Monday, January 5, 2009

Arise and Eat...

1 Kings 19:5, 7 ... and the angel touched him and said "Arise, eat" ...

"Arise, eat, because the journey is too great for you."

In the passage quoted above, the Prophet Elijah was running away because of the pressures. Do you ever feel like running away because of the pressures of raising your children and ministering to your husbands? Notice that God had sent an angel to feed him and Elijah was told to "arise and eat." God has also sent us help to feed us in the form of His Word.
This year why not make it a priority to spend time daily in the Word so that you will have strength for the journey you are on? When my daughter was little the way I accomplished that was to put a Bible in every room and open it to the same chapter each day; when I had a few minutes to ponder, I would read the verse and think about it. It is amazing how much time you actually spend in the Word that way. I also used to keep a Bible in the bathroom. Yes, you read it right! That is the one place that you may possibly get a few minutes alone at some point during the day, or at least when your husband comes home. God honestly will not care if you are on the toilet or in the tub, He just wants to fellowship with you and give you His grace.
I also used to read the Word while nursing Jen. Those middle of the night feedings are good times to read and meditate on what your Father wants to tell you. Why not give it a try and see what happens? I can promise you that He will meet with you and you will find the strength you need to continue on, one day at a time. It is a tremendous privilege to minister to our families and God has given us all the answers we need to do this in His word. Enjoy the journey in 2009.
Father, I commit this year to spending time in Your Word ~ whenever and wherever I can. I will not allow the calling You have placed on my life as a mother and wife interfere with my relationship with You. Thank You for not caring where I read Your Word, but only that I do read it. Amen
Place a small Bible in your bathroom(s) this week. You can receive Today in the Word or Our Daily Bread at no cost to place with it. Keep a Bible on your kitchen counter or living room table as well. Fight the urge to wait to read until you can have a "real" quiet time. Even one verse can strengthen and encourage you!
Sherry Sanders 2009

1 comment:

BG Academy said...

What a wonderful idea - bible in each room, open and ready. I may even consider buying a small one that fits in my back pocket so it's always with me.

Thanks Sherry. You are a blessing!

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