Monday, March 7, 2011

From Now On

by Jen G. 2011 - with much thanks to Pastor Bill for the excellent message that inspired this devotion. 
In Luke 5: 1-11 the story is told of Jesus preaching to the multitudes by Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee). Feeling crowded as the people pressed into Him, Jesus hopped into Simon Peter’s anchored boat and asked him to put out a bit. When Jesus was through teaching from his floating pulpit, He told Simon to set out further into the deep waters and let his nets down for a catch.

“But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” vs. 5

The fisherman of this time period did their hard work in the night hours. Fish would come into the shallows during that time and it made the job of catching them much easier. When daylight came, the fisherman would take their nets in for cleaning and repair – not an easy or tidy job. The idea of going back out after a full night’s work and after the nets were repaired was not tempting to Peter, but after giving Jesus his opinion (of course), he agreed to head out.

Jesus blessed abundantly. So abundantly, in fact, that Simon’s nets began to break and he had to call in his partners, James and John, to help divide the catch. Even then both boats held so much fish they began to sink. When Peter sees this happening, he throws himself before Jesus and confesses his unbelief and unworthiness to be in his presence. Jesus does not fuss at Peter, but instead encourages him and his friends.

“Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” vs. 10b

Jesus used this blessing of a huge catch under less than ideal circumstances to prepare His chosen disciples for the work and blessings that would be coming their way.

Has the Lord asked you to do something? Maybe He wants you to take on babysitting a child for a single mom but you are worried about the time it will take from your own personal pursuits. Has He asked you to stop teaching a Bible study or Sunday School and instead focus on your home? Maybe He has asked you to let go of a carefully guarded bitterness or to not argue with your husband even when he is being unreasonable. He may be telling you to step out into completely terrifying waters and trust Him completely.

“So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.” vs. 11

Do not be afraid to follow where your Lord is leading you.* He promises great blessings when you forsake all and follow Him. From now on, forsake the comfort of your own rationale and reason and let Him show His power.
Lord, thank You for using Peter to show how pushing through and obeying even when it is not convenient still brings blessing. Help me to follow you regardless of the inconvenience, knowing that what You have planned is so much better than what I think. Amen.
What might the Lord be asking you to do – or not do? Step out this week and follow Him in that thing.
*As a married woman or young woman still under her father’s covering, seek the wise counsel of your husband/parents. If they do not agree with what you feel the Lord is calling you to do, do not fret. He will make a way for you to obey Him while honoring those in authority in your life. Sometimes patiently waiting for others to catch up is part of the forsaking all and following Him. And remember - the Lord would never ask you to do anything against His Word in order to follow Him. This includes rebellion to parents, divorce, lying, etc.

Jen G. 2011

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so appreciate your willingness to continue to share this message, Jen -- "Obey the Lord!" You have encouraged me to do this several times in my own life, and I am grateful.

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