Monday, March 8, 2010


The word ‘likeminded’ seems to be cropping up more and more of late. It probably is not really being used more, I am just more conscious of the term. Suddenly it seems to be on every forum, in blog posts, in book titles and descriptions, even on the radio. One thing I have learned over the years is to take notice when the normal seems to morph into something bigger than usual in my mind. It usually means a lesson is waiting to be learned.
The word likeminded is used in three places in the King James Version* of the Bible. In all three passages, likeminded was used in conjunction with having the mind of Christ.
In Philippians 2:19-21, Paul assures the people that he is sending someone to care for them. He had to send someone because there was no one nearby who sought to serve Jesus above their own wants, desires, and needs; there was no one likeminded.
Romans 15:5-6 is a short prayer of blessing for the Philippians. Paul prayed that God would grant them to be likeminded toward one another according to Christ Jesus, desiring that they would glorify God with one mind and one mouth. Notice that Paul was encouraging them to glorify God with ONE mouth and ONE mind. They were to focus their energy not on their own selves, but on Christ.
Philippians 2:2-5 seems to speak most clearly on the subject of being likeminded.
Philippians 2:2-5
Fulfill ye my joy, that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus.
Once again, this word, likeminded, is connected to Jesus. (vs. 5)
The word likeminded in these Scriptures is not meant to push people into boxes with others who are exactly alike. On the contrary, it is meant to draw people together in Christ to glorify His name. HE is to be what makes us likeminded. Not our preferred version of the Bible, denomination, clothing, style of worship, educational style, entertainment choices, single or double income, marital status, or size of family.

If Jesus only spent time with likeminded people according to these criteria, I would have probably been left out of the picture. Why on earth would a single, homeless, renegade male want to spend time with a blogging home school mother who likes to bake? That would be plain weird. Unless we had the God of the universe in common.
It is perfectly okay and normal to gravitate towards those who share common interests or experiences in life. I will obviously be more likely to join a home school group than a local Boosters club. My computer habits drift to home making sites and blogs of other moms, while my husband enjoys watching political and motorcycling videos. However, dividing our fellowship as believers along those lines of preference is dangerous and unproductive.
If we as Christ followers were truly thoughtful when using the word likeminded, there would be more Christlikeness and less disunity caused by the segregation of preferences and non essentials. And in the end, there would most assuredly be more people won to Christ by the example of our love for one another.

Father, thank You for the freedom I have in Christ. Help me to be like You in everything I do, showing love and kindness despite small differences in doctrine or preferences. Give me wisdom to know when something is against Your Word and grace to handle it in a loving, humble way. Amen
Be aware this week of your use of the word likeminded. Examine your heart to determine if you want to be with others who love the Lord or who just do things the same way you do things in your spiritual walk.
*I used the King James Version of the Bible as it is oldest translation available to me. I personally use the New King James Version and enjoy many other actual translations.

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