After a six month break, Fresh Starts will resume on January 1, 2012. Our first five weeks will be using the senses as themes. Week one.....
"Smells Like... Holy Spirit"
I know - it makes you want to spread the word about Fresh Starts and get other people on board just to see what that is all about. Each week's devotional will also be posted to the brand new Fresh Starts Facebook page. Of course, I have no idea if I set it all up correctly. Could you check for me? Just find Fresh Start Mondays on Facebook and become a fan - or a liker, whichever is the correct Facebook language.
I look forward to how the Lord grows us in 2012!
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Monday, August 1, 2011
Continued Break
The intention was to begin Fresh Starts in August after a one month break. I need to simply take my own advice and continue this vacation for an undetermined length of time. Just think, each Monday you can hold your breath not knowing if that will be the week Fresh Starts returns. :-) Sort of like waiting for a check in the mail...
Please pray that during this time the Lord will speak and give fresh words with me to share.
time management
Monday, June 27, 2011
Silver Haired Wisdom
Please note: Fresh Starts will be taking a vacation during the month of July. Posts will resume the first Monday in August.
Jen G. 2011
But he rejected the advice which the elders had given him, and consulted the young men who had grown up with him, who stood before him. 2 Chronicles 10:8
Two things jump out at me in this Scripture. First, Rehoboam rejected the advice the elders had given him. Second, he consulted his friends instead. And then, he LISTENED to them. (You can read the whole sad story in 2 Chronicles 10.)
The story of Rehoboam is used over and over with kids of all ages as an example of the importance of listening to your elders. As important as it is to point out the foolishness of rejecting the wisdom of godly, older advisors for the short-sighted counsel of younger childhood friends, it is probably more important to note Rehoboam’s age when all this went down. 1 Kings 14:21 says that Rehoboam was 41 years old when he became king. FORTY-ONE. That is older than I am. I always had this squeaky-voiced, gangly adolescent male in mind when I read this story. Not so! Rehoboam was a grown man when he chose to reject the counsel of those much older and wiser and accept the counsel of those his own age.
Should we not seek counsel from mature believers who are about our same age, or even younger? Of course not. Godly wisdom is godly wisdom regardless from whom it comes. We should, however, be diligent in honoring the wisdom that comes from years of godly living.
The silver-haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31
The American culture is not one that honors age. We color the silver crown, surgically stretch out the wrinkles of time, and hide away many who are no longer ‘productive’ to society. The Body of Christ, which is universal and not bound by country, needs to hold older Christ followers in high regard, soaking up what they have learned and observed through years of a faithful walk with God. Learn from the aged, honor them; let them know that their experiences were not in vain.
Prayer: Father, thank You for the silver haired wisdom in my life. Thank You for godly parents and grandparents who have lived full lives for You and who are willing to share that wisdom, not just with me, but with countless others. Help me to honor those who have run the race with endurance, and to learn from them. Amen.
Take stock of how you receive counsel from older believers. Do you write them off as being ‘behind the times’ or ‘in the dark ages’? Do you only look to close-in-age friends for advice and input?
Look around your church this Sunday and make note of the age groups fellowshipping together. Most likely the make up is young with young, old with old. Head over to the older group, take a seat, and spend time with them. Learn from your elders and encourage your children to honor and respect godly age and wisdom. They will learn from your example.
Jen G. 2011
teachable spirit,
Monday, June 20, 2011
Who's the Mommy?
by Granny W. 2011
I am once again honored to have a devotional written by my grandmother. Be blessed and encouraged as you read her words of wisdom.
Lately, as I observe some fathers or mothers interacting with their children, it seems the above Scripture is rarely applied. Many children are being given the opportunity to make decisions that should be reserved for parents. Frequently children are asked what they would like to do regarding naptime or a trip to the store. Does this scenario sound familiar?
“I am going to the store now and you are going to stay home with daddy. Or would you rather go with mommy?”
And once they arrive at the store, it might go something like this, “Would you like to ride in the cart or push your own?”
Did I mention the child is three?
In this situation, in order to squelch the verbal abuse or screaming of the child, most moms and dads, out of embarrassment, give in to the child’s demands. This behavior is not reserved for the store. When you experience it in public, it is most likely happening in the home as well.
Can you imagine the pressure on a young child when they are asked to make choices regarding what is best for their health and well-being? Their minds are not fully developed to take on that responsibility. Should a child never have the opportunity to make decisions? Of course not! But the decisions should be age appropriate and not of a parental nature. That is why God gave you to your child.
Dads and moms are the first authority in a child’s life. How the child is trained to respond to that authority will pave the way for their future response to the authority of the Lord and to those outside the home.
What starts as a refusal to sit in a grocery cart could very well lead to the refusal to follow a law one day. That sounds extreme, but lack of respect for authority starts somewhere. The good news is that respect for authority starts somewhere as well. We are all creatures of habit; if a child is trained to respect the authority of their parents, they will do so even when they are outside of their parent's care and presence. Let respect for authority begin today in your home!
Dear Heavenly father, my prayer for the moms who are reading this devotional today is that You will give them Your wisdom to discern any problem areas they were not aware existed. Amen.
Summer is upon us and the extra burden of school and schedules has been lifted for a few months. Use this time to discover who the parents are in your home. If it is your children, ask your Heavenly father how you can lovingly reverse the situation. Then enjoy the blessings of watching your children go the way they should from childhood to adulthood.
I am once again honored to have a devotional written by my grandmother. Be blessed and encouraged as you read her words of wisdom.
“Train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6
Lately, as I observe some fathers or mothers interacting with their children, it seems the above Scripture is rarely applied. Many children are being given the opportunity to make decisions that should be reserved for parents. Frequently children are asked what they would like to do regarding naptime or a trip to the store. Does this scenario sound familiar?
“I am going to the store now and you are going to stay home with daddy. Or would you rather go with mommy?”
And once they arrive at the store, it might go something like this, “Would you like to ride in the cart or push your own?”
Did I mention the child is three?
In this situation, in order to squelch the verbal abuse or screaming of the child, most moms and dads, out of embarrassment, give in to the child’s demands. This behavior is not reserved for the store. When you experience it in public, it is most likely happening in the home as well.
Can you imagine the pressure on a young child when they are asked to make choices regarding what is best for their health and well-being? Their minds are not fully developed to take on that responsibility. Should a child never have the opportunity to make decisions? Of course not! But the decisions should be age appropriate and not of a parental nature. That is why God gave you to your child.
“Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with a promise, that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth. And you, fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath, but bring them up in the training and admonition of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:1-4
Dads and moms are the first authority in a child’s life. How the child is trained to respond to that authority will pave the way for their future response to the authority of the Lord and to those outside the home.
“Children, obey your parents in all things, for this is well pleasing to the Lord.” Colossians 3:20
What starts as a refusal to sit in a grocery cart could very well lead to the refusal to follow a law one day. That sounds extreme, but lack of respect for authority starts somewhere. The good news is that respect for authority starts somewhere as well. We are all creatures of habit; if a child is trained to respect the authority of their parents, they will do so even when they are outside of their parent's care and presence. Let respect for authority begin today in your home!
Dear Heavenly father, my prayer for the moms who are reading this devotional today is that You will give them Your wisdom to discern any problem areas they were not aware existed. Amen.
Summer is upon us and the extra burden of school and schedules has been lifted for a few months. Use this time to discover who the parents are in your home. If it is your children, ask your Heavenly father how you can lovingly reverse the situation. Then enjoy the blessings of watching your children go the way they should from childhood to adulthood.
Granny W. 2011
child training,
Monday, June 13, 2011
What Are You Wearing Today?
By MrsB :)
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday. In the Church, we know that this day was when the Holy Spirit was poured out (Acts 2), yet this day has a longer history than just the Church age. This day is also called the Feast of Weeks or “Shavuot” in Hebrew, and it was ordained by the Lord as a special day of offering and sacrifice (Lev. 23).
In Israel, it is traditional to read the book of Ruth during the Feast of Weeks/Shavuot because the events in the book occurred at the beginning of the barley harvest, and the Feast of Shavuot takes place during the barley harvest. So in preparing for Pentecost/Shavuot this week, I read through Acts 2, but I also re-read the book of Ruth. You know the story –
A man named Elimelech, his wife, named Naomi, and their two sons left Bethlehem because of a famine and went to live in Moab. While there, Elimelech died, and his two sons married Moabite women. Then the two sons died! Naomi and the two wives were widowed, leaving them all in a desperate situation. Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, as the famine was over, but she encouraged her two daughters-in-law to return to their own mothers in their own country.
Orpah returned to her family, but Ruth wanted to stay with Naomi. Ruth went on to demonstrate her love for Naomi by gleaning grain from the fields of Boaz, and the rest of the story revolves around Naomi realizing that Boaz could be Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer and how that did come to pass.
But a verse stood out to me: Naomi told Ruth how to make herself known to Boaz. Naomi told Ruth to, “Wash yourself, therefore, and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes…” Ruth 3:3. Other verses about garments came to mind when I read this. In Isaiah 61, the Lord Jesus is speaking about what He has been anointed to do, and one of them was to give the children of Israel “the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” (Isaiah 61:3). And Revelation 19 says: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean…”
Ruth decided to follow the One True God and begin a new life. She put on her best clothes in order to be known by Boaz. Is there something here for us today? How are we to conduct ourselves in order to be known by others? What are our “best clothes” as believers in Jesus?
Paul encourages us: “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience" (Col. 3:12). As we reflect on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost/Shavuot this week, let’s ask the Lord to give us garments of praise, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. If we do this, we will be known by the world as those who are following the One True God and who have begun a new life in Jesus the Messiah.
Lord, I ask You to give me a heightened awareness of how I clothe myself this week. Give me eyes to see that my “garments” are not merely external, but ones that show Your character to the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As you put on your garments this week, think of “putting on” praise, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These are all manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Thank the Lord for filling you with His Holy Spirit so that you can walk in His ways before your God, your family, and the world.
MrsB. :) 2011
Yesterday was Pentecost Sunday. In the Church, we know that this day was when the Holy Spirit was poured out (Acts 2), yet this day has a longer history than just the Church age. This day is also called the Feast of Weeks or “Shavuot” in Hebrew, and it was ordained by the Lord as a special day of offering and sacrifice (Lev. 23).
In Israel, it is traditional to read the book of Ruth during the Feast of Weeks/Shavuot because the events in the book occurred at the beginning of the barley harvest, and the Feast of Shavuot takes place during the barley harvest. So in preparing for Pentecost/Shavuot this week, I read through Acts 2, but I also re-read the book of Ruth. You know the story –
A man named Elimelech, his wife, named Naomi, and their two sons left Bethlehem because of a famine and went to live in Moab. While there, Elimelech died, and his two sons married Moabite women. Then the two sons died! Naomi and the two wives were widowed, leaving them all in a desperate situation. Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem, as the famine was over, but she encouraged her two daughters-in-law to return to their own mothers in their own country.
Orpah returned to her family, but Ruth wanted to stay with Naomi. Ruth went on to demonstrate her love for Naomi by gleaning grain from the fields of Boaz, and the rest of the story revolves around Naomi realizing that Boaz could be Ruth’s kinsman-redeemer and how that did come to pass.
But a verse stood out to me: Naomi told Ruth how to make herself known to Boaz. Naomi told Ruth to, “Wash yourself, therefore, and anoint yourself and put on your best clothes…” Ruth 3:3. Other verses about garments came to mind when I read this. In Isaiah 61, the Lord Jesus is speaking about what He has been anointed to do, and one of them was to give the children of Israel “the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness” (Isaiah 61:3). And Revelation 19 says: “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready. It was given to her to clothe herself in fine linen, bright and clean…”
Ruth decided to follow the One True God and begin a new life. She put on her best clothes in order to be known by Boaz. Is there something here for us today? How are we to conduct ourselves in order to be known by others? What are our “best clothes” as believers in Jesus?
Paul encourages us: “Therefore, as God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience" (Col. 3:12). As we reflect on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost/Shavuot this week, let’s ask the Lord to give us garments of praise, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. If we do this, we will be known by the world as those who are following the One True God and who have begun a new life in Jesus the Messiah.
Lord, I ask You to give me a heightened awareness of how I clothe myself this week. Give me eyes to see that my “garments” are not merely external, but ones that show Your character to the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
As you put on your garments this week, think of “putting on” praise, compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience. These are all manifestations of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Thank the Lord for filling you with His Holy Spirit so that you can walk in His ways before your God, your family, and the world.
MrsB. :) 2011
daily walk,
heart issues,
Mrs. B
Monday, June 6, 2011
Name Them One by One...
by Jen G. 2011
Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world… Philippians 2:14, 15
The words to the hymn “Count Your Blessings” came back to me this week as I was crabbing to my grandmother about all the ‘misfortunes’ of the previous days; a broken dryer, a broken dishwasher, quarrelling amongst my children, chipped paint on the baseboards… It was ugly. Granny, however, kept pointing me back to the Lord and the importance of recognizing His provision in all areas of my life.
We have been blessed with plenty of sunshine and our parents’ dryer for rainy days. The broken dishwasher has enabled me to teach my children a new skill (hand-washing dishes), as well as provided them with the opportunity to be productive together. The sound of bickering has alerted me to the fact that I have slipped in some in my child training and need to get with the program. Chipped paint….well, I am thankful that I have walls!
In the midst of counting my blessings, I include Granny and the rest of my family who always point me right back to the Lord. Are you that compass for someone or do you join the pity party of a friend or family member? Begin to count your blessings and help others count theirs as well.
Father, thank You for constant reminders to count my blessings. Everything in my life is an opportunity to give You praise. Help me to be the blessing counter with a friend or relative who is struggling with seeing Your goodness in all things. Amen.
Monitor your blessing counting this week. Are you doing a good job or have you fallen off the gratitude wagon? Look for ways that the Lord could be using circumstances to strengthen your faith and draw you closer to Him. Keeping a Gratitude Journal or a Blessings Book is a helpful way to keep on track. Be mindful of your conversations with friends; be the encourager who points them to thanksgiving.
Jen G. 2011
Do all things without complaining and disputing, that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world… Philippians 2:14, 15
The words to the hymn “Count Your Blessings” came back to me this week as I was crabbing to my grandmother about all the ‘misfortunes’ of the previous days; a broken dryer, a broken dishwasher, quarrelling amongst my children, chipped paint on the baseboards… It was ugly. Granny, however, kept pointing me back to the Lord and the importance of recognizing His provision in all areas of my life.
Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Do not quench the Spirit. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-19
We have been blessed with plenty of sunshine and our parents’ dryer for rainy days. The broken dishwasher has enabled me to teach my children a new skill (hand-washing dishes), as well as provided them with the opportunity to be productive together. The sound of bickering has alerted me to the fact that I have slipped in some in my child training and need to get with the program. Chipped paint….well, I am thankful that I have walls!
In the midst of counting my blessings, I include Granny and the rest of my family who always point me right back to the Lord. Are you that compass for someone or do you join the pity party of a friend or family member? Begin to count your blessings and help others count theirs as well.
Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25
Father, thank You for constant reminders to count my blessings. Everything in my life is an opportunity to give You praise. Help me to be the blessing counter with a friend or relative who is struggling with seeing Your goodness in all things. Amen.
Monitor your blessing counting this week. Are you doing a good job or have you fallen off the gratitude wagon? Look for ways that the Lord could be using circumstances to strengthen your faith and draw you closer to Him. Keeping a Gratitude Journal or a Blessings Book is a helpful way to keep on track. Be mindful of your conversations with friends; be the encourager who points them to thanksgiving.
Jen G. 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Believing the Wisdom
By Jen G. 2011
As the mother of five children ages seven to 17, I have plenty of opportunities to fall into various trials and count it all joy. Goodness knows my patience is daily being built. If only I could let that patience have its perfect work!
More than anything, I find myself pleading for God’s perfect wisdom as I teach and train the children my husband and I have been given. The Lord promises that when I ask, He will give it to me.
Why is it that when I ask Him to give me the wisdom I so desperately need and he faithfully does, I turn around and say, “Really? You want me to do that? Well….I was thinking that maybe THIS approach would be better. What do You think?” And then….silence.
I am learning that when the Lord gives me direction in my life I need to follow it and not try to change His mind. If what my spirit is hearing is Biblically sound, then I can rest in knowing that the Lord is speaking in answer to my request for wisdom. The answer might not seem logical to my human mind, but He sees the end of the matter. The silence I hear is not a refusal to give wisdom, for it was already given. The Lord is simply waiting for me to choose His way and walk in it.
Father, thank You for faithfully giving me wisdom when I ask. I want to walk in that wisdom and not second guess what You have shown me. Let my life me an example of perfect trust in You.
This week read Proverbs 1:20 through chapter 4. Not only will it encourage you greatly in your personal walk, but if you are a mom it will give you great guidance in training your children. Wisdom is beautiful and something to be earnestly sought!
Jen G. 2011
My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4
*As the mother of five children ages seven to 17, I have plenty of opportunities to fall into various trials and count it all joy. Goodness knows my patience is daily being built. If only I could let that patience have its perfect work!
More than anything, I find myself pleading for God’s perfect wisdom as I teach and train the children my husband and I have been given. The Lord promises that when I ask, He will give it to me.
If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. v. 5
If only I would believe the wisdom that He implants in my heart.
But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. v. 6
Why is it that when I ask Him to give me the wisdom I so desperately need and he faithfully does, I turn around and say, “Really? You want me to do that? Well….I was thinking that maybe THIS approach would be better. What do You think?” And then….silence.
For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. v. 7,8
I am learning that when the Lord gives me direction in my life I need to follow it and not try to change His mind. If what my spirit is hearing is Biblically sound, then I can rest in knowing that the Lord is speaking in answer to my request for wisdom. The answer might not seem logical to my human mind, but He sees the end of the matter. The silence I hear is not a refusal to give wisdom, for it was already given. The Lord is simply waiting for me to choose His way and walk in it.
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. Do not be wise in your own eyes; Fear the LORD and depart from evil. Proverbs 3:5-7
Father, thank You for faithfully giving me wisdom when I ask. I want to walk in that wisdom and not second guess what You have shown me. Let my life me an example of perfect trust in You.
This week read Proverbs 1:20 through chapter 4. Not only will it encourage you greatly in your personal walk, but if you are a mom it will give you great guidance in training your children. Wisdom is beautiful and something to be earnestly sought!
Jen G. 2011
daily walk,
God's voice,
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Journey
by Jen G. 2008 repost
When Jesus was having his last supper with the disciples, He did what all parents do before they leave their children for a while ~ He left instructions, gave some warnings, and reminded them of important things. Then He encouraged them not to be troubled, but to trust in God. After all, they knew where He was going and they were to come be with Him soon. Thomas speaks up and says, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" (14:5).
At this point, Jesus speaks what might be one of the most quoted verses in the Bible. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,' " (14:6). Jesus was making it clear that He was the way provided to bridge the sin gap between the Father and human creation. How marvelous! But, Jesus is not only the Way, He is also the destination*. We are to walk in His Truth to have life. And...He is the Life!
The purpose of this journey is to be where He is, dwelling in Him.* Dwelling in Him makes all things bearable, all things clearer, all things worthwhile. Begin to look at your walk with Christ not just as a means to heaven, but as a daily opportunity to be close to Him in every circumstance. To know Jesus is to know the Father. To be in Jesus's presence is to be in the presence of the Father. We do not need to wait until the glory of heaven!
Jesus, please help me to always be aware that You are not just a means to an end, but that You are the Holy God dwelling in me. As I look at the baby in the manger let me see the man on the cross. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
This week, be conscious that every moment with Jesus is a moment in the presence of God. Sometimes we compartmentalize the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although each has a specific function, each is also completely the One True God. Daily give thanks for the incredible privilege to dwell with Him each moment.
Jen G 2008
*Today in the Word, December 22, 2008
I will come back and take you to be with Me that you may also be where I am. you know the way to the place I am going. John 14:3-4
When Jesus was having his last supper with the disciples, He did what all parents do before they leave their children for a while ~ He left instructions, gave some warnings, and reminded them of important things. Then He encouraged them not to be troubled, but to trust in God. After all, they knew where He was going and they were to come be with Him soon. Thomas speaks up and says, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?" (14:5).
At this point, Jesus speaks what might be one of the most quoted verses in the Bible. "Jesus answered, 'I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me,' " (14:6). Jesus was making it clear that He was the way provided to bridge the sin gap between the Father and human creation. How marvelous! But, Jesus is not only the Way, He is also the destination*. We are to walk in His Truth to have life. And...He is the Life!
The purpose of this journey is to be where He is, dwelling in Him.* Dwelling in Him makes all things bearable, all things clearer, all things worthwhile. Begin to look at your walk with Christ not just as a means to heaven, but as a daily opportunity to be close to Him in every circumstance. To know Jesus is to know the Father. To be in Jesus's presence is to be in the presence of the Father. We do not need to wait until the glory of heaven!
Jesus, please help me to always be aware that You are not just a means to an end, but that You are the Holy God dwelling in me. As I look at the baby in the manger let me see the man on the cross. Thank You for being the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
This week, be conscious that every moment with Jesus is a moment in the presence of God. Sometimes we compartmentalize the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Although each has a specific function, each is also completely the One True God. Daily give thanks for the incredible privilege to dwell with Him each moment.
Jen G 2008
*Today in the Word, December 22, 2008
daily walk,
Monday, May 16, 2011
In Time of Need
By Jen G. 2011
"...incline your ear to wisdom, and apply your heart to understanding; Yes, if you cry out for discernment, and lift up your voice for understanding, if you seek her as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasures; then you will understand the fear of the LORD, and find the knowledge of God. For the LORD gives wisdom; From His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright…” Proverbs 2:2-7
While away on an errand I received a call from an upset child about the actions of another child: hurtful words, an angry slap. I could feel the ‘waiting for mom to come home’ atmosphere upon my arrival. Even the dogs were quiet.
“Lord, please give me the words. I am not even sure how to approach this. Wisdom, I need wisdom. Now, Lord.”
The offending child was waiting for me. As we sat on the edge of the bed I was still pleading with the Lord to give me the words to speak into this young heart. We talked about what led to the sin.
“He had his hand over my mouth! I keep telling him not to do that! I got tired of licking his hand, so I just slapped him.”
I never dreamed that in my parenthood I would hear that excuse. “I got tired of licking his hand….”
After I squelched the rising fit of laughter, I heard the wisdom of the Lord come into my mind. At just the right moment He gave me insight into the deeper issue at hand and the words to speak to my precious child.
So many times I jump head first into correcting a child without stopping to beg for the wisdom of God I so desperately need. Why is that? Sometimes it is impatience on my part and other times it is simply because I forget. And yet, at other times it is because I do not really want His wisdom. I do not want the tender tone; I want to let the child know what I really think without concern for their well being or feelings.
Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21
Correcting my children is something I must do. Speaking truth into their lives is something I must do. Doing it in a way that brings life to their spirits and not death is vital. My words and tone carry much weight in the lives of my offspring. I must strive to use those words wisely each time I have opportunity to counsel them, regardless of how my sinful self desires to respond. Praise God that His wisdom is always available to me! All I must do…is ask.
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16
Father, help me to remember to come to You BEFORE I speak. Let me see the fruit of Your wisdom in my life. Amen.
Be quick to hear and slow to speak this week as you deal with the sin issues in your children’s lives. Stop and pray quietly, asking the Lord for His perfect wisdom in that moment. If your children ask what you are doing, tell them you are asking your Father for guidance. Not only will it show them that you rely on Him for help, but it will strengthen the relationship they have with you. Seeing you go to your Heavenly Father for help in situations will draw them to you when they need help. In turn, you take them to the Lord. It is a wonderful cycle!
Jen G. 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011
He Knows My Frame
by Mrs. B 2011
A bone-rattling noise from the radio interrupted my listening to worship music on the way to Texas last week. A series of storms had kicked up near Memphis that threatened to disrupt my travel down I40. I quickly called my husband, and he began tracking the storm system through the Internet. He said the best thing for me to do was to head due south in order to avoid the storms, even though that route was longer. As I traveled along, the meteorologist told of high winds, softball-sized hail, and funnel cloud sightings in the areas I was avoiding. My heart raced during the reports, yet calmed when my husband gave me minute-by-minute instructions on where to turn on country back roads. I could see angry dark clouds on my right and sun-filled clouds on my left.
My husband began to talk about the best place for my turning west in order to get back to the original path. I glanced to my right again, and I saw a huge funnel cloud stretching from the gray cloud-covering to the ground. Since I had never seen a tornado before (true confessions – I have only seen them on “Storm Chasers”), I hesitated to call it by that name, but I could hardly squelch the fear that was rising in my heart. My husband calmly told me that the storm was moving away from the direction I was going and to just keep driving. I gripped the steering wheel and heeded his instructions.
Since we celebrated Passover recently, I was reminded of how the Lord took the Israelites on a longer route out of Egypt so that they would not fear.
Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, "The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt." Exodus 13:17
This path around the land of the Philistines took much longer to navigate, but God understood their hearts. Though they had just seen God work mighty miracles in their release from Egypt, they could have also been exhausted from the time of testing and faith-building. It was God’s mercy that led them on a longer route away from the possibility of war.
In much the same way, many of us have been going through times of testing and faith-building. Financial difficulties, relational troubles, deaths in our families, and many other circumstances may be facing us as dark clouds. Sometimes He calls us to charge into those clouds and storm Heaven for answers and breakthroughs. At other times, knowing our frame, He leads us to go around those clouds. Either way, our goal is to heed His instructions and trust Him for the outcome.
Father, thank You for taking me through the storms sometimes, and thank You for leading me around them at other times. I am grateful for Your guidance and Your Presence along either path. I trust You, and I will praise You no matter what comes.
This week ask the Lord to help you trust His leading. When He calls you to pray and charge into the storm, do it with all you have. When He calls you to rest, rest with all you have, too, not fretting over the seeming inactivity. Obeying Him is never “inactivity” in the spiritual realm.
Mrs. B 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
God said "Yes!"
by Jen G. 2011
I have recently been faced with a potential trial. So far it is simply an inconvenience, but it could very well turn into an ‘event’. Not surprisingly, my planned Bible reading took me to the book of Job this week.
Job “was blameless and upright, and one who feared God and shunned evil.” (v. 1) He was wealthy, had a great family, lots of stuff to make his life comfortable, and was intensely committed to the Lord. He even made regular sacrifices for his children just in case they sinned against God. His took his job as a father and priest of his home very seriously.
One day while Satan was in the presence of the Lord, the Father asked him what he had been up to. Satan responded that he had been going back and forth over the earth. I think it worth noting that Satan does not mention that he has been wreaking havoc or looking for someone to torment (although he probably was!). It was the Lord Himself who pointed Job out to Satan.
Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?” v. 8
Satan’s ears perk up and he begins to mock Job and God. “Does Job fear God for nothing? Have You not made a hedge around him, around his household, and around all that he has on every side? You have blessed the work of his hands, and his possessions have increased in the land. But now, stretch out Your hand and touch all that he has, and he will surely curse You to Your face!” (vs. 9-11) Satan basically dares God to test Job’s faithfulness and love for his Creator. And then…
God said yes.From this point on in the book, Satan is given permission first to strike Job’s family and possessions and then his personal health. And in all of this, Job never forsakes the knowledge that the Lord is sovereign. In fact, towards the end of the book, Job goes so far as to say, “Though He slay me, yet I will praise Him!” He is committed to the truth that the Lord holds all in His hands; that anything that touched him first passed through the righteousness and goodness of the Father, regardless of what it felt like.
Of the friends who came to minister to Job, only one seemed to hit the nail on the head. Elihu reminds Job of the omnipotence and goodness of God.
“Surely God will never do wickedly, nor will the Almighty pervert justice.” (34:12)
Whatever is being permitted to enter your life as a believer in Christ - medical problems, a wayward child, financial trouble, a tense marriage, sleepless nights, children with learning issues, fractured relationships, job loss, depression - take the counsel of Job to heart. “Shall we indeed accept good from God, and shall we not accept adversity?” (2:10) The trials we face give opportunity to grow closer to Christ and to become more like Him.*
“My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. For let not that man suppose that he will receive anything from the Lord; he is a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways." James 1:2-8
Instead of falling apart – the normal human reaction – count it all joy that the perfectly-good-in-all-His-ways, sovereign God said “Yes!”
Father, I ask that You position my heart to receive what You are allowing in my life. Let my reactions to trials be a testimony of Your goodness. Let the trials refine me to be more like You. Amen.
Read the book of Job this month and ponder the reactions of Job and his friends in light of the trials Job was experiencing. Journal through your reading and make note of the passages that speak to you. How are YOU reacting to trials? We have a responsibility to let patience learned in trials to have its perfect work and to not be double minded.
*Note: Trials, whatever they are, are used to refine us and make us more like Christ. Sometimes those trials do come as a result of sinful actions on our part. Repenting of sin that has brought consequences in the form of trials will not necessarily remove the trial, but it will make you more like Christ if you push through and refuse to enter into that sinful behavior again. Nothing is beyond use for God’s glory when given to Him!
Jen G. 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
Jen G. 2009 ~ repost
The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.
In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.
Psalm 19:1-6
Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God, the skies proclaim the works of His hands. Simply looking at the sky allows us to experience the glory of God in all His majesty! The voice of the sky extends to every part of the world; there is no people group that has not heard what the skies proclaim - that God is on His throne and that He is the Creator of all.
The Lord has allowed His creation to declare who He is, what He is, what He can do. For us to allow one day to go by without acknowledging the greatness of the Lord is unthinkable. Even if we are in the midst of a trial or great difficulty and there seems to be nothing in our lives that has the hand print of God on it, we can always look to the skies. They are a constant, ever present reminder of the God of the universe and His great love for us. He created something that shouts of His amazing love for His creation; it shouts in every corner of the earth, in every climate, in every war, in every famine, in darkness or daylight.
When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Psalm 8:3-4
If we stop for just a moment and consider the work of God's fingers, the largeness of His miraculous creation, it should cause us to catch our breath and look at the smallness of ourselves. Think about it: the world goes on when a human dies, but the world can not survive without a sky. Yet Jesus died for us, the only part of His creation that does not continuously declare His mighty works and goodness. We should compete daily with all of creation to be the loudest voice praising God.
Lord of all creation, I praise You for Your mighty works, Your faithfulness, Your patience and love for me. Please forgive me for not declaring Your greatness each day.
This week, begin each morning with a look at the sky. Join with this vast creation in declaring the greatness of God. Read the following Psalms that reveal how awesome God is by looking at His creation. Psalm 148, Psalm 139, Psalm 104, Psalm 93
Jen G. 2009
greatness of God,
Monday, April 18, 2011
Not Alone
by Jen G. 2011
One moment I was standing with a smile and the next I was flat on my spiritual back; crushed, laid low, hopeless, miserable, humiliated, and wounded. The feelings were so intense that I literally wanted to lie down and hide under something.
But woe to him who is alone when he falls, for he has no one to help him up. Ecclesiastes 4:10
What caused this awful moment of incredible weakness? It was a small thing, really – a mother/child thing. It was certainly not uncommon and by no means something to get my knickers in a knot over. And yet knotted they were.
And then…
Friends surrounded me. Women that I do not normally get to visit with for longer than a coke and fries, a hug after church, or a chat while getting my hair cut gathered around me and cared for me. They talked me off my emotional ledge and pointed out the fiery dart of the enemy that was digging into my heart. They encouraged me to not give in to the lies of Satan. They boosted me with words of love and admiration for my child. They spoke truth.
Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken. Ecclesiastes 4:12
Do you know someone who needs the threefold cord of friendship? Is there a lady who is struggling to see the goodness of God or recognize a spiritual attack? Reach out to her and speak truth to her. Be the mouthpiece and reassuring arms of Jesus.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but when the desire comes, it is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12
Father, thank You for my mom and other sisters in Christ who held me up when I was succumbing to the lies of Satan. Thank you for giving them discernment into the issue at hand and the wisdom to speak into my life. Help me to remember the example of Christ in them and in turn allow You to use me in another woman’s life. Amen.
Be watchful for opportunities to minister to a woman this week that just needs a friend. Listen for the Holy Spirit’s prompting and act on it, letting Him guide your counsel. Read Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
Jen G. 2011
difficult circumstances,
Monday, April 11, 2011
The B-I-B-L-E!
by Jen G. 2011
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17
The B-I-B-L-E! Yes, that’s the Book for me!
I stand alone on the Word of God,
The B-I-B-L-E!
I remember singing this song in Sunday School at Calvary Baptist Church in Daytona Beach, Florida as a preschooler. At the time it was simply a catchy tune that I sang over and over again not realizing the importance and truth of the words.
In the book of 2 Timothy Paul writes to warn his young friend – and us - of perilous times filled with selfish, greedy, bragging, proud, blaspheming, disobedient, ungrateful, unholy, unloving, unforgiving, slandering people who have no self control, are brutal despisers of good, traitors, stubborn, stuck up and pleasure loving. To top it off, these people have a form of godliness with out the power of the risen Christ. (vs. 1-5)
Could there be any more bad news coming in this chapter? Yep. These convincing people “creep into households and make captives of gullible women loaded down with sins, led away by various lusts.” (v. 6)
The gullible women Paul spoke of in his letter were certainly not stupid. On the contrary, they were always learning. Like Eve, the women desired knowledge. Unfortunately, they were never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. (v. 7) Paul delivers more bad news: the deceivers were only going to get worse and the deceived were only going to grow in number (as we see today).
Is there hope? How do we protect ourselves from becoming the deceiver or the deceived?
The B-I-B-L-E!
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16, 17
Sometimes false things are incredibly obvious – like burying a potato at midnight to get rid of warts. Some things are not so obvious, however, and that is why we need to have a solid foundation in the Word of God.
Books, Christian radio, the internet, Bible studies and magazines are fabulous resources that can sometimes help us be more knowledgeable of the Word. However, caution must be used. Today’s ‘Christian’ climate is rife with misapplied Scripture for everything from gender identity to hell to divorce to the actual substitutionary death of Christ. Without a firm foundation in Scripture, it is incredibly easy to be deceived by words that sound good and godly. As Christ followers, we need to stand alone on the Word of God - the only faithful infallible, accurate record of God’s Truth.
Father, open my eyes to see Truth and with that Truth help me to identify the lies of the enemy. My heart desires to be faithful to Your Word alone, not the latest church style or new doctrine. Help me to guard my heart and know Your Truth. Amen.
Take time this week to examine the basis for your beliefs. Are you getting your Scripture-view and worldview from a magazine, Bible teacher, or book, or are your views based on God’s view of the world? Really look at your heart and mind and see if you are a gullible woman. If you are, repent and change! Seek the wisdom that comes from above and allow it to make you wise unto salvation through Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:15)
Take time this week to examine the basis for your beliefs. Are you getting your Scripture-view and worldview from a magazine, Bible teacher, or book, or are your views based on God’s view of the world? Really look at your heart and mind and see if you are a gullible woman. If you are, repent and change! Seek the wisdom that comes from above and allow it to make you wise unto salvation through Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 3:15)
Jen G. 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Springs of Life
by Sherry S. 2011
This week I have been preparing for a retreat where one of the topics I am to address is the Exposed Heart. I am continuously amazed at how full the Word is of references to the heart. Once you start looking at the Scriptures it is incredible the things you notice about your own heart.
Proverbs 4:23 says: "Watch over your heart with all diligence, for from it flow the springs of life."
Ouch. That one hits home doesn't it? How often do we neglect our heart attitudes? We go about our days as if all is well, when in fact we have neglected to keep our hearts in step with the Spirit of God. Before we know it we look back on a trail of hurt feelings and wounded friends and family.
Luke 6:45 says: "The good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the evil treasure brings forth what is evil; for his mouth speaks from that which fills his heart."
I shudder to think of the things I have said to my precious husband or daughter in a moment of frustration. Can you identify? As I have grown in my faith, I have learned that I don't even know my own heart, but there is One who searches my heart and knows and loves me enough to open my ears to see and even hear the condition of my heart.
Is it any wonder why the Psalmist prayed in Psalm 139:23 -24, "Search me, O God, and know my heart; try me and know my anxious thoughts; and see if there be any hurtful way in me, and lead me in the everlasting way,"?
I praise the Lord that He began a good work in me and will complete it. I thank Him that He is changing me daily to be like Jesus. And I know that He will do the same thing for you. Are you willing? Are you ready to let issues of life flow from your heart, through your lips, and into the lives of others?
"Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence, and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation,
And uphold me by Your generous Spirit." Amen
This week LISTEN to what is coming out of your mouth, and then you will KNOW what is really in your heart. When you find out then run to your Father and allow Him to change your heart and, in turn, your speech.
heart issues,
Monday, March 28, 2011
Thoroughly Equipped Flamingos
by Jen G. 2011
Let’s talk about chicken and flamingos…
Did you know that chickens live in every continent on the planet except Antarctica? They are pretty easy going birds – they can live in a barnyard or in the woods or even the side of the road. They lay eggs in the yard or hen house and eat bugs, grass, grain and a myriad of other things. Chickens are made to be adaptable to many different habitats and circumstances.
Every year, a whole bunch of Lesser Flamingos fly to salty Natron Lake in Tanzania, Africa. While there, the big pink birds eat algae to give them their rosy color, find a mate and prepare to lay eggs. As the temps rise and the water begins to evaporate rapidly, the salt settles on the top of the lake and forms crusty sheets, eventually floating to the center of the lake and forming a salt island. It is in this harsh, hot, floating plain that the Lesser Flamingo builds a nest of salt and lays its eggs. Of the 2 million Lesser Flamingoes born in Africa, all 2 million are born on the salt crust of Natron Lake. Flamingos are made for this bizarre habitat and have been equipped with the necessary tools to survive there.
Just as chickens and flamingoes have a unique purpose in God’s creation, Christ followers have a special purpose in the kingdom of God. As believers, we have been created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:10)
Maybe you feel like a chicken on a salt lake or a flamingo in a barnyard; your circumstances are not ideal to your thinking. You live in a 700 sq. ft. appt. or have a chronic illness or a rebellious child or a rough marriage. A tiny budget demands that you buy used curriculum or shop at thrift stores for clothing. OR, maybe your life is pretty much perfect and you feel guilty for having it so ‘easy’ when your friends are having a rough go of it.
Be assured that no matter what your life looks like right now, the Lord has given you the tools to accomplish His good purposes for you. He has equipped you to handle what life holds.
How has the Lord equipped you?
2 Timothy 3:16,17 says,
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (emphasis added)
Are you using the tool of Scripture to walk out your calling? Do not believe the lie of the enemy that you can not do what the Lord has called you to do. Spend time in the Word, study it, know it, learn from it and allow it to transform your thinking. Then walk confidently in your circumstances, knowing that He has given you all that you need to be what He has created to be.
Sort of like a flamingo.
Father, thank You for the beautiful examples in creation that point us right back to You and Your wisdom. Thank You that Your Word is life to me! Help me to hold fast to it, drawing the strength I need to walk out the good works You have prepared for me. Amen
Spend time in the word each day and allow it to renew your mind. When you find yourself second guessing what the Lord has called you to do, remind yourself that in Him you can walk out His purposes. Audibly express your thanksgiving to Him for His perfect plan for your life.
Jen G. 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011
I Forgot I Was Naked
Please enjoy this 're-run' of a devotional posted in 2009.
By Jen G. 2009
Countless times in my married life I have caught a glimpse of myself in that bathroom mirror after a shower, each time lamenting my size and shape. The distress I experienced didn’t last long, however. After that post-shower shock I usually headed into a day of eating what ever tempted my taste buds. Each trip to the fridge or pantry could have been drastically changed if only I had not forgotten what I looked like naked.
Many times I have experienced something very similar spiritually. I spend time in the Word and am convicted by the Holy Spirit about some sin issue in my life. Afterwards I stumble right into the same sin pattern, completely forgetting what the Lord showed me. I have heard the Word of the Lord, yet I walk away failing to do (obey) what He said.
In the first part of the passage the man observed himself and then walked away deceived. He was deceived because he thought he had done all that was required of him by simply hearing the Word. Think of telling your child to clean up his room and then finding that he did not. When you approach him he assures you that it is okay. After all, he heard you, isn’t that enough? Obviously that is beyond ridiculous, but I do the same thing in my walk with the Lord. As always, when the Lord points out a common problem in the Christian walk He also gives the solution.
The key is to “continue” in the Word. I obviously can not tote a Bible around with me all day long ignoring those around me so I can stay in the Word, but I can study and hide that Word in my heart. When I hear God’s Word through reading or listening it is imperative that I do more than just hear it. I must DO it. I must walk out what He has graciously shown me. If I do not then I am deceiving myself into thinking that simply hearing it is okay. Hearing combined with doing is what will bring blessing to my life. I must look into His perfect law of freedom and walk it out. I must continue to hear and examine and do what He tells me. His way brings blessing and freedom. My way leaves me walking around naked. And who wants to do that?
Father, thank You that Your Word exposes sin in my life. Please help me to be obedient when You reveal something to me. I desire to walk in Your perfect law of freedom each day. Amen
This week do more than glance at yourself in the mirror of the Word. Look deeply into it, taking note of specific areas where you need to obey the Lord. If you have a hard time remembering those areas make a sign and post it on your refrigerator or wall. For example: “Arguing with my husband is a sign of pride in my life. God’s Word says where there is self-seeking that evil and confusion abound. (James 3:16).”
Jen G. 2009
By Jen G. 2009
Countless times in my married life I have caught a glimpse of myself in that bathroom mirror after a shower, each time lamenting my size and shape. The distress I experienced didn’t last long, however. After that post-shower shock I usually headed into a day of eating what ever tempted my taste buds. Each trip to the fridge or pantry could have been drastically changed if only I had not forgotten what I looked like naked.
Many times I have experienced something very similar spiritually. I spend time in the Word and am convicted by the Holy Spirit about some sin issue in my life. Afterwards I stumble right into the same sin pattern, completely forgetting what the Lord showed me. I have heard the Word of the Lord, yet I walk away failing to do (obey) what He said.
But be doers of the Word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the Word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. James 1:22-24
In the first part of the passage the man observed himself and then walked away deceived. He was deceived because he thought he had done all that was required of him by simply hearing the Word. Think of telling your child to clean up his room and then finding that he did not. When you approach him he assures you that it is okay. After all, he heard you, isn’t that enough? Obviously that is beyond ridiculous, but I do the same thing in my walk with the Lord. As always, when the Lord points out a common problem in the Christian walk He also gives the solution.
But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does. James 1:25
The key is to “continue” in the Word. I obviously can not tote a Bible around with me all day long ignoring those around me so I can stay in the Word, but I can study and hide that Word in my heart. When I hear God’s Word through reading or listening it is imperative that I do more than just hear it. I must DO it. I must walk out what He has graciously shown me. If I do not then I am deceiving myself into thinking that simply hearing it is okay. Hearing combined with doing is what will bring blessing to my life. I must look into His perfect law of freedom and walk it out. I must continue to hear and examine and do what He tells me. His way brings blessing and freedom. My way leaves me walking around naked. And who wants to do that?
Father, thank You that Your Word exposes sin in my life. Please help me to be obedient when You reveal something to me. I desire to walk in Your perfect law of freedom each day. Amen
This week do more than glance at yourself in the mirror of the Word. Look deeply into it, taking note of specific areas where you need to obey the Lord. If you have a hard time remembering those areas make a sign and post it on your refrigerator or wall. For example: “Arguing with my husband is a sign of pride in my life. God’s Word says where there is self-seeking that evil and confusion abound. (James 3:16).”
Jen G. 2009
dry times,
heart issues,
spiritual growth,
Monday, March 14, 2011
I Would Walk 500 Miles
By Mrs. B :-) 2011
If your homeschooling house is like mine was, this verse has caused a chuckle or two over the years. It has come back to my mind as I am now teaching an ESL class in our area . I team-teach with a young missionary named Brandon, and we have between 8 and 12 adult students; most are Burmese refugees into Thailand. They are of the Karen (Kah-wren’) ethnic group. Recently we studied Mary McCloud Bethune (there is a HS project that you did not even ask for!) and how she did not have access to education like American children do now. We talked about the importance of education, and all of them said that learning English was very important to them. There was a question in the book, “Would you walk five miles to class in order to get an education?”
Two young Karens emphatically said that they would, in their broken and heavily accented English. I expressed surprise, especially as most of the others shook their heads “no.” But I was not really surprised. A week earlier I had wracked my brain for a way to explain one of their vocabulary words – element – to them without knowing a word of Karen. I wrote “Periodic Table of Elements” on the board, wrote some of the elements with their atomic numbers, and drew some molecules of water, not sure if anyone would understand what I was talking about. These two started naming more elements and their abbreviations (since I did not know them, to my embarrassment!).
So it did not surprise me that they would walk five miles to go to class. It did not surprise me, but it did challenge me. Would I walk five miles to class to learn Spanish? Hebrew? Karen? Of course, I wondered if I would walk five miles to learn the Book that Paul, and I, love the most. Could anyone ever say of me, “MrsB, your great learning of The Book is driving you mad!”
Abba, as we seek to teach our children and grandchildren about You, Your ways, and Your creation, put a great hunger in us to study Your Word. Put a great desire in us to model reading, studying, and learning how to do new things for Your glory. Let the eyes that watch us see that we take great delight in learning, too.
Memorize the Periodic Chart. (Just kidding!) Really, take the children for a walk and measure off a half-mile, a mile, or more. Then get in the car and measure five miles, if that is too far to walk right now. Ask your children if they would walk five miles to church or school? Share with them that there are people all over the world who walk long distances to church and to school. Pray a blessing on all those in the world who walk miles to learn about the Lord.
Mrs. B :-) 2011
While Paul was saying this in his defense, Festus said in a loud voice, "Paul, you are out of your mind ! Your great learning is driving you mad." Acts 26:24 (italics added )
If your homeschooling house is like mine was, this verse has caused a chuckle or two over the years. It has come back to my mind as I am now teaching an ESL class in our area . I team-teach with a young missionary named Brandon, and we have between 8 and 12 adult students; most are Burmese refugees into Thailand. They are of the Karen (Kah-wren’) ethnic group. Recently we studied Mary McCloud Bethune (there is a HS project that you did not even ask for!) and how she did not have access to education like American children do now. We talked about the importance of education, and all of them said that learning English was very important to them. There was a question in the book, “Would you walk five miles to class in order to get an education?”
Two young Karens emphatically said that they would, in their broken and heavily accented English. I expressed surprise, especially as most of the others shook their heads “no.” But I was not really surprised. A week earlier I had wracked my brain for a way to explain one of their vocabulary words – element – to them without knowing a word of Karen. I wrote “Periodic Table of Elements” on the board, wrote some of the elements with their atomic numbers, and drew some molecules of water, not sure if anyone would understand what I was talking about. These two started naming more elements and their abbreviations (since I did not know them, to my embarrassment!).
So it did not surprise me that they would walk five miles to go to class. It did not surprise me, but it did challenge me. Would I walk five miles to class to learn Spanish? Hebrew? Karen? Of course, I wondered if I would walk five miles to learn the Book that Paul, and I, love the most. Could anyone ever say of me, “MrsB, your great learning of The Book is driving you mad!”
Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. Psalm 119:97
Abba, as we seek to teach our children and grandchildren about You, Your ways, and Your creation, put a great hunger in us to study Your Word. Put a great desire in us to model reading, studying, and learning how to do new things for Your glory. Let the eyes that watch us see that we take great delight in learning, too.
Memorize the Periodic Chart. (Just kidding!) Really, take the children for a walk and measure off a half-mile, a mile, or more. Then get in the car and measure five miles, if that is too far to walk right now. Ask your children if they would walk five miles to church or school? Share with them that there are people all over the world who walk long distances to church and to school. Pray a blessing on all those in the world who walk miles to learn about the Lord.
Mrs. B :-) 2011
Monday, March 7, 2011
From Now On
by Jen G. 2011 - with much thanks to Pastor Bill for the excellent message that inspired this devotion.
In Luke 5: 1-11 the story is told of Jesus preaching to the multitudes by Lake of Gennesaret (Sea of Galilee). Feeling crowded as the people pressed into Him, Jesus hopped into Simon Peter’s anchored boat and asked him to put out a bit. When Jesus was through teaching from his floating pulpit, He told Simon to set out further into the deep waters and let his nets down for a catch.
“But Simon answered and said to Him, “Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing; nevertheless at Your word I will let down the net.” vs. 5
The fisherman of this time period did their hard work in the night hours. Fish would come into the shallows during that time and it made the job of catching them much easier. When daylight came, the fisherman would take their nets in for cleaning and repair – not an easy or tidy job. The idea of going back out after a full night’s work and after the nets were repaired was not tempting to Peter, but after giving Jesus his opinion (of course), he agreed to head out.
Jesus blessed abundantly. So abundantly, in fact, that Simon’s nets began to break and he had to call in his partners, James and John, to help divide the catch. Even then both boats held so much fish they began to sink. When Peter sees this happening, he throws himself before Jesus and confesses his unbelief and unworthiness to be in his presence. Jesus does not fuss at Peter, but instead encourages him and his friends.
“Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” vs. 10b
Jesus used this blessing of a huge catch under less than ideal circumstances to prepare His chosen disciples for the work and blessings that would be coming their way.
Has the Lord asked you to do something? Maybe He wants you to take on babysitting a child for a single mom but you are worried about the time it will take from your own personal pursuits. Has He asked you to stop teaching a Bible study or Sunday School and instead focus on your home? Maybe He has asked you to let go of a carefully guarded bitterness or to not argue with your husband even when he is being unreasonable. He may be telling you to step out into completely terrifying waters and trust Him completely.
“So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.” vs. 11
Do not be afraid to follow where your Lord is leading you.* He promises great blessings when you forsake all and follow Him. From now on, forsake the comfort of your own rationale and reason and let Him show His power.
Lord, thank You for using Peter to show how pushing through and obeying even when it is not convenient still brings blessing. Help me to follow you regardless of the inconvenience, knowing that what You have planned is so much better than what I think. Amen.
What might the Lord be asking you to do – or not do? Step out this week and follow Him in that thing.
*As a married woman or young woman still under her father’s covering, seek the wise counsel of your husband/parents. If they do not agree with what you feel the Lord is calling you to do, do not fret. He will make a way for you to obey Him while honoring those in authority in your life. Sometimes patiently waiting for others to catch up is part of the forsaking all and following Him. And remember - the Lord would never ask you to do anything against His Word in order to follow Him. This includes rebellion to parents, divorce, lying, etc.
Jen G. 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Go with the Flow
by Jen G. 2011
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, For the LORD upholds him with His hand.” Psalm 37:23, 24
Earlier this month a friend, her daughter and I were to make a much anticipated trip to another friend’s home. It was to be a ‘Hen Party’, according to the many sons and one husband of my to-be-visited friend. We had the weekend all planned out. Visiting, laughter, a tea room lunch and cheese cake - what more could we want?
“Commit your works to the LORD, and your thoughts will be established.” Proverbs 16:3
Then people in my house started throwing up.
“Okay,” thought I. “There is still plenty of time for everyone to get back to normal.”
Everyone got better just in time, and then…a big snowstorm hit. Plans were rescheduled for this past weekend and my excitement began to build again.
Then fevers and sore throats and congestion started.
Once again I thought I would have plenty of time for health to return to my people and for me to pack. Can you believe another huge storm hit us the morning we were to leave?
“A man’s heart plans his way, but the LORD directs his steps.” Proverbs 16:9
Each morning I pray and ask the Lord to order my steps in the coming day. The words are sometimes very heartfelt, but other times they pop out from habit. Either way, I am praying for His guidance and leading. Why then, am I so irritated when my plans are changed? Could it be because I do not fully trust the Lord with the time He has given me? If my day is committed to Him and His will, then I will not be distracted or frustrated when He leads me down an unexpected path. Instead, I will be ready and able to meet the need before me or participate in the blessing He prepared.
“He who heeds the word wisely will find good, and whoever trusts in the LORD, happy is he.” Proverbs 16:20
Does that mean I am not to make plans or prepare for events? No, it simply means that I recognize that while I have plans, the Lord has the greater purpose in mind for my day. True joy and happiness comes when I ‘go with the flow’ of the Holy Spirit’s leading.
“Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. He shall bring forth your righteousness as the light, and your justice as the noonday.” Psalm 37:5, 6
“The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD, and He delights in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, For the LORD upholds him with His hand.” Psalm 37:23, 24
Father, thank You for Your daily guidance. Each circumstance that comes my way was first filtered through You and holds the potential for me to honor You and bless others. Help me to remember to commit my works and plans to You each day and then react joyfully and peacefully when you answer my prayer! Amen.
Commit your works to the Lord each day. Watch for the Lord’s direction and follow it, choosing not to react with impatience or aggravation. Keep a journal of how the Lord directed you this week and how you did with following His plan. Remember what Psalm 37:24 says: “Though he fall (or has a massive change of plans – Jen’s paraphrase) he shall not be utterly cast down, for the LORD upholds him with His hand.”
Jen G. 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
Being Set Free
by Zinnada H. 2011
For the past month or so, I've been blessed by a bible study by Beth Moore called Breaking Free. When I started the study, the Lord made it clear what He wanted to set me from and that was from the bondage of turning to sweets as an idol.
Whenever I was stressed, discouraged, or whatever, I would turn to sweets to release. I would literally rush the kids to bed or nap time just so that I could eat come ice cream or whatever was in the house at that time. But, after doing that study and seeing how much I was allowing sweets to take the place of yielding to God and His Spirit, I was convicted to change. So, since giving up sweets, I've been able to loose 10 pounds and that ALL due to the glory of God!
Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. Mark 8:34
But, the journey has just begun because I've got so much to learn as it relates to eating healthier foods since I didn't grow up eating healthy. But, it's been a good journey. I'm thankful for how the Lord helps me to rise early to exercise, drink water, and study His word. Seeing all of these things happening, is such an encouragement to my spiritual walk because it reminds me that I'm denying myself of my old pleasures of sweets in order to be faithful in my calling as His disciple.
Dear Lord, Thank You for how You have changed my desire of sweets by showing me how much You and Your word is so much sweeter. Please help me to continue to enjoy being with You and Your word, In Jesus name, Amen.
What about you? Are there things in your life that you seem to turn to when you find yourself stressed, discouraged, or something else? Seek the Lord on the matter and then repent from turning to other idol(s).
by Zinnada H. 2011
heart issues,
Monday, February 14, 2011
No What Ifs
MrsB:) 2011
THIS IS my beloved and THIS IS my friend…Song of Solomon 5:16
My husband and I are not ones who regularly celebrate Valentine’s Day (“Every day is Valentine’s Day with you, Snookems…”). And neither do we regularly watch movies. So what caused me to go to Redbox and choose a love story so close to Valentine’s Day?
For many current and veteran homeschooling moms, one prayer we pray is that our children and grandchildren would give their hearts to only the Lord and to only the person they marry. Sadly, this was not the case for some of us. In fact, on my wedding day, the young man with whom I thought I had once been madly in love passed through the wedding hall just before the ceremony and leaned in to whisper something in my ear. He and I both had the good sense to let that moment pass. But what was he going to say to me? What if…?
That could have been the name of this movie. It was about an older woman who had loved and lost; it was about her subsequent search to find this man 50 years later, after spending a near-lifetime with another. They did find each other, and they did live happily ever after, as far as I can tell.
But at the end of the movie, my heart was so sad. What was wrong with me? Shouldn’t I have been glad that she found the one her heart had pined for all those years? No, I was not glad. All I could think about was how her husband, who she said was a good man, never really had all of her heart. And how she never went to sleep knowing, not for even one night in a half-century of living, that the man she was lying beside was her gift from God. Maybe her husband never knew about the shadowy chamber of her heart that he was not privy to, but if he had, how would he have ever sacrificed joyfully day in and day out for her and their family? Would he have been tormented by her “what if…?”
Dear ones, “This is my beloved and this is my friend…” The husband you have right now is your gift from God. Despite all his foibles, he is good for you, he is perfect for you, and he is from the Lord. How do I know? “Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows” (James 1:17 NIV). Thankfully, shortly after we were married, I did allow the Lord and my husband into that shadowy chamber of my heart.
Lord, help me to let go of all my “what if” issues of the past and embrace the “this is” from Your hand. This is my beloved, this is my friend, and this is the day You have made; I will rejoice and be glad in it! Help me to trust that You have sent this good and perfect-for-me man as my husband, so that together we can bring You glory.
Let’s let go of any of our shadowy “what if” issues (not just marriage-related ones) and embrace our “this is” opportunities gladly and with rejoicing! Let’s ask the Lord to give us one thing that we can say or do this week for our “this is” husbands that would demonstrate to them that they have all of our heart now and – for as long as we breathe life together – they always will.
PS – I know that some of us in this blog community have suffered through a divorce or have lost our husbands through death. Some of us have remarried. Some of us might be in marriages that need a miracle due to abuse, abandonment, addiction, or other pain. This is not meant to speak to those issues in any way. If you would like, I know that many of us who read these would join with you in prayer to ask the Lord for such a miracle. Leave a comment or email Jen privately, and we will pray.
MrsB : ) 2011
heart issues,
Mrs. B,
Monday, February 7, 2011
The Lord is Here
By Jen G. 2011
In Genesis 28 Jacob realizes that even in his darkest hour, sleeping on the ground with a rock for a pillow, that God is there. After studying this passage in December as part of our Advent readings, the children and I each wrote the words The Lord is here on small scraps of paper and tucked them in our pockets. Whenever we touched our papers we would remember that, even in that moment, we were not alone.* This morning I found one of those folded up papers and it prompted me to write the words on my kitchen chalkboard.
And I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever - the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you. John 14:16-17
It is amazing to me how quickly I forget that the Holy Spirit is with me 24/7. It is as though I have given Him a time card and expect Him to clock out for a certain amount of time each day. My human mind can not comprehend that He would choose to be with me while I change a blow-out diaper. Or yell at my husband. Or deal with a child's bad attitude. After all, I certainly do not want to be there in those moments. Yet He has promised that He will be, no matter what and no matter when. The God of all comfort is with me all day and all night. No matter the circumstance.
(fast forward six days.....)
The day after I wrote the words above, four of my children became ill. For the first time in 17 years of parenting I had more than one child with the stomach flu at the same time. I do not do the flu. But - the Lord does and He was here with us through the entire week. Everytime I passed my chalkboard on the way to get more cleaning supplies, I was reminded that...
The Lord is here.
Lord God, I am so amazed at Your gift of Your Holy Spirit - ever present, ever helping, ever giving wisdom. May I be mindful of Your constant presence with me in every part of my day. I want to walk in Your wisdom and with Your heart towards those around me. Amen.
Sketch your own little Jacob's ladder (Genesis 28) and write the words The Lord is here on a scrap of paper. Tuck it in your pocket; each time you touch it remember the incredible truth that the God of the universe is there with you! Get the strength, patience, wisdom and love you need for the moment from Him.
Good reads: I highly recommend the book Forgotten God by Francis Chan.
*(Credit: Jesse Tree Advent Devotional from A Holy Experience.)
Jen G. 2011
Monday, January 31, 2011
by Barb K. 2011
Do you remember your elementary school art class? It was so cool when you had the lesson on Perspective. You put a point up at the top of your page, and two points at the bottom. Then you connected them, and put evenly-spaced lines across, and you had railroad tracks, looking off into the distance.
It looked that way in real life, as well. Looking off into the distance, you were just sure those railroad tracks met up together eventually. Yet, no matter how long you walked along the tracks, they were always completely parallel.
Isn't that the way life is? We can't really see the "big picture." No matter the day, all we can really see is the little bit of "life" right around us. Jesus tells us to "take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for itself." (Mt. 6:34) Most of the time, what happens today won't be life changing. We're just "doing Life," day-to-day.
When I was in my 20's, so many, many things were "urgent" or "vital," or so I thought. As I look back from the vantage point of my 50's, I have to chuckle a little. You may know the book, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (and it's all Small Stuff). It is so true. Most of the things I worried about back then didn't matter at all. Now I see my daughter and daughter-in-law, both with growing families, worrying about the same things.
I see the reason why, in Israel, you couldn't be an "elder" unless you were over 50. That wisdom thing that your mom told you would come once you turned 40? Yeah, it happens. Just keep waking up in the morning. You know the very familiar James 5:14: "If any is sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church." I needed wisdom in my 20's and 30's, and my Mom, Dad, and others I knew that were "farther along the road" were there to give it. It's a beautiful thing.
I watched my Mother through her 50's, 60's, 70's, and into her 80's, grow gentler and more wise. I asked her a couple of years before she died, "Mom, do you sin anymore?" After a laugh, she said, "Well, I still get short with your Dad sometimes. And I think I still judge people too often." I said, "yeah, I just couldn't imagine a situation where you thought it necessary to tell a lie." She laughed again, and said, "no, you're right. I don't do that anymore." She was getting that "small stuff" down. And just because she had lived long enough. Each decade of her life, more "small stuff" fell away, leaving the Important Stuff.
Perspective again.
If our own perspective gets better as we age, imagine what it will be like in heaven, when we can see things from "God's perspective." This is why we can trust Him with the hard questions like Why did someone die so young/lose everything in a fire/God allow a good person to suffer so. Things maybe don't look so "tragic" from God's perspective.
Now think about James 1:5: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God...and it will be given him."
God, who has the ultimate perspective, can help us see the Big Picture.
Thank you, Lord, that You see my life from beginning to end, and in perfect perspective. Help me to remember that the things that happen, whether "crisis" or just the day-to-day, You are using to "conform me to the image of Your Son."
Look at yourself, younger, from the perspective of where you are today. (If you are very young, think about yourself in junior high!) Think about how "urgent" or "tragic" things were that, from where you sit now, seem so insignificant. And then ask the Lord for "wisdom" to see your present life from His perspective.
Barb K. 2011
Do you remember your elementary school art class? It was so cool when you had the lesson on Perspective. You put a point up at the top of your page, and two points at the bottom. Then you connected them, and put evenly-spaced lines across, and you had railroad tracks, looking off into the distance.
It looked that way in real life, as well. Looking off into the distance, you were just sure those railroad tracks met up together eventually. Yet, no matter how long you walked along the tracks, they were always completely parallel.
Isn't that the way life is? We can't really see the "big picture." No matter the day, all we can really see is the little bit of "life" right around us. Jesus tells us to "take no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for itself." (Mt. 6:34) Most of the time, what happens today won't be life changing. We're just "doing Life," day-to-day.
When I was in my 20's, so many, many things were "urgent" or "vital," or so I thought. As I look back from the vantage point of my 50's, I have to chuckle a little. You may know the book, Don't Sweat the Small Stuff (and it's all Small Stuff). It is so true. Most of the things I worried about back then didn't matter at all. Now I see my daughter and daughter-in-law, both with growing families, worrying about the same things.
I see the reason why, in Israel, you couldn't be an "elder" unless you were over 50. That wisdom thing that your mom told you would come once you turned 40? Yeah, it happens. Just keep waking up in the morning. You know the very familiar James 5:14: "If any is sick among you, let him call for the elders of the church." I needed wisdom in my 20's and 30's, and my Mom, Dad, and others I knew that were "farther along the road" were there to give it. It's a beautiful thing.
I watched my Mother through her 50's, 60's, 70's, and into her 80's, grow gentler and more wise. I asked her a couple of years before she died, "Mom, do you sin anymore?" After a laugh, she said, "Well, I still get short with your Dad sometimes. And I think I still judge people too often." I said, "yeah, I just couldn't imagine a situation where you thought it necessary to tell a lie." She laughed again, and said, "no, you're right. I don't do that anymore." She was getting that "small stuff" down. And just because she had lived long enough. Each decade of her life, more "small stuff" fell away, leaving the Important Stuff.
Perspective again.
If our own perspective gets better as we age, imagine what it will be like in heaven, when we can see things from "God's perspective." This is why we can trust Him with the hard questions like Why did someone die so young/lose everything in a fire/God allow a good person to suffer so. Things maybe don't look so "tragic" from God's perspective.
Now think about James 1:5: "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God...and it will be given him."
God, who has the ultimate perspective, can help us see the Big Picture.
Thank you, Lord, that You see my life from beginning to end, and in perfect perspective. Help me to remember that the things that happen, whether "crisis" or just the day-to-day, You are using to "conform me to the image of Your Son."
Look at yourself, younger, from the perspective of where you are today. (If you are very young, think about yourself in junior high!) Think about how "urgent" or "tragic" things were that, from where you sit now, seem so insignificant. And then ask the Lord for "wisdom" to see your present life from His perspective.
Barb K. 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Abundant Simplicity
by Sarah S. 2011
A young woman in our church sat across the table from me. They (being military) had just moved back to town after 1 ½ years training in another state. She had already been feeling the pull of others’ plans and ideas of what she should be involved with. “I just feel like God is reminding me to keep it simple.”
Isn’t that truly a challenge in this day and age of two working parents, overactive schedules, Facebook, television, computer and….noise?
Where do we begin? First and foremost our number ONE priority is Jesus. This is where the heart of simplicity starts. How can we properly focus or make decisions until we have plugged in to our very lifeline? Our job is to pray and spend time in His Word. HIS job is to change us and use us. Let Him guide what we are involved in. But how do we hear if we don’t stop and spend time with Him? It sounds too simple, right?
I wish it was a given fact that believers already did this,but I hear all the time about a LACK of time to spend with God. This I do know: what is important to us is where our time will be spent. Be honest with yourself---do you have time to be on the computer? Facebook? Did you enjoy your favorite show last night? Then there WAS a spare moment.
Simplicity starts with time alone with Jesus. God longs to be with us. He promises wisdom when we seek Him. If you are feeling overwhelmed consider time with the Lord to re-focus and ask for His desires for your schedule and priorities.
Father, thank you that you love me so much and you long to be with me. Please, this day, guide where I spend my time and what I do. I long for wisdom from YOU for each day.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and unplugged, honestly search your heart to see where you are spending your time. Consider getting back to the basics and making time with the Lord your first priority.
Sarah S. 2011
A young woman in our church sat across the table from me. They (being military) had just moved back to town after 1 ½ years training in another state. She had already been feeling the pull of others’ plans and ideas of what she should be involved with. “I just feel like God is reminding me to keep it simple.”
Isn’t that truly a challenge in this day and age of two working parents, overactive schedules, Facebook, television, computer and….noise?
Where do we begin? First and foremost our number ONE priority is Jesus. This is where the heart of simplicity starts. How can we properly focus or make decisions until we have plugged in to our very lifeline? Our job is to pray and spend time in His Word. HIS job is to change us and use us. Let Him guide what we are involved in. But how do we hear if we don’t stop and spend time with Him? It sounds too simple, right?
I wish it was a given fact that believers already did this,but I hear all the time about a LACK of time to spend with God. This I do know: what is important to us is where our time will be spent. Be honest with yourself---do you have time to be on the computer? Facebook? Did you enjoy your favorite show last night? Then there WAS a spare moment.
Simplicity starts with time alone with Jesus. God longs to be with us. He promises wisdom when we seek Him. If you are feeling overwhelmed consider time with the Lord to re-focus and ask for His desires for your schedule and priorities.
If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5
Father, thank you that you love me so much and you long to be with me. Please, this day, guide where I spend my time and what I do. I long for wisdom from YOU for each day.
If you are feeling overwhelmed and unplugged, honestly search your heart to see where you are spending your time. Consider getting back to the basics and making time with the Lord your first priority.
Sarah S. 2011
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Possibility of Being Super Chick
Jen G. 2011
Every new year I come up with a personal project on which I need to work. Not a project like learning to paint or reading War and Peace or anything like that, but a personal project as in self improvement. (Never weight loss, though.) One year it was controlling my tongue - a never ending project. Four years ago it was getting up earlier each day. (Still never ending) The last two years it was forgiveness and getting rid of bitterness and self righteousness. (Yep. Never ending. ) This year my key verse is: She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27
You are probably thinking, “Puh-leeeaaase! Not that Proverbs 31 super chick again! She is an unreal example and God certainly does not intend for a modern woman to be like that. Besides, there are too many devotionals out there about her already.” Those were once my exact same thoughts. I had to decide if the whole Word of God or just the convenient parts were applicable to my life.
First, let me assure you that the woman described in Proverbs 31 was not a flesh and blood woman. (Does that make you feel a bit better?) She was and is, however, a beautiful picture painted by the Creator of the universe to be an encouragement and inspiration to all women. So often we fail to see the HOPE in her portrait, instead focusing on all the ‘impossible’ things like spinning wool and buying vineyards. Let’s take a look at this model woman’s characteristics:
~She is virtuous. V.10
~She is trustworthy. V. 11
~She does her husband good and not evil each and every day. V. 12
~She willingly works with her hands. V. 13, 19
~She provides meals for her family, even when the hours are inconvenient. V. 15
~She is financially savvy and thinks through purchases. V. 16
~She takes care of her body, purposefully strengthening herself. V. 17
~She ensures quality in what she creates, even if it means staying up a bit later. V. 18
~She reaches out to those in need and the poor. V. 20 (I see her reaching out in a physical, emotional and spiritual way depending on the need.)
~She does not worry about the physical comfort of her family because she is careful to prepare their wardrobes for the seasons. V. 21
~She takes care to dress attractively to honor of her husband. V. 22
~The work she does is desired by others. V. 25
~Her strong and honorable character is her greatest feature. V. 25
~She is full of wisdom and shares it with kindness. V. 26
~She watches over her family and is not lazy. V. 27
~As a result of the above attributes, her children and husband honor her and tell others of her integrity. V. 28, 29
~She might not be the most physically beautiful chick around, but her heart is a lovely jewel that speaks loudly of her character. V. 30, 31
Do you notice how much emphasis is placed on the woman's character? We many times see only the seemingly overwhelming physical tasks. Proverbs 31 is so much more than that! The tasks - modern or ancient - are just the vehicles that bring godly character into our lives! Do you want to be a kind, wise woman who accomplishes much and is love and honored by her family? Do not be discouraged – it IS possible to be Super Chick. Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of our homes and families. Call on Him today and ask Him to show you how you can fulfill your calling as a woman. Hebrews 4:12-16
Father, let me see the hope and encouragement in Your example of the woman in Proverbs. Help me to know how to walk out the calling on my life. I need Your counsel on how to be the woman I am called to be. I desire to honor You above all else in every area of my life. Amen.
Every woman’s life is different. Some may be a full time wife and mom at home, some might work a full time job outside of the home while still being a full time wife and mom. Others hold part time jobs, homeschool, attend college, are single, deal with chronic physical or mental illness. Some live in the city while others wrangle chickens in the country. Search the Lord’s counsel on how the above attributes will flesh out in your life. Share ideas with friends and hold one another accountable as you usher in the character of Christ into every area of your life.
Jen G. 2011
Every new year I come up with a personal project on which I need to work. Not a project like learning to paint or reading War and Peace or anything like that, but a personal project as in self improvement. (Never weight loss, though.) One year it was controlling my tongue - a never ending project. Four years ago it was getting up earlier each day. (Still never ending) The last two years it was forgiveness and getting rid of bitterness and self righteousness. (Yep. Never ending. ) This year my key verse is: She watches over the ways of her household, and does not eat the bread of idleness. Proverbs 31:27
You are probably thinking, “Puh-leeeaaase! Not that Proverbs 31 super chick again! She is an unreal example and God certainly does not intend for a modern woman to be like that. Besides, there are too many devotionals out there about her already.” Those were once my exact same thoughts. I had to decide if the whole Word of God or just the convenient parts were applicable to my life.
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.
1 Timothy 3:16, 17
First, let me assure you that the woman described in Proverbs 31 was not a flesh and blood woman. (Does that make you feel a bit better?) She was and is, however, a beautiful picture painted by the Creator of the universe to be an encouragement and inspiration to all women. So often we fail to see the HOPE in her portrait, instead focusing on all the ‘impossible’ things like spinning wool and buying vineyards. Let’s take a look at this model woman’s characteristics:
~She is virtuous. V.10
~She is trustworthy. V. 11
~She does her husband good and not evil each and every day. V. 12
~She willingly works with her hands. V. 13, 19
~She provides meals for her family, even when the hours are inconvenient. V. 15
~She is financially savvy and thinks through purchases. V. 16
~She takes care of her body, purposefully strengthening herself. V. 17
~She ensures quality in what she creates, even if it means staying up a bit later. V. 18
~She reaches out to those in need and the poor. V. 20 (I see her reaching out in a physical, emotional and spiritual way depending on the need.)
~She does not worry about the physical comfort of her family because she is careful to prepare their wardrobes for the seasons. V. 21
~She takes care to dress attractively to honor of her husband. V. 22
~The work she does is desired by others. V. 25
~Her strong and honorable character is her greatest feature. V. 25
~She is full of wisdom and shares it with kindness. V. 26
~She watches over her family and is not lazy. V. 27
~As a result of the above attributes, her children and husband honor her and tell others of her integrity. V. 28, 29
~She might not be the most physically beautiful chick around, but her heart is a lovely jewel that speaks loudly of her character. V. 30, 31
Do you notice how much emphasis is placed on the woman's character? We many times see only the seemingly overwhelming physical tasks. Proverbs 31 is so much more than that! The tasks - modern or ancient - are just the vehicles that bring godly character into our lives! Do you want to be a kind, wise woman who accomplishes much and is love and honored by her family? Do not be discouraged – it IS possible to be Super Chick. Our help comes from the Lord, the Maker of our homes and families. Call on Him today and ask Him to show you how you can fulfill your calling as a woman. Hebrews 4:12-16
Father, let me see the hope and encouragement in Your example of the woman in Proverbs. Help me to know how to walk out the calling on my life. I need Your counsel on how to be the woman I am called to be. I desire to honor You above all else in every area of my life. Amen.
Every woman’s life is different. Some may be a full time wife and mom at home, some might work a full time job outside of the home while still being a full time wife and mom. Others hold part time jobs, homeschool, attend college, are single, deal with chronic physical or mental illness. Some live in the city while others wrangle chickens in the country. Search the Lord’s counsel on how the above attributes will flesh out in your life. Share ideas with friends and hold one another accountable as you usher in the character of Christ into every area of your life.
Jen G. 2011
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