Monday, November 30, 2009

Jesus, Our Hope

The Muppet Christmas Carol is a huge part of our family’s Christmas preparation each year. Instead of beautiful carols in the background while we trim the tree, we hear Rizzo yelling, “Light the lamp! Not the rat! Light the lamp! Not the rat!” For some that might not bring warm and fuzzy feelings, but for us it does.
Another part of our Christmas tradition is celebrating Advent. Each year the children delight in arguing over who gets to light the candle of the week, while my husband and I strive to keep the main focus on the Light of the World. Some years we go all out and other years is it a simple weekly event. This year, I truly feel that it will be much more meaningful, at least for me personally.
I began preparing my heart for Advent in November. During that time I studied all the characters of the beautiful story, as well as the Old Testament prophecies. As I read through them, I was blessed to be reminded again and again of the fulfillment of each foretelling. Here are just three of those pre Messiah messages that we are all familiar with:
He would be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:13-14) Fulfilled: Luke 1:26-28
He would be of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10) Fulfilled: Luke 3:33
He would be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2) Fulfilled: Luke 2:4-7
There are many, many more that cover not only Jesus’ birth, but his ministry, torture, death, and resurrection. I encourage you to look them up along with their corresponding New Testament fulfillments. The thing that is so exciting to me, especially as I focus on those prophecies during Advent’s first week, is the hope that those ancient words give me as a believer in Christ Jesus. Each and every word about the Messiah’s life proved true. That gives me great assurance that all the prophecies regarding His second coming and my eternal life with Him in Heaven are 100% trustworthy as well.
As you enter this new Christmas season, take the time to enjoy the beautiful decorations and fun traditions, but take even more time to relish the beautiful, eternal Hope that is Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Father, thank You for Your Son, Jesus, our Hope Thank You that although we do not know the exact day of His miraculous birth we can still set aside a time each year to rejoice in the gift that He is to all mankind. Amen
Celebrate Advent with your family in some form. Learn more about it here. Our family is using an iron looking decorator tree with five tea light holders for our Advent ‘wreath’. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and fit the tradition to your family. A great book to use over the Christmas season is The ADVENTure of Christmas by Lisa Whelchel.
Advent – Week One:
Theme: Prophecy (Hope)
Scriptures: Sun. Is. 40:1-5, Mon. Is. 52:7-10, Tue. Is. 40:9-11, Wed. Gen. 3:8-15, Thu. Gen. 15:1-6, Fri. Deut. 18:15-19, Sat. Ps. 89:1-4 (You can limit your readings to one day if you that works better for your family.)
Jen 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

In Everything

One of the most quoted verses on giving thanks is found in 1 Thessalonians 5:18.
…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Many times this little verse is used incorrectly, replacing the word ‘in’ with the word ‘for’. Oh, it might not actually be spoken ‘for everything give thanks’ but in our minds it is sometimes translated that way. When that happens we get all squirrelly and question how in the world we are to be thankful for everything. No one could be thankful for a child who has turned from the love and protection of their parents or for the lack of transportation due to a broken car. How about a family home in foreclosure or the death of a beloved spouse?
When hard things come and you feel the added burden of guilt for your lack of appreciation, remember that the Lord does not ask us to be thankful for bad things. He tells us to be thankful in the midst of that bad thing. Regardless of what hardship comes our way, the truth of who God is still stands. When a child gets cancer, God is still Healer. When a job is lost, God is still Provider. When a marriage is rocky, God is still Restorer. God is altogether lovely and perfect and holy. Sin has created an atmosphere of death and loss and pain, but even there God is holy and worthy of thanksgiving.
Cultivating a heart that searches out and proclaims the goodness of God even in dark times will help you to walk strong through difficulties. That walk will in turn bring glory to the Father and be a witness to those who have no hope.
Father God, thank You that regardless of what is happening in my life, who You are is a constant Truth. You are holy, righteous, all knowing, all powerful, merciful, and good. Nothing can separate me from you. Help me to always give You thanks IN everything. Amen
This week, when a hard thing comes your way, stop and thank the Lord for who He is in the midst of that circumstance. If you have been lied to, thank the Lord that He is Truth and what He says stands forever. If your marriage is in shambles, stop and thank Him that He can make a way for your heart to be drawn closer to Him as you work through trouble. Don’t try to feel thankful for awful things, simply thank the Lord for His goodness in spite of those awful things.
Jen 2009

Monday, November 16, 2009

Lazy Excuses

As a little girl growing up in Dothan, Alabama, I attended a church concert at Mt. Gilead Baptist Church. The vocalist was about eleven years old and had the best enunciation I had ever heard and the biggest red hair I had every seen. Other than those two incredibly useless facts, I only remember two other things about the evening. It was hot, and the girl sang a cover song called Excuses. Part of the chorus went, “Excuses, excuses, you hear them every day! Well, the devil, he’ll supply them, if from the church you’ll stay away!” Add a great twang and you have the gist of the evening. Excuses, however, are not just used for skipping regular fellowship with other believers. Just about anything can conjure up an excuse.
Excuse (noun)
1. A false reason that enables somebody to do something he or she wants to do or avoid something he or she does not want to do

I firmly believe that many times my excuses are basically a cover for plain old laziness. A lack of self control over my temper is really a sign that I am too lazy to do the hard thing and use that particular fruit of the spirit. Making excuses for missed devotional time is simply a lazy streak in the faithfulness department. The overflowing ironing basket is a result of my lazy choice to sit and read instead of finishing my work.
The good news is that I do not have to continue making excuses! I can diligently seek to be a good manager of my home, a woman characterized by a gentle manner and wisdom that comes from consistent time in the Word. There is no excuse for any form of sin in my life because the Lord has faithfully made a way for me to avoid it. If you are an excuse maker, there is hope for you as well in the perfect and complete Word of God!
The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich. Proverbs 13:4
Father, thank You that I do not have to live a life filled with excuses. I can rest on the promise that the soul of the diligent shall be made rich with the treasure of You! Amen.
Examine your life closely this week and see if you have fallen into the habit of making excuses, whether it is missing church because you need to catch up on yard work or leaving the grocery cart parked aimlessly in the middle of the store parking lot. Ask the Lord to show you how your excuses are affecting your testimony and His image. Look at the Word to see what sin your excuse is making room for in your life.
Jen 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Perfect Sin-o-Meter

This past year has been the most wonderfully difficult time I can remember in my adult years. You might think the words ‘wonderfully’ and ‘difficult’ do not belong in the same sentence, but I can tell you that they certainly do! The Lord has been taking me through the deepest, darkest parts of my heart exposing and rooting out selfishness, unforgiveness, resentment, pride, harshness, anger – the list is long and ugly. I was unaware that most of these things where even in there. Thankfully, the Lord has a handy attribute called Omniscience and He is not afraid to use it.
In His goodness, the Lord has allowed me to see, read, and hear my own ugliness. This year long process came to a head this past month when He directed me to Psalm 19, having me read over and over again how His Word is the perfect sin-o-meter.
Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, And I shall be innocent of great transgression. Psalm 19:12,13
When I see justification for an offence taken, the Word sees an excuse to set up walls to keep others out. (Proverbs 18:19) When I see a reason to withhold forgiveness, it sees a woman who is willing to receive the precious forgiveness of Jesus but is unwilling to extend that same forgiveness to a peer. (Matt. 18:23-35) When I see a situation that is ripe for sarcasm and anger, He sees a heart that is refusing to live at peace with all men. (Romans 12:18)
I encourage you not to stuff and ignore those nagging feelings that pop up. Trust me on this - I tried to ignore the conviction and it only extended the process, creating more issues along the way. Recognize the niggling for what it is: a warning to be heeded (Psalm 19:11), and the reward for paying attention and taking action is great and worth the pain of facing and dealing with your sin.
When we allow the Lord to work freely in our hearts, the process is usually very uncomfortable. The great thing is that with that pain there is the gain of having a clean heart before Him. The secret faults, the presumptuous sins – none can be hidden from the lamp of God’s Word. When those secret sins are exposed and dealt with the effects are long reaching to our homes, churches, friendships, and workplaces, making the result of the difficult process truly wonderful!
Father, thank You for exposing my sin. Thank You for doing it little by little, bringing me to a place of repentance. Help me to walk in Your ways in every area of my life, never resisting Your good and perfect plan for me.
Read Psalm 19 in its entirety each day this week, focusing especially on verses 7 through 14. Make special note of what the Word of God is. Be careful not to fall into presumptuous sins - things that tend to be given a stamp of approval because, well, we are human after all. Some of those might include your tone of voice with your kids (They made me mad!), your critical spirit over the worship at church (It is just not my style. Why can't we sing more [insert favorite style here]?), your resistance to do something your husband has asked (He knows I hate fish! Why should I have to cook it?). Those justified sins can be the most dangerous and quickly gain dominion over you (Psalm 19:13).
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, November 2, 2009

Altering Our Biographies

2 Cor. 5:17 – “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!”
A blogging friend of mine recently had an entry that told about someone’s distant ancestor who was a horse thief in Montana, who also robbed trains, was chased down by the famous Pinkerton Detectives, and who eventually hanged for his troubles back in 1889.
I suppose someone in his family tree didn’t want to be associated with such a “fellow lacking in character,” and he decided to alter his great-great uncle’s biography…uh…just a smidge:
“[He] was a famous cowboy in the Montana Territory. His business empire grew to include acquisition of valuable equestrian assets and intimate dealings with the Montana railroad. Beginning in 1885, he devoted several years of his life to service at a government facility, finally taking leave to resume his dealings with the railroad. In 1887, he was a key player in a vital investigation run by the renowned Pinkerton Detective Agency. In 1889, [he] passed away during an important civic function held in his honor when the platform upon which he was standing collapsed."
After getting a good giggle out of the story, the Lord put the thought into my head: “That is exactly what I did for you. I altered your biography when I shed My blood on the cross.”
Before I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior and Lord, at the age of 23, I was a BAD, misguided, utterly foul person. But once Christ came into my life – once HE forgave me of my sins – I became a brand new person! HE completely altered my biography and has written HIS version into the Lamb’s Book of Life! All of the old crud has been erased and each page has been replaced with HIS loving grace.
The Author of Life has a personal interest in MY story! He is helping me to write new chapters of love, devotion, prayer, ministry and out-reach that is read by everyone who comes into my sphere of influence. That can be a heavy load to carry, but He has assured me that His burden is light and that He will be with me all the way. I may fail and drop a few bricks from my load from time-to-time, but He is always there to forgive me and help me start all over.
I’m so grateful that the Lord is in the business of altering our biographies. With His help, I’m hoping that my life will be a story worth reading by my descendants.
Father God, thank You for your willingness to forgive me and make me new. Thank You, Jesus, for Your ultimate sacrifice that has altered my biography for all eternity. I am known as Yours because of Your great love for me. Please help me to carry my heritage with grace and boldness, taking Your name to those whose stories have yet to be rewritten. Amen.
This week be sure to share your testimony with someone - your child, a relative, a friend, or a complete stranger. No matter how 'boring' you think your story might be, it is still a dramatic story of someone being saved from an eternity separated from God.
Check each Monday for a new devotional. Please share the site with your friends!!