Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.
Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:23-27
Put away perversity from your mouth; keep corrupt talk far from your lips. Let your eyes look straight ahead, fix your gaze directly before you. Make level paths for your feet and take only ways that are firm. Do not swerve to the right or the left; keep your foot from evil. Proverbs 4:23-27
Proverbs 4:23-27 was a passage I read often as a teenager and I have used it at least once a week with my children since they were old enough to understand it to some degree. In recent months the import of these verses has loomed greater in my heart.
Being a homemaker is a wonderful calling. Your days are filled with hugs and kisses, pictures colored by little hands, ironing your darling's shirts, funny questions, tears that only a mommy can dry, errands for your husband, pudgy bodies to clean, and snacks to make. Sometimes, however, those things get old. You feel worn out, used, unappreciated, and taken advantage of. It becomes easy to become dissatisfied and wishful of another lifestyle. Maybe you start to check out emotionally and turn to the television, many mom's nights out, those racy paperback novels, or internet social sights.
Ladies, if you are feeling discontent and drawn away emotionally from your husband and family please read Proverbs 4:23-27 again and again. Guard your eyes, your ears, your mind, and above all, your heart. It is easy to think that "getting away" in the form of a book or the computer is innocent. Sometimes it is, but when it becomes a constant draw and consumes your thoughts and time, be assured that a problem is growing. This problem can end up pulling you from your family and your relationship with the Lord. It opens you up for deception by the enemy. It can also destroy the beautiful life the Lord has given you.
If you think this would never happen to you, do not be deceived. The enemy lurks about seeking whom he can kill and destroy. A discontent woman, focused on herself, is a prime target. What better way to tear apart the family than by targeting the glue - Mommy. Be on your guard. Stick closer to Jesus than you ever have before. Now is not the time to be drawn into old relationships, wistful thinking, and fantasies. The time is drawing closer to the Lord's return. Be intent on your calling as a wife and mom. Spend your time praying for the husband and children who at times frustrate you.
Your greatest contribution to the kingdom of God at this time is encouraging and supporting your husband as he leads your family, both of you raising godly children to send out as arrows. That is no small calling! What greater blessing than to be poured out as Jesus was for us? He came to serve others, knowing that it would take His very life. Oh, to be like Jesus every day!
Father, please set a watch before my heart. Pull my face up to gaze at You when I am focused on myself. Remind me daily of Christ's sacrifice of His daily life for those who followed Him. Jesus, thank You for Your perfect example of sacrifice and service, even when it was not appreciated or understood. Help me to never give in to the enemy's lies of having a "boring life." Amen
If you are struggling with being dissatisfied with your husband or children, turn to the Word and prayer first. Spend time each morning reading the book of John and studying the perfect example of servanthood in Jesus. Ask the Lord to help you capture thoughts of discontent and replace them with the joy of a family and the eternal impact you can make through them.
If you are drawn to rediscovering old flames from high school or college on social internet sites, may I be bold enough to encourage you to cancel your accounts? If you are tempted to watch soap operas to get your romance fix, unplug the set or leave for the park with the kids. If you want to escape from your children far more than usual, visit a CaringBridge or St. Jude's site and pray for those mommies who would give anything to take their children home and have a reason to clean up their messes.
Jen Gorton 2009