Monday, October 25, 2010

Thin Skinned

"People with good sense are slow to anger, and it is their glory to overlook an offense." -Proverbs 19:11

Every now and then, one of our chickens will lay an egg that has no shell. Instead of a shell, the egg will literally be only a thin, leathery membrane of skin. For some reason or other, the egg didn't become calcified before being laid. With no shell, it doesn't take much to destroy the delicate innards of the egg.

It is easy to become offended. It's second nature to allow our innards to become scrambled by life's abrasive and abusive ways. We need to be prepared for the fact that our enemy is merciless and is seeking to destroy us. We must not be thin-skinned! We must put on the armor of God to protect our precious hearts. One of the greatest ways to protect ourselves is through basic obedience to God's Word and self-control.
"Like a city whose walls are broken down is a man who lacks self-control." -Proverbs 25:28

Ruling our spirits and submitting them to God's ways protects us from most of what the enemy will throw at us. Life will happen, but how will we react? Men will betray, and many will hurt us without even trying. What will we do?

"For if you forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you; but if you do not forgive others their offenses, your heavenly Father will not forgive yours." -Matthew 6:14&15

Forgiveness protects us from not only destroying ourselves with bitterness, but also from the wrath of God. Forgiveness is like a shell protecting us. God will not forgive us our offenses if we do not forgive others. If a holy God can overlook our offenses when we humble ourselves and repent, who are we to not do the same to fellow people when we are no better than they are?

Let us not live like the "reject" eggs from my chickens. They are formless, floppy, and vulnerable to nearly every provocation. Instead, let us be conformed to the image of Christ who bore no bitterness despite the fact that he was the most wrongfully assaulted person ever. Let us not be weak and floppy, but strengthened and renewed by waiting upon the Lord and exercising ourselves spiritually so we are fit enough to do battle for others in the name of our Lord. As we bear the name and standard of Christ's righteousness, may we be found without chinks in our armor due to our own lack of self-government.
Dearest friend, overlook offenses and rule your spirit. Our just Lord will surely settle all accounts and make all things right. We believe He is good and trustworthy, so let us act like it. (Psalm 17)
Father God, thank You for giving me the tools to escape the temptation of offence.  Please help me to guard my heart from a root of bitterness and resentment.  Those things do not honor you in any way.  Amen.
Search your heart for any offences you might have taken. Spend time in prayer asking the Lord to clear your mind and heart.  Seek godly, trustworthy counsel if you simply are not making headway in this area.  The Lord wants us to walk with pure hearts filled with His love and mercy.
Adrienne M. 2010 - Provision Farm

Monday, October 18, 2010

To Be Like the Father

“Then little children were brought to Him that He might put His hands on them and pray, but the disciples rebuked them. But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” And He laid His hands on them…” Matthew 19:13-15a

The kitchen is the hub of my home. Each day I teach my children there, cook there, even my laptop is there. The rest of the house could blow away and we would probably be just fine as long as the kitchen (and at least one bathroom) stayed put.

As you probably have deduced from my description, the very fact that I was alone in this room one day this week is a highly unusual thing. Anyway, I was alone and enjoying every minute of it. My hands were busy making calzone rolls and my ears were catching an entire episode of Focus on the Family. Life was about perfect. Then I heard it - the sound of feet on the stairs and a little voice.


The irritation was instant. “How aggravating! Here I am with a little bit of time, finally, to be alone and someone needs me.” For the love of Pete – can’t they ever leave me alone?!!”

Cue the voice of God.

“When is the last time you came to Me and I responded with irritation?”


As a parent, I am a representation of the Lord to my children. One of my most important jobs is to teach them about the Father’s love, compassion, patience, mercy, judgment, righteousness and even righteous anger. If I react with irritation and frustration when a child comes to me with a need, what does that say about the Lord - the One I am teaching them to pray to about everything that concerns them?

My goal is to change my reactions to my precious children to reflect the reactions of my heavenly Father to me, His precious child. He is always fair, full of love, just and merciful, firm and decisive in His correction and punishment, always willing to forgive and give good gifts. He is never too busy to hear me or to answer. I want to be like Him.

“When Jesus heard what had happened [the murder of John the Baptist], He withdrew by boat privately to a solitary place. Hearing of this, the crowds followed Him on foot from the towns. When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed their sick. Matthew 14:13-14

Father, thank You for your consistent love for me. Thank you for always being there when I come to You with a need. Please help me to ever mindful of the privilege of reflecting You to my children. Amen.

Watch for opportunities this week to act in the character of God in your relationships. Search the Scriptures for examples of the Lord’s reaction to sin, need, etc. 

Jen G. 2010

Monday, October 11, 2010


This week I am honored to share another beautiful writing from my friend Adrienne of Provision Farm.  Adrienne is able to take every part of life on a farm and find the deep spiritual lesson.  May we all be as observant in the place the Lord has called us.

How can I not write about my dog, Asher? Asher is a border collie, and he helps me move the livestock every day. Before I had him, I would run around like a fool, yelling and waving my arms trying to round up the sheep. They didn't take me very seriously. I didn't take me very seriously.

Asher does so much more than help me move the stock. Asher is a good friend. Ask anyone who has visited my home and they will tell you that he greets you with a hug. He will wrap his arms around your leg and squeeze. He is extremely obedient and will always go out of his way to obey. He not only answers to me, but to anyone. He responds even to my children as an authority. If you tell him to lay down, he will drop to the ground immediately with no hesitation. His desire is to please...always. I have even had friends bring their dogs to my home, and Asher keeps them in line and will not let them disobey their owner or chase chickens or whatever else naughty a dog may do.

When we need a job with the stock done, the first question is: "Where's Asher? I need him." He brings order to the barnyard and he carries authority. The very sight of him makes the sheep bolt into the barn, so I actually cannot have him out during feeding time or the sheep would never get fed. With all he does, though, he doesn't assume his own authority; but he submits to me.

The word "ezer" accurately describes Asher in my life. Ezer is the Hebrew word for "help".

One of the first uses of it in Scripture is when Adam meets Eve and she is called his "ezer kenegdo" (help-meet). This is found in Genesis 2:18. God says that it is not good for man to be alone. Man alone is a lot like the picture of me trying to round up the sheep without Asher. What I'm speaking of is that woman was created to help man do his job. Ladies, remember to submit to your husband and have a heart for pleasing him. If you are not married, do it for your father. If you are single, do it for God who is your heavenly Father and your Bridegroom. Be His ezer's who you were created to be, and anything apart from that will leave you feeling incomplete because you are truly being delinquent against the very fiber of your being.

Help can also take on the form of something much stronger than something that comes alongside you that aids you in your tasks. The word "ezer" is used again in Psalm 121--

"If I raise my eyes to the hills, from where will my help come? My help comes from Adonai, the maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip--your guardian is not asleep. No, the guardian of Israel never slumbers or sleeps. Adonai is your guardian; at your right hand Adonai provides you with shade--the sun can't strike you during the day or even the moon at night. Adonai will guard you against all harm; he will guard your life. Adonai will guard your coming and going from now on and forever."

Come again? " your right hand?" That sounds like God is our helper! Not only do we come alongside God to carry out His will, He comes alongside us to aid us in what He's called us to do. What a beautiful design the Lord laid out for our relationship with Him! My dear Asher is much like this picture of "helping guardian", as nothing happens on my land that Asher is not aware of first. He alerts me so that I can be watchful. He makes me a better ruler over this land the Lord gave me.

Ezer. What a beautiful word.

"Two are better than one, in that their cooperative efforts yield this advantage: if one of them falls, the other will help his partner up--woe to him who is alone when he falls and has no one to help him up." -Ecclesiastes 4:9&10

Father, You are my All in all.  You are the One who gives me the opportunity to be a part in Your perfect will and plan.  Please help me to be mindful of what You would have me do and say each and every day.  Help me to remember that You are my Helper in time of need.  Amen

Are you walking fully in your calling as a woman?  That might be as a daughter or a wife.  It might be as a single woman on your own.  Embrace the place the Lord has you now, and look for ways to be His ezer kenegdo.

Monday, October 4, 2010

A Lesson from George

“Whatever tries us in any way, speak to the Lord about it.”
—George Mueller
George Mueller was an evangelist in the 19th century who took care of more than 10,000 orphans in his lifetime. This man chose to live by faith and seemingly never wavered. He took every need he and his orphans had before the Lord, fully trusting and expectantly waiting for the provision God would provide. Mr. Mueller was quoted as saying that he never had an unanswered prayer in his life. I am sure that some of the answers that came his way did not take the form most would expect, but that did not stop George from joyfully thanking the Lord.
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Philippians 4:6-8
These verses from Philippians are oft quoted in bad situations – a sick child, a broken car, a leaky roof. Do we really take them to heart? Do we seek the face of God in everything – coming to Him not only with our needs, but also thanksgiving for His as of yet unknown answer? Do we let the incomprehensible peace of God guard our minds or do we allow thoughts of worry and despair to flood over us? Do we think on what is true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and praiseworthy? Or, do we focus on the issue at hand and allow it to fill our minds, crowding out all the attributes of God?
Nothing is too small to take to the Lord and nothing is so big that we should allow it to overshadow His greatness. I encourage you to speak to the Lord about whatever tries you in any way.
Father, YOU are what Philippians 4:8 says for me to think on. Please help me to be aware of times when I am tempted to place concerns and worries above Your greatness and abilities. Only by focusing on You can I avoid falling into that temptation. Amen
This week, when worries and concerns press in – no matter how big or small – choose to put your focus squarely on the Lord and His attributes. He is all that is good and true and praiseworthy. Spending time focusing on trouble is taking praise and adoration away from the One who deserves it. Refocus that attention!  Read a biography of George Mueller's life with your family.
Jen 2010
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