I love verse 22: "Whether the cloud stayed over the tabernacle for two days or a month or a year, the Israelites would remain in camp and not set out; but when it lifted, they would set out."
Do you ever feel like there is a huge target on your back? You know – one of those big, enormous, ringed things used in target practice. Guess what? If you are a Christian who is actively striving to be closer to the Lord and dwell in His presence, you DO have a target smack in the middle of your back. Read on, I promise it does get encouraging!
Satan, the enemy of our souls, will do anything he can to stop us from moving forward in the calling that God has on our lives. He will try to stop the plans of God, try to discourage us, even outright lie to us. He aims for the target of our spirits, throwing his fiery darts harder and faster with each attempt.
But have you considered that being attacked could be a good thing? If you were not being effective in the Kingdom, Satan would leave you alone. He thinks that his attacks will wear you down. Newsflash: He underestimates the power of Christ in you. He underestimates that you KNOW that greater is HE that is in you than he that is in this world. He forgets that the weaker you are, the stronger the Lord is in you. Does this mean that if you are having a time of peace spiritually that you are not walking in the Spirit? Not at all. But it does mean that the Lord is preparing you for the next battle. He leads you beside still waters and restores your soul, so that when you come to the point of battling, not against flesh and blood, but against the princes and the powers of the air, you will be rested and ready.
Are you battling now? Do you feel worn down and attacked on every side? Examine your heart and see if this is an attack of the enemy or consequences of your own sin and lack of abiding in Christ. If it is sin, repent and immediately begin to press in to the Spirit of God through His Word and prayer. If it is an attempt of the enemy to discourage you and draw your eyes away from Jesus, get your shield up higher, whip out that sword, and do battle! Do not retreat, do not back down! Stand firm under the banner of Jesus Christ, the Author and Finisher of your faith!
Father God, thank You for protection from the enemy. Thank You for the Word of God that is perfect and complete and as sharp as a two edged sword. Help me to follow You closely, undistracted by things of this world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Start each day in the Word. The armor of God is not something you put on piece by piece each day. Rather, it is a state of mind and spirit that you live in continually. Staying in the Word and prayer, following the instructions and wisdom given in those times, will equip you for every circumstance that arises. If you are in the enemy’s sights, take it as encouragement that you are being effective and pleasing to the Lord, making the devil mad in turn!
Jen 2010