Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9
*Like many other people, autumn is my favorite season. What's not to love? The sights, the sounds, the smells. Looking forward to coming inside for a little hibernation. Just reading the first chapter of Little House in the Big Woods gets me in the mood.
This week, I am loving the fallen leaves--the satisfying crunch while walking anywhere, the softened colors of the drying leaves, the musty smell everywhere outside.
I love watching the earth preparing itself for rest. The softened colors everywhere--the grays, browns, and beiges that happen in November *after* the gorgeous display of color in October. The look of bare trees against the sky, mixed in with the evergreens. It's all good, as Martha says.
I have six children “out of the nest,” and only two teenagers left--and their time is flying by too quickly. The "autumn" of my life is arriving. At 54, though I'm not too concerned about my age, I have to admit that 35 is long past. Most of my child raising years are behind me.
I have a blog friend who had this to say about that transition: “To everything there is a season. I'm so thankful that autumn is the very season to follow after summer, in God's creation as well as in my life. What a blessed mystery, that something equally/possibly even more special and beautiful, can and will, softly and quietly move into the place of something else long held especially dear, special and beautiful. God is so very good. So kind. So good.”
That's a wonderful thought. Why shouldn't the "autumn" of my life, just like the autumn of the year, be my very favorite? Sure, my skin is a little dried up just like the leaves (hopefully, I'm not smellin' too musty just yet...) and my hair color is a tad faded-looking. But this is the time of my harvest--looking at the children we raised becoming wonderful adults, the promise of the seedlings we planted coming to fruition. Fulfilling the purposes God planned for them, and, getting me some grandchildren into the bargain!
Another thing that's apparent at this time of my life is the Wisdom my mother told me I'd get. It's magic! You just keep getting up in the morning, then, one day, all of a sudden you know a few things. A lot of the angst of youth disappears, and you stop sweatin' (at least *some*) of the Small Stuff. I can see as each year passes, Life getting more and more clear. Now, I still worry 'way too much. I thought I'd have it more "together" by this time. I guess I thought I would have conquered all that stuff I don't like about myself. But at least I know that God doesn't hold it against me. He loves me "just the way I am." Really. He DOES.
So now, for this season, I am going to try to look at my life, as well as what's going on outside, with fresh eyes.
Dear Father, You have made me for this season, for this time. Help me to see that every season is important in Your eyes. Help me to see with those eyes, what you are doing in my life right now, and treasure each moment.
If you are one to fret about the passing of summer, or your age, or the swiftness with which your children are growing up, look outside this week with new eyes—those which see the New thing happening. Think about the harvest which *you* are producing for the Lord.