Monday, April 27, 2009

Pray About It!

I am a firm believer in praying about everything. When I was growing up, my parents went from riches to rags in their journey with the Lord. He decided that they needed to really learn reliance on Him and gave many wonderful opportunities to do so. My first clear memory of answered prayer was the house in Graceville, Florida. When my father heeded the call to become a pastor we moved to this tiny town for him to attend seminary. Mom started praying for housing. She prayed very specifically: plum trees, chickens, a barn or outbuilding for Dad’s small engine repair business, utilities included in a small rent fee and a yellow bug light on the front porch. The bug light was to be the dew on the fleece. One day, there it was – the house with everything including the yellow bug light on the front porch. The place was ours! We moved in and within days the well dried up. Our neighbors strung a hose from their well to our pipe and we lived with on again off again water for the rest of our time there. What lesson did Mom learn? She learned to leave nothing out when she prayed and how to wash and rinse her hair in under two minutes. That whole time spoke volumes to me. I saw what prayer can do and that nothing is too big or too small.
In the Word we are told, “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6. The Lord does not say to only pray about the big stuff, but everything. He cares so very much for us. Our needs, desires, concerns are all important to Him. There is nothing that should not be prayed for.
We should pray about getting to know the Lord more intimately, unsaved loved ones, parenting, which curriculum to use, how to order your day, frugality in the grocery store, the headache that will not leave, fear, the tenseness with your husband, the constipated baby, the business meeting at church, the bills, the broken computer, the desire for a vacation, cancer, the new clothes your child needs, the time for a bubble bath, protection while traveling, for no one in your house to throw up (my all time most used petition), lost tools, the hurting friend, a new dog, the new dog that keeps getting loose, anxiousness, confusion, bad dreams, the list goes on and on. I am by no means saying to look at God as our genie in a bottle, but to rely on Him for even the smallest of needs.
Begin to pray about the everyday stuff and watch what happens. Your faith will increase as you see the Lord respond to your petitions and as you learn to wait when He does not answer in your time frame. Your children will see your reliance on Him and they will begin to pray more as well. It is so sweet to hear your child say, “Lord, please show me where my new blue pony is. I really want to play with it.” It is even sweeter to hear, “Mommy, I asked and Jesus showed me where my pony was! Thank you, Jesus!” There is a lot of praying out loud at my house and that helps the children to learn as well.
When you have prayed and the Lord has answered, be sure to thank Him openly. Even if the answer was not what you desired. The Word says, “In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Let your kids see that even when the answer is no, He is still worthy of thanksgiving and praise.
I encourage you to begin this practice today. “Have I prayed about it?” should be a daily question you ask of yourself. Don’t save prayer only for emergencies and dinner. He wants to be the first One you run to in every circumstance.
Father, thank You that I can come to You with anything. Thank You for caring about my needs and desires and for giving me exactly what I need in answer to every prayer. Please give me a nudge and remind me to take everything to You in prayer.
This week actively look for areas in which you need to apply more prayer. Use lost toys, difficult relationships, financial need as the starting point. Remember that your children will watch and learn from your example - good or bad.
Jen Gorton 2007

Monday, April 20, 2009

Search Me

I sought the Lord and He heard me… Psalm 34:4a
Waiting on the Lord is a beautiful thing. While waiting, we can quietly sit and listen carefully for Him to speak to us. Sometimes He reveals wonderful, deep truths about Himself. Other times He reveals a sin in our life that is hindering us from complete fellowship with Him. That is what I experienced this past week. If you remember, I was waiting on the Lord to fill my spiritual life with the rush of His presence. I had been experiencing a dry time and was longing to feel Him. Once I settled into waiting for Him to speak, He did.
The Lord showed me that there was a sin issue in my life that was keeping me from enjoying His presence. I did not think I had anything unresolved that would result in His pulling back, but I did. I was harboring unforgiveness in my heart towards another person. Once I repented and then extended forgiveness to this person in my heart, that tangible presence that I had been longing for flowed back into my life.
Sometimes we get so caught up in being good moms, wives, and friends that we forget to stop and evaluate our ‘performance’ as heavenly daughters of the King. When is the last time you stopped and took a good look at the hidden places of your heart? Maybe you are harboring unforgiveness towards your husband or child, gossiping under the guise of sharing a prayer need, being lazy with your duties at home, or undermining your husband’s leadership.
Psalm 139:23-24 encourages us through King David’s prayer:

Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

I encourage you to take that prayer as your own. Ask the Lord to search your heart and reveal anything that is keeping you from enjoying the fullness of His presence. When He does, do not delay in digging the sin out and filling the space with His word, the way everlasting. His presence is worth it.
Lord, thank you for Your patience with me. Thank you for Your faithfulness. You told me to wait on You and when I did, You spoke to me. Let me be ever mindful of my need for You to search my heart.
Start each day with Psalm 139:23-24. Be sure to quietly wait for the Lord to speak. When He shows you a sin issue move quickly to repent of it and change your habit. The sooner it is nipped in the bud, the sooner you will enjoy the beautiful presence of the Lord in your day.
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

Here I Am Waiting....

All week in my devotions I have been reading about overcoming confusion. It has been one of those devotional topics that I read quickly because I think it has absolutely nothing to do with my present state of heart. At least, I didn't think it did until today.
There are times when I feel like I could stand in the Wal-Mart candle aisle by the little relaxing music station and get involved in full blown worship when I Love You, Lord starts playing in the queue – right after Row, Row, Row Your Boat and Enya. There are times that I miss my exit because Dr. David Jeremiah is on the radio and I am transfixed by what the Lord is saying to me. Times when I bound out of bed early just to get an extra fifteen minutes of devotional and prayer time under my belt.
Then there are the other times.
I am in one of those other times right now. A place of daily devotions, scheduled prayer times, words of praise on my lips....and a dull, blah-ness in my heart. Honestly, I really do not like these times. Sometimes I feel as though the Lord is standing just outside the door, close enough to see me, but not close enough to have a conversation. I read devotionals, I pray, I read the Bible, I pray some more. Nothing. Just…silence.
If the above does not shout CONFUSED PERSON! then I do not know what does. I have been confused. I have been going through the motions for a few weeks and missing one key ingredient – acknowledging my confusion, asking the Lord to have mercy on me, and waiting.
Psalm 27:7 says:
Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice! Have mercy upon me, and answer me. When You said, “Seek My face,” my heart said to You, “Your face, O Lord, will I seek.” Do not hide Your face from me….
This verse makes it clear that I am to cry out to the Lord. It is also made clear that I am to seek His face. He tells me to. His desire is for me to look for Him even when I am confused and feeling dull. In verse 14 He tells me the reward for seeking His face:
Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart.
Wait, I say, on the Lord.
My spiritual life is just that, a life. Sometimes it is filled with the tangible presence of the Lord and it feels fabulous! Other times it feels like something is missing, but it is certainly not His presence. I think maybe it is my willingness to still my heart and wait for Him to speak to me – not through the wonderful mediums of radio and devotional books and human emotion, but simply through His Word.
He is teaching me to long for His presence and His voice when is feels like it is not there. He is teaching me to not take the emotion and feelings of the mountain top for granted. He is teaching me that He is there and I need to simply seek His face.
And so I wait.
Father, thank You for your constant presence in my life. Thank you for giving me times of quiet so I need to wait and listen for Your whisper. These times make me long even more for You. Help me not to waste this time You have given me.

Read Psalm 27 this week. Remind yourself as you read that the Lord is there and He wants you to wait on Him. In your waiting, He will strengthen your heart.
Jen Gorton 2009

Monday, April 6, 2009

My Ugly Pet

I have a pet. This pet demands my attention and sucks the energy right out of me; it pains my heart and causes me much shame and guilt as I constantly have to clean up after it. In spite of this, I sort of love this pet. It must be love considering the manner in which I treat it. I snuggle with it and feed it and hide it from exposure. When it is threatened with death I do just about everything in my power to keep it with me. I pray for it to die quietly with no pain so I do not have to make the decision to put it out of its misery. Sometimes I even hope we can go on living together always, avoiding the pain of giving up something I have grown comfortable with in spite of its irritation to me.
The name of this hideous, ugly, time consuming pet is…SIN. Sin certainly becomes a pet. Worry, overeating, gossip, discontentedness, resistance to authority, anger, criticalness, holding offences and a myriad of other things demand our time and energy each day. The Scriptures are clear that these things are against God’s plan for us and yet we hang on tight to them many times. We do so because it is comfortable. Let’s be totally honest. We would not be continuing in these patterns of unchecked sin if we did not get some feeling that we liked from them. Sometimes sin is fun, but in the end it pays poorly. Proverbs 14:12
If you are not certain what your personal ugly pet is – and I promise you that EVERYONE has at least one – call out to the Lord as David did in Psalm 139:23 and 24. “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. Point out anything in me that offends you, and lead me along the path of everlasting life.” The Lord will show you your sin because He wants you to be holy as He is holy. He wants you to live a life of freedom and peace. Without His holiness we cannot be effective in our witness to our families and the world around us.

Once we identify our not-so-cute Kujo, how do we go about killing it? God’s Word tells us that, “Those who conceal their sins will not prosper, but if they confess and turn from them, they will receive mercy.” Proverbs 28:13 We must first confess that we have these closely held critters and then we must turn from them. We have a choice and making the right choice has a wonderful outcome – mercy, freedom and righteous living. Romans 6:16 We do not need to be in bondage to our sin. If we belong to Christ His life giving Spirit has freed us from the power of sin! Romans 8:2 His Word promises that “…letting the Spirit control your mind leads to life and peace.” Romans 8:6 So…go slay that snarling pet sin and live in freedom!



Father, please show me the ugly pet sins in my spiritual life. Give me the strength and determination I need to put them out of my heart and life. Thank You for the conviction of the Holy Spirit and Your patient love. Amen.



Ask a friend or your husband to help you identify ugly pet sins. Ask them to hold you accountable and then be open to their observations.


Jen Gorton 2007
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