebrews 11:6

As I have gotten older, I have found myself wondering if my life has been pleasing to God. Have I served enough, prayed enough, repented enough? Recently I was reminded of this verse – without faith, it is IMPOSSIBLE to please Him! Let me explain how this has caught my attention.

In the first few chapters of Genesis, Cain and Abel brought their offerings to the Lord.  The Lord accepted Abel’s sacrifice, but not Cain’s. Why? A man named Enoch is discussed in chapter 5; he walked with God, and then God took him to heaven without experiencing physical death. Why? In chapter 6 God was sorry and grieved in His heart that He had made man, and He decided to blot out every creature. But Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord and was saved. Why? Then Abraham and Sarah -- they were blessed beyond anything we can imagine with as many descendents as the stars in heaven! Again, why?

The key is found in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews - “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. For by it the men of old gained approval” (v. 1-2).   

Verse 4 says that by faith Abel offered a better sacrifice than Cain – because Abel offered it with faith. Enoch was taken up by faith, which was pleasing to God. Noah prepared an ark by faith so that his household could be saved, and it says in verse 7 that he became an “heir of the righteousness with is according to faith.” Abraham obeyed God by faith and left his home country, and later Sarah, by faith, took God at His word and received the ability to conceive in her old age.

As those who love God and who serve Him in various ministries to our families and the Body of Christ, how can we be pleasing to Him through those? On the one hand, we can do NOTHING to please Him – our righteousness is as filthy rags to Him, and the only way to please Him is to come to Him through the righteousness of Christ. Yet on the other hand, this verse clearly says that there IS a way to please Him – we can bring our offering of ministry and lift it up to Him by faith. We can turn our hearts to Him and trust His Word – that He will do what He has promised to do.

… let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.  Hebrews 12

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for these examples that are written down for us, including Your perfect example. Thank You that I can be pleasing to You by running my race in faith, believing in who You are and believing in Your promises.  I am so grateful.

Challenge: Reflect this week on the promises God has given to you in His Word and to your own heart.  Commit to trusting Him all over again that He will do what He said He will do. Purposefully push aside doubts and fear by fixing your eyes on Him.

Mrs. B :) 2012

Monday, June 4, 2012

Marriage as Chemistry

Many thanks to Barb K. for her insightful words!

I am back in school, after a 37-year hiatus. I was reading in my Anatomy and Physiology book about the chemistry of the human body, and came across something I have learned several times in my life (high school chem, college chem, homeschool chem, you get the picture...) but which always fills me with awe at the incredible Creator God that we serve.

God can take a silvery-white metal (sodium) and bond it with a poisonous green gas (chlorine) to make a white, crystalline substance that has healing properties, preserves food, and makes food taste better, as well.

A. Mazing.

Two completely unrelated things, and one of them poisonous to humans, to boot. (tho' does pretty well at bleaching your white things...) He designed their outer valent shells (think back, your chemistry is still in your brain somewhere!) to "desire" to have the full allotment of eight electrons. Sodium has one electron in its outer shell; chlorine has seven. Sounds like a "match made in heaven," right?


"Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh." --Gen. 2:24a

When sodium and chloride get together, that's called bonding (ionic bonding, to be specific). There's another type of chemical bonding called covalent bonding. This is where the two elements share electrons. An example of this is two hydrogens sharing with one oxygen to make water. Since we are 60% water ourselves, we have a lot of covalent bonding going on already. But that "two become one" thing--always difficult to grasp, though with a marriage of almost 36 years (so far), I can "apprehend" it. God takes two different things, putting them together to make something strong and beautiful. Somewhat different from the original parts (tho' a marriage is not as drastic a change as sodium chloride, right?) but better, stronger, and with a shared purpose.

"Ye are the salt of the earth." --Matt. 5:13 

Salt has so many beautiful properties. It is healing. It preserves things. It tastes good! My pastor says that we should work to make our marriages the very best they can be, because Christian Marriage is the best picture God has, to show Himself to the world. So I can say the same thing about marriage: it is healing. It preserves things. It tastes good!

I suspect that marriage is an example of covalent bonding--the "shared electron" thing. My textbook says that "the shared electrons orbit and "belong to" the whole molecule, ensuring the stability of each atom." Isn't that beautiful?

Whew. I'm glad we're not ionic bonding. Then one of us would have to be the "silvery white metal," and the other would have to be the "poisonous green gas." And I'd be a little afraid to ask God which one I am...

Prayer: Lord, help me to appreciate the wonder that you can take two so very different people and make them one. And not only a patched-together “one,” but “one” who, in relationship with You, has the power to heal others, preserve society, and make life “taste better.”

Challenge: This week, as you take out that salt shaker, think about what it does. It can heal wounds; it preserves foods such as bacon; and there’s no denying it makes food taste better. Then think about these possibilities in your marriage, and determine not to let your “salt” be “trampled underfoot.”

Barb K. 2012

Textbook quote taken from Human Anatomy and Physiology, Marieb and Hoehn, ninth ed., p. 34.

Monday, May 28, 2012

Take Two: Gracious Lies

Our state's homeschool convention season is upon my family.  I pray you are blessed by the guest writers and frequent Take Two re-posts over the next month.  This post was originally shared in 2010.

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. 1 Corinthians 13:1
Speaking graciously is something that is very important to me. The importance I place on graciousness is most likely due to my own lack of it as a child and teen. If you were being a jerk I was happy to tell you in so many words. None of those words, of course, improved the situation. Hence, my journey to becoming a woman of gracious words.
Being gracious is a good thing, but there are times it can become a tricky trap. Proverbs 26:24-26 says, “He who hates, disguises it with his lips, and lays up deceit within himself; when he speaks kindly, do not believe him, for there are seven abominations in his heart; though his hatred is covered by deceit, his wickedness will be revealed before the assembly.” In other words, there is such a thing as a gracious liar.
I am sad to say that I have fallen into this trap. There have been times when someone exploded all over me in anger or hurt. Sometimes I just happened to be there at the ‘right time’, but in other cases I was the cause. Gracious words poured from my mouth making me sound like a second cousin to Gabriel, all while my heart was full of anything but love towards the exploding person. Translation: My words were gracious. My heart was not.
When a person detonates, should I launch my own attack, telling the truth and leaving no question of my feelings? No! First, I should guard my mouth, carefully weighing the words I am about to speak. (Proverbs 21:23) The next step is to quickly pray, “Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me, and know my anxieties; and see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” (Psalm 139:23,24) The final step is speaking the truth in love to promote unity in the Body (Ephesians 4).
To quote the housekeeper from Meet Me in St. Louis, “A lie is a lie. Dressin’ it in white won’t help it.” Being gracious without being truthful might look good on the outside, but on the inside it is ugly. The Lord desires truth to be in me (Psalm 51:6), in turn spilling out of me to others. Gracious words without loving truth backing them up are simply gracious lies.
Father, help me to be a gracious woman inside and out. Help me to be truthful in love, speaking life into those I encounter. Amen
Examine your heart. Are you a gracious liar? Do you hold back truth because you are afraid of the possible reaction? Maybe you have the opposite problem of speaking the truth in all circumstances with the effect of a piercing sword. Meditate on these verses and ask the Lord to make you a gracious woman of truth. Proverbs 11:16Proverbs 12:18Proverbs 13:3Proverbs 15:4Proverbs 18:24Proverbs 19:22Ephesians 41 Corinthians 13.
Jen G. 2010

Monday, May 21, 2012

Necessary Doors

Recently, my husband and I encountered a tough situation that hurt our hearts and confused our minds.  In the midst of questioning why we were facing such a mountain, this comment was made:

“Why does it sometimes seem as if God is playing tricks on His children?”

You know the feeling – you are working hard at being an awesome spouse, a perfect parent, a faithful friend, and a hardworking servant in ministry.  Then BAM!  Something totally unexpected slams into your life, creating confusion and doubt and fear.  Sometimes anger rushes in, and you wonder why someone who has tried so hard to live for the Lord would be ‘repaid’ in such a way.  Why would a good and loving God choose to allow such heartache in a believer’s life?  The temptation to withdraw your faith in the Lord is strong; after all, He did not follow through with your plans.

Ahhhh….but it is not our faith, or lack thereof, that makes God faithful and good.  The Lord’s faithfulness never changes; His goodness never lessens.  He is GOD.  Our feelings do not change who He is.

For what if some did not believe? Will their unbelief make the faithfulness of God without effect?  Certainly not! Indeed, let God be true but every man a liar.  Romans 3:3, 4

The hard things we go through serve as necessary doors.  It is so very easy to glorify the Lord when our bellies are full and our babies are healthy; it is another thing altogether when our children abandon Truth and our husbands are suffering from a horrible disease.  To honor the Lord fully and to glorify Him above all else, we must walk through that door of pain, hardship, or hurt.  Across the threshold is a greater knowledge of the faithfulness of the Lord as we look back and see how He guided us through those trials and tribulations.

Beloved, do not think it strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened to you; but rejoice to the extent that you partake of Christ’s sufferings, that when His glory is revealed, you may also be glad with exceeding joy…. Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator. 1 Peter 4:12 & 13, 19

Job, the godliest man of his time, went through hell on earth.  If anyone had a reason to jump the faith ship, it was he.  And yet this man said: “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” (Job 2:10b) and “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” (Job 13:15)  Read the book of Job to see how his story ends.

Are you willing to walk through the necessary doors to increase your faith and bring glory to the One who deserves all praise and honor?  The Lord promises to never leave you or forsake you.  As you turn the knob, you can trust that He is there with you.

Father, thank You for Your goodness and faithfulness.  You are righteous and holy and just, never failing and always kind.  You allow hard things in our lives to bring us closer to You, the only One with the answers.  Thank You for giving us Truth in Your Word.  Amen.

Allow the Lord to show you His faithfulness. Ask Him to open your eyes to His presence in the midst of the hard things.  During this recent trial, my husband and I asked friends to pray for us as they felt the Holy Spirit leading. We gave them zero details, not even a hint of what we were battling.  As they laid their hands on us, guess what were the very first words spoken? “God does not play tricks on His kids!” (See the opening of this devotional if you do not see the significance of these words!) God cared enough to prompt our intercessors to use the very words we spoke privately to one another.

While walking through trials, big or small, keep the Word front and center in your life.  It is only the Truth that will keep you from falling into unbelief and discouragement.

Jen G 2012

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Matter of Honor

Children’s children are the crown of old men, and the glory of children is their father.  Proverbs 17:6

My husband and I are blessed to be in a church where my father is pastor.  For our entire marriage we have enjoyed the benefits of a personal 24 hour day ‘Dial a Preacher’ line, immense wisdom, and a walking, talking concordance with cell phone reach-ability all over the world.  We greatly respect Dad!  Recently, however, we were convicted of a subtle sin in our lives: a lack of showing honor to my father.  If you had ever asked me if I thought this was something we were guilty of I would have laughed in your face.  Us? Failing to show honor and respect for the family patriarch?  Ha!  Sadly, it was true. 

We had begun to notice little things that some of our children were saying and doing, all of which smacked of a lack of honor and respect for men.  Oh, it was nothing blatant or outright awful, but we could sense it under the surface.  Adrian and I began to pray, asking the Lord to show us what was causing this.  Turns out, our own actions were teaching our children some very bad habits. I will address my own behavior to give you an idea of how a lack of honoring is taught. (Personally, I think the bulk of the blame lies with me, but my godly husband understands his role and responsibility as head of our home and is not one to throw me under a bus.)

My own delight in giving my two cents was telling my children that Dad and Grandpa really could not make good decisions without my counsel.  Joking about things such as what Daddy was wearing or what Grandpa was eating translated that these grown, mature men needed someone to help them with the very basic choices of each day because they were just too simple-minded to figure it out on their own.  Second guessing decisions that these men had prayed about was undermining their place as leaders in our family.  All of this was rubbing against everything else my husband and I were trying to teach our children about esteeming men of God.

He who mistreats his father and chases away his mother is a son who causes shame and brings reproach. Proverbs 19:26

We are so thankful that the Lord made us aware of this dangerous and erosive behavior in our lives.  We repented to my father and are making changes in how we speak to him, especially in front of the children. 

And we urge you, brethren, to recognize those who labor among you, and are over you in the Lord and admonish you, and to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. Be at peace among yourselves. 1 Thessalonians 5:12, 13

The scariest thing about all of this: we could not see our sin.  It was so subtle that even Dad was a little confused when we asked his forgiveness!  Praise God that our children are like little barometers.  They will act out what they are taught, even the silent lessons we do not realize we are teaching. 

Father, thank You for your Holy Spirit who came to be a helper, showing us the areas of our lives that are displeasing to You.  Please open our eyes to the things that bring dishonor to Your name and to those who are older or in a place of authority in our lives.  Amen

If you see behaviors in your children that are contrary to what you are verbally teaching them, examine your own life for silent lessons you might be presenting: lack of respect for your husband by leaving him out of decisions involving schooling or church attendance; unkindness through sarcastic words disguised as a joke; lack of self control dressed up as a free spirit; a controlling spirit cloaked in a hyper-scheduled day.

If you see this sin in your own life, humble yourself, go to the person and repent.  Then change your actions and heart attitude and begin to repair that which has been torn down!

The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands. Proverbs 14:1

Jen G 2012

Monday, April 30, 2012

To Love and Good Works

Note: There have been some technical difficulties with the formatting of this post that I have been unable to rectify.  So, excuse the wonky layout, but be assured that the words shared are wonderful!

I am very blessed to share a devotional by a dear friend and fellow Fresh Starts contributor, Mrs. B.

Our family recently hosted a Christian Passover Seder for our community.  In preparing for these in the past, I often went to the Jewish store to get something we needed for the Seder, and I noticed the long tassels that the Orthodox Jews wear.  In the Old Testament, the Lord gave a commandment to wear those tassels, and some Jewish and Messianic sects continue to do so today.

37 Then the Lord said to Moses, 38 “Give the following instructions to the people of Israel: Throughout the generations to come you must make tassels for the hems of your clothing and attach them with a blue cord. 39 When you see the tassels, you will remember and obey all the commands of the Lord instead of following your own desires and defiling yourselves, as you are prone to do. 40 The tassels will help you remember that you must obey all my commands and be holy to your God.” Numbers 15 (NLT)

Many people wear things that are associated with religious beliefs, both Christian and non-Christian.  Years ago I wore a head covering, and the main reason I did it was to remind myself to pray and to keep the Lord’s ways; it served to remind me of Who I belonged to and why, and it helped me keep my focus on Him.

How does that translate to us today?  We are told in Hebrews 10,

23 Let us hold tightly without wavering to the hope we affirm, for God can be trusted to keep His promise. 24 Let us think of ways to motivate one another to acts of love and good works. 25 And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage one another, especially now that the day of His return is drawing near. (NLT)

Perhaps WE are the “tassels” in each other’s lives?  If that is so, then it is vital that we spend
time together, despite our current American culture of distance and individualism. I know how
hard it is to get a young family fed, dressed, into the car, and off to gatherings and times of service
and outreach with other believers. But it is important to walk closely with others in community on
this narrow way.  When I see you, I am reminded to keep my heart and eyes devoted to the Lord
and that you and I were made to worship Him all our days.  You are the “tassels” I need to see.

Prayer: Father, as I walk this narrow way, please remind me that I need my spiritual family.  Help
me to submit my life to Godly people who will serve You with me, and who will speak the truth to
me in love when my eyes get off of You.  Help the “tassels” of my own life to be holy and devoted to You so that I can motivate others to love and do good works for Your Kingdom.

Challenge:  Ask the Lord to give you greater awareness of how your life can motivate others to acts
of love and good works.  Ask Him how you can gratefully say with Paul in Galatians 1:24, “And they were glorifying God because of me.” 

Monday, April 23, 2012

A Broken Heart

I have tried to come up with a witty beginning to this devotional and it’s just not happening.  There is no way to dress it up; it must be blurted out and left to the reader to grapple with the matter.  Here goes…

Is your heart broken over your sin and the sin of others?  Is it broken, not because someone hurt you, abused you, spoke ill of you, stole from you, or anything else a human being can inflict upon another, but because sin grieves the heart of God?

The sin of an unbeliever grieves God’s heart because it separates that person from a relationship with God the Father through the sacrifice of Christ.  God does not desire that any should perish, no matter how despicable that one might be.  That is hard for us to understand, but when God says He is not willing that ANY should perish, He really means it regardless of our human thoughts on the subject.

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. 2 Peter 3:9

The sin of a believer grieves the heart of God because it is a direct rebuff of the sacrifice made to bring us back into a relationship with the Creator of the universe.  Each and every time we sin, we sin against God.  In the process, others are hurt and the holy name of the Lord is besmirched. Our sin is a choosing to walk opposite of God’s way – a way proven and promised to bring blessing to us and honor to Him.

Therefore, putting away lying, Let each one of you speak truth with his neighbor,” for we are members of one another.  “Be angry, and do not sin”: do not let the sun go down on your wrath,  nor give place to the devil. Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give him who has need.  Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.  And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.  Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice.  And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.  Ephesians 4:25-32

When non-believers sin against you, cry out for their salvation.  When believers sin against you, refuse to wallow in hurt feelings.  Instead, approach them biblically and pray for their repentance; repentance, not just so that you feel better, but because it will bring them back into fellowship with the Lord. (So many times I tend to think that I am all that and a bag of chips and how awful it is that someone would to something wrong towards me, when my real concern should be that GOD is grieved!)

When you see our world sliding faster and deeper into despair and wickedness, beg the Lord to let you experience what He feels as He sees His creation destroying itself when there is a better way, a perfect way – Jesus.  Pray accordingly, allowing the Holy Spirit to pray through you. Praying for someone you love deeply is so much different that praying for someone that you frankly wish was not even alive.  We need HIS divine ability to pray in the right manner.

May our prayer today as Christ followers be, "Break my heart with what breaks Yours."

Father, please break my heart with what breaks Yours.  There are no other words.  Amen.

When you sin, or experience the ramifications of the sin of others, immediately ask the Lord to give you His eyes and heart.  Pray for His will to be done and hearts to be changed.  CHOOSE to respond as He would have you respond, not as you feel.

Jen G 2012
Special thanks to my brother in Christ, BC, who, through his writings, brought me to a place of understanding on this subject.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Waste Not, Want Not

Yesterday, our church had several baptisms.  One of the girls being baptized had been adopted into a lovely Christian home as a baby, but her health issues and biological parentage were something that could potentially be a discouragement to her. As my father was about to dunk this beautiful girl, he reminded her that nothing is wasted. 

Nothing is wasted.

It is super easy to say “I love Jesus!  He is so good to me!” when life is hunky-dory. But sometimes.  Sometimes life is just not okay.  It hurts and is confusing and seems unfair. Everyone faces situations that bring feelings of helplessness, discouragement, or anger. Scripture is full of men and women who faced these same emotions.  As in your life, sometimes the experiences that brought those feelings and questions were the result of the person’s own sin.

Jonah had to travel where he did not wish to go, but God used it to show him his stinky heart attitude. 

Paul had something that pained him physically, but the weakness in his body caused him to rely on the Lord in a deeper way than his own strength would allow.

Mary had to watch her son die a horrible death.  That loss brought about the salvation of the world.

You might not always understand why the Lord is allowing something to happen; it is even harder to understand when the trial is not a result of your own poor choices (struggling with debt, dealing with a divorce caused by your unfaithfulness, etc.).  You can be assured, however, that if your heart is turned towards the Lord, He will use that circumstance in your life for good.

We all have a choice when bad things (or consequences) happen.  Curse God or praise God.  Which will it be?  Cursing Him - complaining, fighting against the situation, having a nasty attitude, bitterness – might feel good for the moment, but it will not bring blessing. Praising Him – choosing to acknowledge His faithfulness and goodness, honoring Him with our words and actions and attitudes - will bring His peace and joy.

Think of the words of Job.  “Though He slay me, yet I will praise Him!”  What an example to follow!  What will you choose to do today in your hard situation?  Don’t waste the opportunities you have to praise God in every circumstance and you will never want for His peace and joy in your heart and countenance.

So we do not lose heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day. For this light momentary affliction is preparing for us an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison,  as we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Father, let my life reflect Your goodness.  Even when I am suffering consequences for sinful actions or poor choices, You are still with me and teaching me about who You are.  When I am suffering as a result of the sin of others, You promise to be my Defender.  When I am suffering due to original sin in the world, You say that you are my Healer and my Comforter.  Let me praise You in the midst of any storm so that Your name is glorified.  Amen.

What is happening in your life that makes you cry out, “Lord!  What are you doing?” or “WHY!?!”  First off, check your life for unrepentant sin.  If there is something there that needs to be dealt with, take care of it immediately!  That will not necessarily remove the consequence, but it will allow you to face it with grace and with the Lord’s help.  If your situation is a result of someone else’s actions, address the issue with them and give them opportunity to ask forgiveness and make things right.  If they choose not to, you must choose to walk in forgiveness and not become bitter.  If your trial is illness or loss due to a fallen world, allow the Lord to make His strength perfect in your weakness.

Jen G. 2012

Monday, April 9, 2012

Spring Break

I am taking a spring break. See you next week!


Monday, April 2, 2012

Subtle Like a Freight Train

When my husband and I first wed, I was all about being ‘married’.  That ring and the certificate said it was a-okay for me to prance around and seduce him.  And I did!  Or, at least, I tried to seduce him.  One year into our bliss I glided out in a silky, white, floor length nightgown and my darling said, “Babe.  You are subtle like a freight train.”

(It really should not have mattered that I was nine months pregnant with our first child and looked like a giant, hardboiled egg had been strapped to my midsection.)

I learned something that day, however. I learned that my husband prefers the not so in-your-face efforts to be attractive.  In order to be most desirable to him, I needed to rework my plan of action.  I was like a freight train, and he was looking for a dog whistle: silent, but fully communicative.  I have learned over the past 19 years of marriage that ironing my husband’s work clothes or making fish (gag!) for dinner will make him all warm and fuzzy.  So will clean sheets, a full bottle of Head and Shoulders, and a mess-free purse. 

 Be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love, in honor giving preference to one another… Romans 12:10

I wanted flowers and romantic whispers and my darling was swapping a load or changing a diaper in the middle of the night.  I was chasing him around the house trying to be all Julia Roberts*, and he was longing for a new bar of soap to be waiting for his morning shower.  My complaints of his ‘lack’ of affection were really a slap in the face of his heartfelt efforts to show his love.

My point in this devotional, which is admittedly straying from my usual choices of topic, is this: Minister to your husband in the way he needs you to – not the way you always want to.  You might be a freight train and he is looking for a dog whistle.  Or…maybe you are a whistle and he is looking for a train.  Watch your husband to see how he shows that he loves you.  Watch the clues and follow them.  Both of you will be blessed.  Trust me, I know.  I am married to a dog whistle turned freight train…. ;-)

The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does him good and not evil all the days of her life. Proverbs 31:11, 12

Father, please help me to know how to really show love to my husband in the way that he needs.  Open my eyes to see the ways he has been expressing love that maybe I have disregarded because it did not meet my idea of love.  Amen.

Play Nancy Drew this week and follow the clues to find your hubby’s love language.  Quietly begin to introduce things that you think might meet his needs in this area.  Consider taking the love languages assessment together at:  Consider the Love Dare as well:

*When my husband worked in the corporate world, the men in his office took one of those silly “find your celebrity mate’ quizzes.  Angelina Jolie, Pamela Anderson, and Jennifer Aniston were some of the ones his coworkers matched up with.  My darling’s perfect celebrity match?  Martha Stewart.  No lie.

Jen G 2012
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