Monday, February 22, 2010

Living Under a Cloud

The following devotional is one my favorites ever to be shared on Fresh Starts. The authoress, Barb, is a blog friend that I "met" about two years ago. Her writing inspires me, as does her quilting and love of vintage fabrics. When you are finished reading, I encourage you to hop over to Barb's personal blog for an update on 'Charming" and his job.
Wow. That doesn't sound very pleasant, does it? "Living under a cloud." I think of "living under a cloud of suspicion;" maybe there are other sayings, as well. But the cloud Charming and I have been living under is a very different animal indeed.
The 9th chapter of Numbers, beginning in verse 15, talks about the Cloud that settled over the Tabernacle in the wilderness. This is the cloud that signified the presence of the Lord. Among other things, it signified when the nation of Israel was to get up and move on from wherever they had camped. "Whenever the cloud lifted from above the Tent, the Israelites set out; wherever the cloud settled, the Israelites encamped." (v.17)
I love verse 22: "Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in camp and not set out; but when it lifted, they would set out."
It has been almost eight months since Charming lost his job. Had I known when this journey began that we would still be "encamped" in this place, I would have been much more fearful than I am. I have learned once again about the provision of the Lord. I have learned (begun to learn...) not to worry so much about things that don't matter. And I have broken the fast food habit!
Several times, I have told the Lord, "If I only knew how long we'll be in this place, I could plan better." Of course, He didn't answer me. I learned to accept that this is a Learning Place for me. Charming likened it to a dense fog. You could only see far enough ahead for a step or two. So, of necessity, you could only take a step or two before waiting some more.
We all know in our heads that Waiting and Learning are not bad things. They grow us, mature us. And now it looks like the time may be near that the Cloud is going to rise, and we'll be moving on. Today Charming has a third interview with a company. Already had the background check, and all that stuff they don't bother to pay for if they aren't planning to use you.
Still, until that Magic Offer comes, we're still Waiting.
But you know what else comes with that Cloud thing? While the cloud is sitting over the tabernacle, the Israelites knew that the presence of God was with them. They were Never. Alone.
What a very, very comforting thought. How He has proven His promise to me: "I will never leave you or forsake you."
"Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year." Lord, thank You for Staying.
Lord, remind me again that when I am in a place where I feel that nothing is happening, that I'm "not moving," that You are there with me. Help me to be patient and to learn the things you have for me in that place. Nothing is wasted in Your economy. I praise You for Your work in my life every day, including today!
Maybe you have not realized that the Lord may have you "camped" for a reason. We need to realize that God is working in our lives every day. Even in a desert place, He never leaves us or forsakes us. What a wonderful promise! Take some time today to dwell on His promise, and the fact that He loves us enough to make us "stay put" for awhile, to grow us.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Ready, Aim....

Do you ever feel like there is a huge target on your back? You know – one of those big, enormous, ringed things used in target practice. Guess what? If you are a Christian who is actively striving to be closer to the Lord and dwell in His presence, you DO have a target smack in the middle of your back. Read on, I promise it does get encouraging!

Satan, the enemy of our souls, will do anything he can to stop us from moving forward in the calling that God has on our lives. He will try to stop the plans of God, try to discourage us, even outright lie to us. He aims for the target of our spirits, throwing his fiery darts harder and faster with each attempt.
But have you considered that being attacked could be a good thing? If you were not being effective in the Kingdom, Satan would leave you alone. He thinks that his attacks will wear you down. Newsflash: He underestimates the power of Christ in you. He underestimates that you KNOW that greater is HE that is in you than he that is in this world. He forgets that the weaker you are, the stronger the Lord is in you. Does this mean that if you are having a time of peace spiritually that you are not walking in the Spirit? Not at all. But it does mean that the Lord is preparing you for the next battle. He leads you beside still waters and restores your soul, so that when you come to the point of battling, not against flesh and blood, but against the princes and the powers of the air, you will be rested and ready.
Are you battling now? Do you feel worn down and attacked on every side? Examine your heart and see if this is an attack of the enemy or consequences of your own sin and lack of abiding in Christ. If it is sin, repent and immediately begin to press in to the Spirit of God through His Word and prayer. If it is an attempt of the enemy to discourage you and draw your eyes away from Jesus, get your shield up higher, whip out that sword, and do battle! Do not retreat, do not back down! Stand firm under the banner of Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of your faith!
Father God, thank You for protection from the enemy. Thank You for the Word of God that is perfect and complete and as sharp as a two edged sword. Help me to follow You closely, undistracted by things of this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Start each day in the Word. The armor of God is not something you put on piece by piece each day. Rather, it is a state of mind and spirit that you live in continually. Staying in the Word and prayer, following the instructions and wisdom given in those times, will equip you for every circumstance that arises. If you are in the enemy’s sights, take it as encouragement that you are being effective and pleasing to the Lord, making the devil mad in turn!

Jen 2010

Monday, February 8, 2010

Simply Delightful

LORD, You have assigned me my portion and my cup; You have made my lot secure. The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; surely I have a delightful inheritance. I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me. Psalm 16:5-7
The Psalmist was almost certainly not referring to a woman’s life at home when he wrote these words. They are perfect for me to pray, however, regardless of the original intent. The Lord of the universe assigned me to the family I have and He has most definitely caused my boundary lines to fall in pleasant places. The Lord gives me the delightful inheritance of a happy marriage as I pray for and honor my husband, seeking his best before my own desires. I am inheriting a peaceful home as I reap the rewards of faithful child training. Beautiful memories are inherited as I set the table each night for a meal shared together. A meek and quiet spirit is inherited as I study His Word and seek His good and perfect counsel.
Trust in the LORD, and do good; dwell in the land, and feed on His faithfulness. Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the LORD. Trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass. Psalm 37:3-5
Sometimes I feel as though I am not inheriting a peaceful and joy filled home. When that happens, I stop and examine what I am delighting. Am I delighting in my own peace and quiet instead of dealing with bad attitudes amongst my children? Maybe I am delighting in having shamed my husband into finishing a project. Or, I might be delighting in an extra half hour of sleep instead of my devotional time. Once I pinpoint the reason for the lack of true delight, I refocus my eyes the Lord, seeking His good and perfect will. He will then bring the desires of my heart to fruition because they are once again based on delighting in Him. I then enjoy the delightful inheritance of a peaceful, happy home and relationships with others.
Heavenly Father, thank You for giving me the true desire of my heart – Your perfect will. Help me to stay focused on You. I know that which is my delight will be my desire. I desire You and all that You have for me and my family. Amen
Take time to meditate on Psalm 37:3-5 this week. Read it over and over, absorbing the truth of what is written. Examine your life and see if you are truly delighting in the Lord and to what He has called you.
Jen 2010

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Power of the Tongue

I have to confess that I have a tongue problem. Or should I say a heart problem? Jesus said it this way in Matthew 12:34: "For the mouth speaks out of that which fills the heart." Ouch! Jesus also said that my words reveal my heart. That means I don't have any excuses - no PMS, too much pressure, a crabby husband or a misbehaved child.
There is one who speaks rashly like the thrust of a sword, but the tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18
As a young mother I learned this lesson the hard way. I cannot count the times that out of frustration I would speak rashly to my daughter or my husband. One day the Lord showed me very clearly what I was doing and I was horrified. After I repented to God and then my family, I began to work on changing. I memorized scripture and trained myself to speak words that would heal instead of wound. When I slipped up I would immediately ask for forgiveness from my family and over time I began to see real, lasting change.
Proverbs 18:21 says Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. I guess the question we need to ask is what kind of fruit do we want to eat? Kind and gentle words produce the fruit of a peaceful home and relationships full of joy and trust. Harsh, critical words produced angry children and harassed, resentful husbands. I think all of us would say that we want the peaceful, joyful fruit. That, however, is not always an easy thing. Face it, sometimes we love ourselves more than others. The momentary pleasure that comes from "dumping" and "being honest" many times trumps the hard work of taming our tongues.
"No man can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison." James 3:8
Gee, that doesn't sound very hopeful. But, with God all things are possible! If we admit that we have a problem in this or any other area, there is hope. We need to start by taking seriously the power of our words. We need to be willing to die to our momentary feelings and remember that we are not required to give in to the temptation before us. We have a choice!
What will you choose this week when opportunities arise that lend themselves to angry outbursts or sharp, critical words? I encourage you to choose life with the power of your tongue.
Father, I admit I have a heart problem which leads to a tongue problem. I want my words to bring life and healing to those I come in contact with. Change me, Lord, as only You can do. Help me to be humble enough to continue to come to You for help when I mess up. Amen
Ask God to open your ears to hear what you are saying and then make a plan to change. Remember it is a heart change you are after. Jesus told us that what is in our hearts will come out of our mouths. If anger and criticism are coming from your mouth, then push that out by pouring in scripture. When you slip up, ask forgiveness of those you are talking to and start over. You will not lose respect from them. Just the opposite is true. They will respect you more because they will see you are determined to be like Jesus.
Sherry 2010
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