Monday, December 1, 2008

Fill 'er up!

I don’t think we realize how very important quiet time with the Lord is to our survival. Imagine your car, for instance. If you decided not to fill it with gas it would eventually stop working. If you tried and tried to restart it, without refilling the gas, there is absolutely no way it is going to start. You can move it with a tow truck. You could even push it with several men but there is no way it will run on it’s own. It makes sense to keep gas in the car. It’s the only way it will get from point A to point B without struggling to move it with your own strength.

We must fill up with God’s word, prayer and quiet time if we want to move along in our daily tasks with peace. God says: And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4: 6-8. I don’t know about you but I can use ‘the peace of God, which transcends all understanding’ on a minute by minute basis!

Imagine waking up each morning, 30 minutes early, to ask God to direct your day. Imagine Him telling you; “Good job, good and faithful child.” Imagine God giving you new ideas to help your day go smoothly. Imagine going throughout your day with ease.

On the other hand imagine waking, 30 minutes early, to get the morning chores complete. You tell yourself you will get to God as soon as things are in order. Then without realizing it the day is over and you are exhausted. Off to sleep you go with hopes of talking to God tomorrow.

I can relate to both of these instances! I have done the latter way too often and know it doesn’t work! I am stubborn and, still to this day, try to do it on my own without ‘His strength’ (and we all know a car can NOT get any place without ‘gas’). How silly that is! It’s not going to work but I tell myself; ‘today I think I can push myself along with my own strength’.

Matthew 11:28 – Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. We, as moms, have a lot to accomplish each and every hour. God can give us rest even in the midst of our many responsibilities. Why not ask God for help you with your day, starting right now?

Lord you know what I need to do today. You know I have my own ‘to do’ list in my head. However, you know what you need me to do today and you know what is not necessary. Would you please show me clearly what I need to do so I don’t get confused and miss your plans for this day. I want to make myself available to you today. Show me what you want from me and I would be delighted to do it! Thank you Lord for loving me so much that you care about my day enough to listen to me, and bless me with another day helping the family you blessed me with. I love you.
This Week's Challenge:
Commit the first 5 to 10 minutes of each day this week to prayer and devotions. The bathroom counts! Have a Bible and small devotional (Today in the Word or Our Daily Bread) on the counter. Pray in the shower and read a passage while you dry your hair or, ya know...

Dawn Borris 2008


G.L.H. said...

Great idea! I'll be checking in every Monday!


Jennifer said...

Thanks, Dawn! Great words from the only Word that matters!

Check each Monday for a new devotional. Please share the site with your friends!!