Turn to me now, while there is still time.
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting,
weeping, and mourning.
Do not tear your clothing in your grief,
but tear your hearts instead.
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
Joel 1:12,13
Give me your hearts. Come with fasting,
weeping, and mourning.
Do not tear your clothing in your grief,
but tear your hearts instead.
Return to the Lord your God,
for he is merciful and compassionate,
slow to get angry and filled with unfailing love.
Joel 1:12,13
Recently my eyes were awakened to an issue that I was not even aware I had. One day out of the blue I was assaulted with signs, clues, and discussions pointing to the fact that I had a problem. What was my problem? I waste a lot of time during my day on useless activities. Not only do these activities take away from time with my family but more importantly they take from my time with God. I was not getting as much done around the house like I should have been. Meal planning never quite got done. House cleaning happened when I remembered. In addition to my household chores not being completed like they should have, I was not spending time in the Word on a regular basis. I came up with every excuse in the book as to why I could not read the Bible that day. Well, one day I think God finally had enough with my bad attitude and poor choices. He put articles, scripture, Facebook posts, and even a conference talk in my path telling me that He had had enough. Talk about a slap in the face! Finally I heard Him loud and clear. No more wasted time during my day. Reading His Word is now a priority in my day. Beginning my day in prayer and devotion puts the rest of my day off on the right foot.
Where is your faith in God? Are you all in or are you dabbling your toes in the sea of Christianity? Does your study of the Word and commitment to prayer ebb and flow like the tides? Today is the day to commit yourself whole-heartedly to God. He wants you all in. Give Him your hearts! Tear your heart open for God and let His love for your pour in. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind, the struggles and challenges that bombard us from all angles. Time in the Word is often sacrificed for time on the Internet or time gossiping with friends. Where are your priorities? If you regularly put God and your faith second then you are dabbling your toes in the water. Repent today dear friend. He is waiting.
Remember time with your Father in Heaven comes in many different shapes, forms, and fashions. Prayer can happen anytime the world around you is quiet. Taking a shower, washing dishes by hand, cleaning the house, driving in the car between your children’s events; these are just a few of the times you can pray and give praise to Him. Download podcasts of the Bible to spend time in the Word while you workout, drive around town, take the dog for a walk, or get things done around the house. If your faith is important to you then there is time in your daily life.
Dear heavenly Father I come before you today with a repentant heart. Forgive me O Lord for my sinful ways. I have lost sight of what is important in my life. It is You O Father that must come first in my life. Please show me the ways and the times in my life where I can make time for you and Your Word throughout my day. Please give me the strength and wisdom to change my ways so that my daily faith remains renewed, refreshed, and encouraged. All glory and honor is owed to you O Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Can you reduce or eliminate one from your day, every day this week, that takes time away from the duties God has set before you? How many activities in your life detract from God’s work? Make a list it will help visualize the full impact these choices have in your daily life. Talk to your children and spouse about this topic. What are areas they need to work on?
Recently my eyes were awakened to an issue that I was not even aware I had. One day out of the blue I was assaulted with signs, clues, and discussions pointing to the fact that I had a problem. What was my problem? I waste a lot of time during my day on useless activities. Not only do these activities take away from time with my family but more importantly they take from my time with God. I was not getting as much done around the house like I should have been. Meal planning never quite got done. House cleaning happened when I remembered. In addition to my household chores not being completed like they should have, I was not spending time in the Word on a regular basis. I came up with every excuse in the book as to why I could not read the Bible that day. Well, one day I think God finally had enough with my bad attitude and poor choices. He put articles, scripture, Facebook posts, and even a conference talk in my path telling me that He had had enough. Talk about a slap in the face! Finally I heard Him loud and clear. No more wasted time during my day. Reading His Word is now a priority in my day. Beginning my day in prayer and devotion puts the rest of my day off on the right foot.
Where is your faith in God? Are you all in or are you dabbling your toes in the sea of Christianity? Does your study of the Word and commitment to prayer ebb and flow like the tides? Today is the day to commit yourself whole-heartedly to God. He wants you all in. Give Him your hearts! Tear your heart open for God and let His love for your pour in. It is so easy to get caught up in the daily grind, the struggles and challenges that bombard us from all angles. Time in the Word is often sacrificed for time on the Internet or time gossiping with friends. Where are your priorities? If you regularly put God and your faith second then you are dabbling your toes in the water. Repent today dear friend. He is waiting.
Remember time with your Father in Heaven comes in many different shapes, forms, and fashions. Prayer can happen anytime the world around you is quiet. Taking a shower, washing dishes by hand, cleaning the house, driving in the car between your children’s events; these are just a few of the times you can pray and give praise to Him. Download podcasts of the Bible to spend time in the Word while you workout, drive around town, take the dog for a walk, or get things done around the house. If your faith is important to you then there is time in your daily life.
Dear heavenly Father I come before you today with a repentant heart. Forgive me O Lord for my sinful ways. I have lost sight of what is important in my life. It is You O Father that must come first in my life. Please show me the ways and the times in my life where I can make time for you and Your Word throughout my day. Please give me the strength and wisdom to change my ways so that my daily faith remains renewed, refreshed, and encouraged. All glory and honor is owed to you O Lord. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.
Can you reduce or eliminate one from your day, every day this week, that takes time away from the duties God has set before you? How many activities in your life detract from God’s work? Make a list it will help visualize the full impact these choices have in your daily life. Talk to your children and spouse about this topic. What are areas they need to work on?