Let’s talk about chicken and flamingos…
Did you know that chickens live in every continent on the planet except Antarctica? They are pretty easy going birds – they can live in a barnyard or in the woods or even the side of the road. They lay eggs in the yard or hen house and eat bugs, grass, grain and a myriad of other things. Chickens are made to be adaptable to many different habitats and circumstances.
Every year, a whole bunch of Lesser Flamingos fly to salty Natron Lake in Tanzania, Africa. While there, the big pink birds eat algae to give them their rosy color, find a mate and prepare to lay eggs. As the temps rise and the water begins to evaporate rapidly, the salt settles on the top of the lake and forms crusty sheets, eventually floating to the center of the lake and forming a salt island. It is in this harsh, hot, floating plain that the Lesser Flamingo builds a nest of salt and lays its eggs. Of the 2 million Lesser Flamingoes born in Africa, all 2 million are born on the salt crust of Natron Lake. Flamingos are made for this bizarre habitat and have been equipped with the necessary tools to survive there.
Just as chickens and flamingoes have a unique purpose in God’s creation, Christ followers have a special purpose in the kingdom of God. As believers, we have been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
Maybe you feel like a chicken on a salt lake or a flamingo in a barnyard; your circumstances are not ideal to your thinking. You live in a 700 sq. ft. appt. or have a chronic illness or a rebellious child or a rough marriage. A tiny budget demands that you buy used curriculum or shop at thrift stores for clothing. OR, maybe your life is pretty much perfect and you feel guilty for having it so ‘easy’ when your friends are having a rough go of it.
Be assured that no matter what your life looks like right now, the Lord has given you the tools to accomplish His good purposes for you. He has equipped you to handle what life holds.
How has the Lord equipped you?
2 Timothy 3:16,17 says,
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (emphasis added)
Are you using the tool of Scripture to walk out your calling? Do not believe the lie of the enemy that you can not do what the Lord has called you to do. Spend time in the Word, study it, know it, learn from it and allow it to transform your thinking. Then walk confidently in your circumstances, knowing that He has given you all that you need to be what He has created to be.
Sort of like a flamingo.
Father, thank You for the beautiful examples in creation that point us right back to You and Your wisdom. Thank You that Your Word is life to me! Help me to hold fast to it, drawing the strength I need to walk out the good works You have prepared for me. Amen
Spend time in the word each day and allow it to renew your mind. When you find yourself second guessing what the Lord has called you to do, remind yourself that in Him you can walk out His purposes. Audibly express your thanksgiving to Him for His perfect plan for your life.
Jen G. 2011